Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Chapter 89: Is This How You Write a Guide?_3

Chapter 101: Chapter 89: Is This How You Write a Guide?_3

Translator: 549690339

This gap had violently shattered his mentality.

It made him realize suddenly—

Am I just an ordinary person?

His conviction crumbled on the spot.

Now, all he wanted was silence.

At that moment, Kamon shook his head and spoke.

“Simon, I’ve always envied you, envied your abilities, your talent, your luck…”

“But as your brother, I’ve actually always felt sorry for you.”

Simon looked at Kamon as he continued.

“You’re different from other mecha pilots, starting from the 0th Rank, you knew about the shackles of the 8th Rank and the situation of Planet Blue Star…”

“You knew the time left for us by the abyss was running out.”

“As the most talented mecha pilot genius of that period, you attracted the attention of many 8th Rank mecha pilots, but you also bore a pressure far beyond everything else.”

“You believed that only you could save Planet Blue Star, shouldering this heavy burden, endlessly striving to improve yourself, strengthening your mecha…”

“Talent, power, growth…”

“In the end, that’s all that was left in your eyes, nothing else.”

“Until Jiang Chen appeared.”

Kamon paused for a while, gazing deeply into his younger brother’s eyes.

“Only I know how delighted you were inside, even as you charged into the abyss, it was no longer just about oppression and exhaustion, but full of hope for tomorrow.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a smile come so genuinely from your heart.”

“Now, you’re just momentarily disoriented because you’ve lost your goal, right?”


“You don’t need to carry so much anymore.”

“Civilization has found a way forward, and the world has begun to change!”

“You don’t have to force yourself anymore, but can enjoy all of this, grow for yourself!”

“Wake up, Simon!”

Seemingly touched by Kamon’s words.

Simon’s eyes slowly regained their luster. He couldn’t help but shake his head and stepped out of the cockpit.

“Big brother, seriously, letting you see me like this again.”


“It’s Jiang Chen who defeated the abyss, not us defeated by time… It’s truly wonderful.”

Simon sighed.

“It’s a pity, I couldn’t fathom Jiang Chen’s thoughts, unable to become his worthy opponent… I’m truly sorry.”

Seeing Simon recover.

Kamon also smiled.

“We can follow his steps, can’t we?”

“Right, while you were resting just now, Jiang Chen also released a guide to the abyss difficulty level, and it has already been circulated over here.”

“The first abyss he cleared was the Star of Mutation.”

“Shall we take a look together?”


Simon nodded eagerly, full of anticipation.

When he was at the 1st Rank, he had also experienced the abyss difficulty level.

Having been disastrously defeated, he chose instead to continue building his strength, waiting to challenge it again at the 4th Rank.

In the process, he had also witnessed the Transcender of the abyss difficulty level and felt its formidable strength.

“Jiang Chen, my dear friend…”

“How did you defeat it?”

“Let me have a look!”

He opened the strategy guide, and rows of detailed text came into view.

Jiang Chen had listed every single attribute, form, and move of the Transcender in detail.

He provided interpretations and counters for all of them.

Just the level of detail alone was astonishing.

To completely understand all the moves and forms after just one clear, how long did he actually fight the Transcender?

Reading the text, Simon could almost feel Jiang Chen’s strength.

Only when he saw the mechanics of Infinite Rebirth, Land of the Midnight Sun, and Star Radiance did he have his epiphany.

So the Transcender possessed such tricky mechanisms and abilities!

No wonder Jiang Chen could figure out so much information.

With the abilities of infinite healing and rebirth, even with slightly weaker properties, it could grind down a mecha pilot to death—

Not to mention, the Transcender’s own attributes were already incredibly exaggerated!


How should one deal with such mechanics?

Abyss overlords possess intelligence; simple monster-luring tactics would absolutely not make it leave the Land of the Midnight Sun.

Simon pondered silently if it were him, how he would respond.

While scrolling through the screen with his finger, he looked further down.

[Strategy one: With strength exceeding 9000, you can withstand the Transcender’s attacks and grab its head, forcefully dragging it out of the Land of the Midnight Sun.]

[This way, you can avoid it using the Star Radiance to recover and easily break its Rebirth ability.]

“…What the fuck?”

Simon twitched, his face reddening as he entered a state of agitation.

“Jiang Chen, is this how you write your guide?”

“If one had that kind of power, would they need your guide?”

“You really are inhuman!!”

In the Mirror World, Li Xiao piloted his mecha against the abyssal monsters while listening to the guide for the abyss difficulty level of the Star of Mutation issued by Jiang Chen.

When he heard strategy one, he trembled, inadvertently destroying half of a city in the Mirror World.

So this was how Jiang Chen defeated the Transcender?

“Damn it.”

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