Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 520: Elderly People Should Listen to the Young

"And another thing," Gintoki changed the subject, "Don't blame me for repeating old lines but obsessing over revenge isn't going to make anyone happy. I think your deceased comrades would rather see you live like a normal girl than be consumed by hatred. Yeah, that's it."

"Bro, what are you talking about with all this revenge stuff?" Chin Pirako feigned confusion.

"Well, wasn't your whole family killed by Jirochou?" Gintoki replied matter-of-factly. "That's what the revenge is about..."

"What are you talking about? Jirochou ruined my family, but everyone is still very much alive."

"Huh?" Gintoki visibly paused. "Weren't you talking about a flower garden or something?"

"Everyone found other paths and went farming," Chin Pirako explained. "They planted a garden of red flowers, it's pretty nice~"

Upon hearing this, Gintoki's forehead darkened, and his features began to tremble, not sure if it was from anger or something else.

"But it was too boring, so I sneaked out," Chin Pirako continued.

"Huh?! Then why did you make it so complicated?!" Gintoki exploded, covering his face with one hand, his head bowed in frustration. "Stop joking, damn it; I thought you had a dark past, and we were all trying to talk you out of revenge. What are you even doing here?"

Chin Pirako narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Didn't I say already? I came here to decorate Jirochou and this street with red flowers."

"I've had enough of that; make it simpler!"

"It's literally as I said," Chin Pirako's face showed admiration and longing, "I came to let the once lost flowers bloom again under the invincible Jirochou—so I need the strength of Kabukicho's strongest man—bro, your power!"

"Got it," Gintoki replied, sounding a bit weary, "So that's it, huh? Your head's full of flowers. I will lose if I take you seriously, right? If that's the case, then goodbye; I still have to find that bastard and punch him hard..."

Saying this, Gintoki tried to get up, but at that moment, he realized that the cement in the bucket had solidified entirely, preventing him from standing up and causing him to fall over the bucket.

After falling, and after several forceful attempts, Gintoki's forehead darkened again, and he fell silent.

"Bro, the ties formed in the underworld aren't so easily broken," Chin Pirako said.

"I don't remember forming any ties with a garbage can!" Gintoki shouted back, then tried again to extract himself from the cement. "The cement has completely set! It's all because you talk so slowly that it ended up like this! What do we do now? What's going to happen?!"

"Of course, that's it," the voice of Kurogoma Katsuo came from in front of Gintoki, "The same thing you wanted to do, throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

Seeing Kurogoma Katsuo squatting in front of him with a toothpick in his mouth, Gintoki hurriedly tried to explain: "I told you, it's not like that! It was just to treat those two friends! The ones who turned them into that weren't me! It was that idiot ponytail from Yoshiwara, right?!"

"That bastard..." Thinking of Kawaki, Kurogoma Katsuo felt a bit itchy, "Although that bastard is equally detestable, this time, it seems that it also has something to do with you. Come with us for a bit..."


Meanwhile, Jirochou, holding the black cat in his arms, slowly stepped into the room and sat down on the prepared cushion, removing his sword and placing it beside him.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting; the troublesome one has arrived."

"Jirochou..." Saigou looked at Jirochou incredulously.

"Don't mind me, continue talking; just don't disturb this little stray cat I just met at the door." Jirochou gently petted the black cat, "You were talking about the three of you teaming up to take me down, right?"

"We never said such a thing," Kada put away her fan and slightly curved her lips, "I'm not interested in any more pointless fights; it's just that I hear some people can't be stopped from causing trouble."

"Hahaha," Jirochou couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, "You're not talking about me, are you? Someone like me, holding a cat, doesn't fit the bill as you described. See? All three of you are now within my hunting range, and I haven't shown any killing intent; not even the cat has reacted."

"Indeed, you become quite a lot lately, Jirochou." Otose glanced at Jirochou lightly, "I didn't expect to see you holding a cat; it's truly... unbelievable."

"After all, I can't ignore the advice of the young," Jirochou smiled kindly, "But coming back to what that young man said, it really calmed me down."

"Maybe I can interpret it as... your meaning that you hide your killing intent flawlessly." Kada glanced briefly at Jirochou.

"Ahahaha, you really know how to joke." Jirochou laughed again, then, with a smile, stared behind Kada, "No, I'm not there yet; after all, it's hard for an old man to hold both his urine and his killing intent. But the guy behind you is different, not just his killing intent; you didn't even notice him standing right behind you, Kujaku Hime."

Hearing this, Kada sharply turned her head, and looking up, she saw Kawaki smiling with his eyes narrowed.


"Shush~" Kawaki gestured for silence, then sat down beside Kada, "Let's be a little quieter; actually, I have something significant to discuss with you few seniors."

"Someone!" Kada shouted.

"I advise you not to yell; your people have all... been taken out by this young man." Jirochou casually replied, "Whether those hidden underlings or that Shinra race mercenaries, as well as those Yato and Dakini..."

"Old man, is it really okay for you to blurt out like that?" Kawaki complained, "I wanted to watch this vixen despair bit by bit; it's more exhilarating for me; after all, I am a sadist."

"No... impossible! How could an army of two thousand be defeated..." Kada's face was filled with disbelief.

"Indeed, two thousand is quite a lot; it's been a long time..." Kawaki narrowed his eyes with a refreshed smile, "since I moved around like today. Thanks for that, little vixen."

"I... I don't believe it!" Kada suddenly stood up and shouted towards the door, "Someone!"

"Well, I just told you to quiet down a bit," Kawaki sighed somewhat helplessly, "How can you listen to what I'm going to say next if you're like this?"

"What exactly are you?! "

"Don't be so scared; I'm not interested in doing anything to you. You're not my type. Rest assured." Kawaki comforted softly.

At this moment, unable to hide her shock, Kada suddenly revealed a long sword from her sleeve, grasping it firmly before stabbing straight at Kawaki.

"Well, I've already reminded you twice; a third time would really be troubling." Kawaki merely used his right index and middle fingers to catch Kada's sword, "Calm down, then sit down, little vixen."

"Hey! We're the Four Devas! Shouldn't we be united against this stranger on our turf?" Kada, knowing she was no match, placed her hope in Jirochou and the others in front of her.

"Stranger?" Kawaki squeezed her sword with his fingers, and it shattered; then he rubbed his chin, troubled, "Well, I should be quite famous in your Harusame, shouldn't I? You should know who I am, right? Why this act? Although it's a bit self-serving for me to say, it really makes me a bit angry."

"You are... Kawaki! The monster that buried the entire Harusame second division on the other side of the Earth ten years ago!"

"Yep, that's the name," Kawaki nodded, "Hearing you grit your teeth like that unexpectedly makes me feel quite thrilled; I really am a sadist. But come to think of it, if you keep up that tone, maybe I'll give you a chance to serve me~"

As Kawaki's words fell, two kunai suddenly shot from the open door, hitting right on Kawaki's forehead.

"What are you doing?! Tsukki!" Kawaki pulled the kunai from his forehead, yelling at Tsukuyo, who was strolling from the door, "I was finally acting cool for once! I am the protagonist, after all! What's wrong with the protagonist acting cool once in a while?!"

"Get to the point." Tsukuyo stood at the door, calmly reminding him.

"No help for it, let's talk business first," said Kawaki, glancing at Kada trying to sneak away behind him, "Useless, though it might sound a bit arrogant, you're already trapped. But don't worry, I won't kill you. So, come here, you're still one of those Four Devas; I have a bit to discuss with you."


"My people..." Saigou started to speak but hesitated.

"Don't worry; they're just scared and stiff on the ground, including my people." Jirochou casually replied.

"Old man, did you do that on purpose?" Kawaki complained, "Why did you have to steal my lines?"

As he spoke, Kawaki glanced again at Kada, who was kneeling behind him, expressionlessly massaging his head, "Yes, right there, I've been sleeping poorly lately; it's really comfortable~ Thank you, little vixen."

"You jest, I'm just doing what a woman can do," Kada, whose attitude had suddenly changed, said in a very seductive voice close to Kawaki's ear, "It's what all women can do~."

"Oh, I'm somewhat interested in you now," Kawaki nodded.

But just as he finished speaking, two more kunai pierced his forehead.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Kawaki yelled.

"Kawaki, you're not the kind to meddle in other people's streets casually. What is your real purpose? And what do you mean by Harusame?" Otose exhaled a puff of smoke, speaking calmly.

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