Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 116 - Chapter 116: Chapter 96: Young Man, Come and Pass the Fire!_1

Chapter 116: Chapter 96: Young Man, Come and Pass the Fire!_1

Star Base, Mech Enhancement Zone.

Li Xiao detailed the events through the personal terminal and asked Jiang Chen if he wanted to meet this “Abyssal Visitor.”

He left the decision up to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts were essentially in agreement with Li Xiao’s.

The other party had not hidden their tracks but instead came forward openly, seeking to negotiate with the alliance and explain their presence.

This in itself already proved their good intentions.

After all, if the party possessed strength beyond that of an 8th Rank and harbored ill intentions, they wouldn’t need to meet Jiang Chen at all.

They would simply launch an attack and annihilate all the high rank mecha pilots on Planet Blue Star.

The alien demon monsters at the 8th and 9th Ranks would naturally eliminate every survivor on Planet Blue Star.

If the party didn’t have such strength…

Then there was even less to worry about.

So, Jiang Chen decided to meet this visitor from the abyss.

Since they were the bringer of the Abyss Rune and represented the hope of another civilization for Planet Blue Star,

and could cross the abyss to reach the planet immediately after Blue Star’s civilization had been granted access,

they must hold higher authority and know more information.

Not to mention anything else, the mere special ability to autonomously cross the abyss and travel to other civilizations was already something to look forward to.

After Jiang Chen replied, Li Xiao quickly sent another message.

“Bring Bai Ying and teleport to my base.”

Li Xiao’s Star Base was also an ecosystem structure, only the scenery style had changed from jungle to coast.

Beach, sunshine, a line where sea and sky meet.

Nobody would guess that this place was actually located inside a star.

At the moment, the beach was bustling, as if a beach party was in full swing.

Dozens of men and women, dressed in cool clothes, were either tasting food from the barbecue stalls or clinking glasses in a toast.

Some were lying on the beach soaking up the sun, looking utterly content.

When Jiang Chen teleported in, he almost thought he’d come to the wrong place.

Only after a closer observation did he realize that all those participating in the beach party were the 8th Rank mecha pilots who had appeared not long ago.

They noticed the activated teleportation array formation and waved with a smile as a greeting.

Even Li Xiao was standing by the grill, busily turning skewers.

“Jiang Chen, over here!”

“…Boss, what is this?”

Jiang Chen approached, still somewhat perplexed.

The atmosphere was completely different from what he had expected!

Li Xiao laughed.

“If what Yano says is true, then he is the person who once saved Planet Blue Star.”

“Even the Abyss Rune and the mecha pilots are the seeds of hope he left behind.”

“As hosts, we naturally need to hold a proper banquet for the hero who saved a civilization.”

Next to them, a purple-haired young man was holding a dozen skewers, quickly stuffing them into his mouth.

He was also wearing swim trunks, with an eye-like black pattern on his chest.

Hearing Li Xiao’s words, the purple-haired young man quickly swallowed the skewers and spoke up.

“Yeah, I’m a guest after all, now that the misunderstanding’s cleared up, you should treat me to something good.”

“Oh, and for this barbecue, bring me another hundred skewers with extra spices.”


As Li Xiao personally grilled the skewers, he said,

“Oh, the misunderstanding hasn’t been cleared up yet… The things you’ve said, we still can’t verify whether they’re true or false.”

“Fine fine fine, it’s not cleared up.”

The purple-haired young man wiped his mouth, then turned to Jiang Chen with a smile.

“Hello, Jiang Chen, the person of hope for Planet Blue Star’s civilization.”

“I am the person of hope from Gaia civilization, you can call me Yano.”


Something felt off to Jiang Chen.

But as he looked around, he began to understand.

The 8th Rank mecha pilots seemed to be relaxing and enjoying the party, but they were actually surrounding Yano in a defensive formation.

The Symbol of the Alliance was closely monitoring him, ready to summon his mecha at any sign of trouble.

Yes, it had to be that way.

“Boss, give me two.”


“Hiss, delicious!”

Jiang Chen savored the handiwork of Planet Blue Star’s number one, and addressed the visitor from another civilization with the questions on his mind.

“Yano, you’ve said you came to Blue Star to seek allies…”

“Why do you specifically want to see me? Why not just discuss directly with the bosses?”

“And how did you know that Planet Blue Star has crossed the abyss, and by what means did you come here?”

Jiang Chen’s questions were naturally everyone else’s as well.

The noise on the beach lowered a bit.

Yano put down his skewer and wiped his mouth.

“I’ve come to pass on the fire.”

“Fire Transmission?”

In the bewildered gazes of everyone,

Yano began to explain.

“The abyss is like the night, enveloping everything within it, unable to escape.”

“Until one day, a spark suddenly lights up in the darkness, growing stronger and forming a civilization.”

“The night harbors too many unexpected factors.”

“A gust of wind, a drop of rain, a grain of sand, a leaf…”

“These calamities are unavoidable and easily extinguish the nascent sparks of civilization, returning them to darkness.”

“The traces they leave before going out form shadows.”

“But there are always some lucky sparks that do not get extinguished; instead, they use the calamities to burn ever brighter, becoming flames.”

“However, facing the boundless night, a single flame is still so insignificant.”

“In order to persist, they gathered together, forming a larger flame.”

“But the flames themselves are few and far between, even when gathered together, they still cannot illuminate the night.”

“So, they thought of a method—”

“If the flames are rare, then light more flames.”

“Thus, the Fire Transmitters appeared.”

“They carry torches, walking through the abyss, seeking out those faint sparks, igniting one seed after another.”

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