Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 460: Raising Different Breeds of Cats Using Different Methods Is Actually Similar to “Teaching Students in Accordance With Their Aptitude”

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 460 Raising Different Breeds of Cats Using Different Methods Is Actually Similar to "Teaching Students by Their Aptitude"

"...The only difference was that I was a mere yakuza at the bottom of the chain."

Houichi continued to tell his past, "I killed anyone and everyone if ordered. I took more human lives than I could possibly count. [It wasn't my fault.], [I was a hired gun, so I didn't have a choice.], [I had to make a living.] I shifted all the blame to my employer. Emptied my mind of thought and focused on working obediently. "

"...But one day, I spotted a stray cat, brilliantly free, so unlike how I was bound to my employer. The next thing I knew, I was feeding him every day. My only freedom during those brutal days came when I was playing with him."

"After that, I could no longer kill people. After cutting down so many people without feeling a thing, my encounter with this small creature was what taught me the value of life. [I would no longer kill.], that was the promise I made him."

"But my employer was still giving me orders. A suicide mission for all intents and purposes. He must have noticed that I had outlived my usefulness. I was prepared to die. I would rather die than take another life. That's how I felt..."

After a long silence, Houichi slowly continued, "The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a sea of blood. I could see a human that resembled me within that sea of blood..."

"I broke my promise and ended up in this form. Yet he gave me his body to help me survive. So I made up my mind. Until that point, I had taken away many things that could never be replaced. But I would use this body, the precious body he gave me, to protect those things that can never be replaced."

"My ears may end up tattered, I may be universally hated, I may end alone, but I will protect those things until this body dies..."

"As expected," Katsura's voice came from below, and then he continued to analyze, "Your practice of harassing newbies was to protect those cats. You attacked them so you could personally test them to see if they have what it takes to survive in this brutal Kabukicho. To avoid needless loss of life. You ruled through might and fear to prevent any foolish action, by the strays, that would agitate humans. Fear was the only way to control the foul-tempered cats in this town."

"If you're able to understand that much, you'll be fine," Houichi looked down at Kondo and Katsura who had woken up at some point in time, "I have nothing more to teach you. I leave the rest to you. From now on, you lot are the bosses of Kabukicho."

"Why did you decide that on your own?!" Gintoki instantly exploded and complained crazily, "How could we become boss cat!"

"That's right!" Kondo raised his hand and said, "I can't be a boss cat! Please change that to a boss gorilla!"

"It's not that problem, right?" Katsura shouted.

"If it was you guys, it wouldn't be a problem." Houichi closed his eyes and slowly said, "I'm getting old and can't control those irritable guys anymore. My relationship with humans has deteriorated to the point where ball hunting occurs. It's because of my lack of dominance."

"What are you talking about?" Katsura argued, "If the cats knew how much you wanted to protect them regardless of yourself, they would definitely change their ways! There is no other boss cat in this street except you, Houichi-dono!"

"So you are just an idiot, Zura." Kawaki chuckled and glanced at Houichi beside him. He continued with a playful look, "Those are stray cats. If you treat them the same way you treat domestic cats, problems will arise sooner or later."

"No, you are the only domestic cat here." Gintoki silently complained.

"I almost forgot. In fact, your head is the same as Zura's. It is filled with a large number of mutated brain cells called idiots." Kawaki snorted and replied casually, "Boss cat? In a sense, isn't it equivalent to putting a collar on them and tying them to a cage called "rule"? For those free stray cats, nothing is more difficult to accept than this. Do you guys not even understand this kind of thing? Are you idiots?"

"Maybe what you said makes sense." Houichi shook his head and sighed, "From this point, you can see that I am not a boss cat material. But you are different. If you cooperate with me, you may become a completely different boss cat. You may be able to change the lifestyle of the stray cats in this town."

As he said that, Houichi jumped down and looked straight ahead. He continued without looking back, "But I can't do it anymore. Now there are more important things that need me. I will leave the rest to you."

"Don't tell me...You're going to save the ones who've been caught?!" Gintoki thought of something and looked at Houichi's back in surprise.

"Wait!" Kawaki suddenly interrupted, "There is still one more question I have to ask you!"

"Hurry up, my time is very tight," Houichi said without looking back.

"That..." Kawaki revealed a serious expression, "You must have done [that kind of thing] after becoming this body, right? Can you describe that feeling to us? "

Everyone, "..."

"What are you thinking about?" Gintoki stood on his feet and heavily slapped Kawaki's head, "Why are you asking this kind of question at a time like this?"

"Aren't you curious?" Kawaki rubbed his head and argued, "I heard that cats have penile spines. Aren't you curious about what it feels like? You are definitely curious too!"

"Indeed, I am also a little curious." Katsura nodded.

"No, I am more curious about the gorilla's [kind of thing]." Kondo raised his hand.

"I... I don't feel anything..." Houichi stuttered.

"Have you... really done that kind of thing?" The corner of Gintoki's eyes twitched, and he looked at Houichi with black lines on his face.

"No, it looks like not," Kawaki shook his head, "This tone sounds like a cherry cat."

"No... No..."

"Don't lie. Your tone has exposed you." Kawaki shook his head and sighed, "The guy who entrusted his body to you is really miserable. He still hasn't gotten rid of his identity as a virgin cat even at this point..."

Just as he finished speaking, Kawaki's body suddenly floated in the air.

Kawaki turned to look at a girl whose hair was tied in two knots to the sides of her head and was covered with ornaments and a boy with glasses, "Meow?"

"Tsukki, I found it-aru," Kagura took out her phone and dialed Tsukuyo's number, "He is with a group of stray cats. It seems that he is doing something very happy-aru."

"Is this cat that Miss Tsukuyo raised?" Shinpachi bent down and glanced at Kawaki, "It is quite cute."

"Meow! (Hey, you guys, think of a way!)" Kawaki shouted at Gintoki and the others, "Meow! (With my current body, I can't deal with this kind of strong little girl! Quickly think of a way for me!) "

Gintoki and the others silently turned their faces away and turned a deaf ear to Kawaki's cry for help.

"Shinpachi, this ugly cat looks like Gin-chan!" Kagura pointed at Gintoki and looked at Shinpachi, "That curly fur looks like him-aru."

"Meow! (Who is the ugly cat)!" Gintoki shouted angrily.

"It does look a bit similar. Even the dead fish eyes are the same. But now is not the time to talk about this. The commission has been completed. It's time to go back, Kagura-chan." Shinpachi said with a smile. Then, he turned to Gintoki and the other cats and said, "It has been a bit unsafe recently. You guys should also be careful. Goodbye~"


It was not until Kagura and Shinpachi had gone far away that Houichi spoke again, "I'll leave the rest to you guys. Goodbye."

After saying that, Houichi slowly walked forward...

However, at this moment, a group of stray cats slowly surrounded him.

"Houichi, you seem to be having fun with your new friends!"

"Let us join in on the fun~"

After glancing indifferently at the group of stray cats that were surrounding him with malicious intentions, Houichi asked coldly, "Bastard, what's the meaning of this?"

"Hehehe, Houichi, you've done a fine job of running roughshod all over us."

"But it ends here!"

"We'll beat you up and turn you into the neighborhood association. This town doesn't need a boss. We're gonna live free!"

After saying that, the group of stray cats raised their tails and showed their claws at the same time. They bared their teeth and screamed at Houichi fiercely.

"An uprisng?" Gintoki jumped down and landed steadily beside Katsura, "Tsk, that idiot really got it right..."

"Enough!" Katsura shouted, "Do you fools have any idea how Houichi-dono has..."

"Cut the crap! We'll beat you all too!"

"Don't let a single potential boss cat get away!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the group of stray cats rushed over.

"Run!" After shouting, Houichi turned to look at Gintoki and the others, "I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Houichi!" Gintoki shouted.

However, it was already too late. Several stray cats had already jumped onto Houichi's body. Their sharp claws stab into Houichi's skin and flesh, tearing at Houichi's flesh without any mercy.

In just a few seconds, Houichi's body was already riddled with wounds, and there were even drops of blood dripping onto the ground.

However, it was as if Houichi didn't care at all. He once again started walking forward. At the same time, he said unhurriedly, "This will save me a lot of trouble. It just so happens that I want to see the stupid faces of those guys caught by the neighborhood association. Alright, lead the way for me."

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