Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: Chapter 107 He’s Really, I’m Crying My Eyes Out!_2

Chapter 138: Chapter 107 He’s Really, I’m Crying My Eyes Out!_2

Jiang Chen hesitated exactly for this reason.

This mecha pilot trait was meant for support.

He didn’t need battle repairs, and if he used this trait, it would simply be to speed up subsequent repair work and increase the rate of sedimentation.

There was no enhancement to combat power at all.

It couldn’t form any sort of combination or routine either.

If he encountered someone of the same level with the symbol of hope, he would inherently be at a disadvantage with one less mecha pilot trait enhancement.

It would greatly diminish his combat effectiveness.

After pondering for a while and seeing the huge mechanical arms hanging above the repair area, Jiang Chen changed his mind.

There was no need to use the high-speed repair trait!

As long as he made reasonable use of his own talents, he could achieve a similar effect!

For example, the common module [Spiderform Arm] he had previously obtained in a basic trial could add multiple arms to his body.

It could be used for punching as well as manipulating machinery, and naturally, it could also be used to repair several mechas.

As for the issue of needing to concentrate fully on repairing mechas and not being able to be distracted…

The [Intelligence Module] solved this problem perfectly.

As long as his thought speed and computing power were enhanced,

Not to mention multitasking, he could handle twenty tasks at once without any issues!

With this combination of traits, no matter how many mechas were damaged in the future,

Jiang Chen could repair them all at the same time, minimizing repair time.

“It’s just that I might have too many hands when repairing mechas…”

“It doesn’t matter, compared to strength, appearance is trivial.”

“Besides, I have already tested it with the Crystal of Divine Punishment; as long as I don’t use my abilities, it won’t affect my normal appearance.”

Jiang Chen came back to his senses and noticed another new change.

Perhaps it was due to the thrice the bio-organic intelligence he absorbed when Zero was damaged, significantly increasing his computational power.

The long time he had just spent thinking had, in reality, been just a moment.

“Is this the result of high computational power?”

“It’s almost like stopping time to think!”

However, computational power was only an aid; in the end, one had to rely on basic combat power.

Compared to a super brain, super strength was much more simple and direct in beating someone.

Jiang Chen didn’t calculate pi to test his computational power, but rather looked at Zero with a smile.

“Zero, I’ve obtained an enhancement tool.”

“It can upgrade the ordinary modules you’ve absorbed in the past into Supercharge Modules!”

“That’s wonderful, Master!”

Zero’s face was filled with joy, and her mecha soul rejoiced.

She could finally continue to follow in her master’s footsteps!

Yun and Bai Ying, who were nearby, understood Zero’s feelings and were equally delighted.

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Jiang Chen touched the Abyss Rune, and a small chip resembling a module appeared at his fingertip, swathed in iridescent light as if it were a convergence of countless energies.

“Unfortunately, this tool can only upgrade one module at a time.”

“Which one should we supercharge first?”

Zero pondered for a moment before speaking.

“Thorns Overgrowth.”

“The current thorns are too weak, they don’t even hurt others!”

Jiang Chen also nodded in agreement with Zero’s idea.

She now had three ordinary auxiliary modules and one ordinary upgrade module.

Among them, the three auxiliary modules, with two basic attributes and one Blood Demon Transformation, did not fundamentally enhance her strength.

But the upgrade module, once transformed into a Supercharge Module, would see a further enhancement in its power in all aspects.

Combined with the attributes post-Mecha Soul Fusion, it could achieve a good effect.

“Then let’s start the supercharging.”

Jiang Chen raised his finger and placed the colorful chip above Zero’s head.

It quickly turned into light, forming numerous colorful circuits that flowed into Zero’s body.

On the surface of Zero’s body, numerous sharp thorns suddenly emerged and then dissipated.

[Thorns Overgrowth] officially upgraded to a Supercharge Module.

The power cap for a single piercing effect was raised to 1000 points!

That was just the power of the 2nd Rank.

If it continued to stack, reaching 3rd Rank, or even 4th Rank power,

Every touch from an enemy on Jiang Chen would result in a strike of ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand power!

And more importantly, this attack now included a 5% life-stealing effect…

Compared to natural recovery, life steal was always the real deal when it came to major healing!

“Master, I have become stronger!”

Seeing Zero’s extremely happy expression, Jiang Chen also showed a smile.

“It’s just the beginning…”

“Shall we continue?”


“I am ready for battle!”

In the excited response of the two mechas,

Jiang Chen once again touched the Abyss Rune, plunging into the abyss with them.

Master Chao, I’m back again!

Bai Ying stood in the repair area, looking envious.

She watched Jiang Chen grow step by step, watched Zero and Yun grow little by little, watched their bonds deepen…

As the heart of a mecha soul, it was hard not to be moved.

“How nice to have a master…”

Jiang Chen faced two Endless Difficulty Transcenders in a row, completely annihilating them.

Yet he did not get a second [Supercharge Upgrade] tool.

Afterward, he challenged the Endless Difficulty Ice Soul Tyrant twice, only yielding ordinary Supercharge Modules.

Clearly, as a mythical-quality rare tool, the drop rate of the supercharge upgrade tool was not high, testing one’s character and luck seriously.

Jiang Chen felt regretful but also deeply moved at the same time.

To get such a rare drop with such a low probability on the first try, it couldn’t help but feel like Master Chao had given his treasured possession as a parting gift.

Really, I’m going to cry!

So, to show his gratitude for Master Chao’s kindness, Jiang Chen fought with Him once more.

Unfortunately, it seemed Master Chao really had nothing left, as the [Supercharge Upgrade] tool still didn’t drop.

Instead, two [Anthropoid Demon Forms] dropped in a row.

The Anthropoid Demon Form, as the name implies, was the last stance mastered by Master Chao.

Jiang Chen tried installing it on a steam mecha.

Indeed, once the steam mecha activated the Anthropoid Demon Form, it immediately transformed into a metal demon with wings, bearing a 90% resemblance to Jiang Chen.

This turns out to be me fighting myself.

Jiang Chen strongly condemned Master Chao’s perverse actions, and such a module couldn’t possibly be given to anyone else—it would be too embarrassing.

However, just when he was about to throw it into the bottom of the Abyss Rune Repository, Zero and Yun wanted to take these modules.

They said they wanted to keep them as souvenirs.

After some hesitation, Jiang Chen still agreed to Zero and Yun’s request.

Rather than being tucked away, using them to boost the mecha souls’ fondness seemed to reflect the value of these modules better.

Speaking of which…

Since these Anthropoid Demon Form modules could be used as special tools to raise the favorability of mecha souls,

should I farm some more?

Ultimately, Jiang Chen gave up on the idea.

It’s not necessary.

Rarity carries value.

Moreover, after five instances of tempering and improvement, the attribute growth rate of Jiang Chen’s expanded armor had gradually slowed down.

Additionally, the Endless Difficulty adapts to the challenger’s strength, enhancing the power of the Abyss overlord.

Now, when Jiang Chen challenged Master Chao, he could no longer achieve an overwhelming victory as he did the first time.

He had to drag Master Chao by the hair into a dark room and give him a thorough beating before putting him down for good.

The efficiency had gradually decreased, and the benefits were no longer that high.

Therefore, Jiang Chen made a decisive choice.

“Let’s start the rank-up trial!”

“After completing the rank-up trial, my strength will once again surge, reaching a perfect peak.”

“Moreover, my hard grinding these past days, along with the ten-day rank-up trial and subsequent growth…”

“Should be enough to advance the Planet Blue Star Talent Competition to a certain stage.”

“By the time those new era geniuses successfully cross the abyss, my burst rate can be further increased…”

“Only then will farming become more efficient.”

Jiang Chen had long made all preparations for the rank-up trial and had completed the consolidation of his attributes, ready to start at any time.

Of course, before the trial, he didn’t forget to send a message to Li Xiao—

Ten days had passed since Jiang Chen had crossed the abyss.

The first batch of 8th Rank mecha pilots who started the rank-up trial were about to return to Planet Blue Star.

Yet the Symbol of the Alliance had not begun the trial.

He did this to both oversee the situation and guide Planet Blue Star through these momentous changes.

And to protect Jiang Chen from all dangers.

Now, at last, he could move up in rank.

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