Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 455: Does Neutering a Cat Make It Obedient?

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 455 Does Neutering a Cat Make It Obedient?

"You bastard! Why are you deliberately lowering the price? This is an unfair competition! Are you still a samurai like this!" Kondo shouted unhappily, "Believe it or not, I'm going to file a complaint with you at the Administration of Industrial and Commercial!"

Katsura sneered with disdain and replied, "It is a completely different business because it is a cat and a gorilla, two different animals. To use an analogy, it's like a Fuzokuten(Brothel where people [beep——] and familiar people [beep——] are like a giant [beep——], so there is no such thing as unfair competition at all."

"I see!" Kondo nodded and then changed the price on board on his chest to 300 yen.

"Asshole! It's you who competes maliciously, right?" Katsura said angrily, then lowered his head and angrily changed the price on the board to 200 yen.

"No, because you said that there is no unfair competition between the two shops," Kondo said as if it was a matter of course. Then, he changed the price again on the board to 100 yen, "It's just that our shop is giving a big discount! The new shop will be like this when it opens!"

"Bastard!" After turning his face away and cursing in pain, Katsura changed the price on the board in front of his chest to 50 yen, "Our shop has a greater discount!"

"You bastard!" Kondo clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and showed an unbearable look on his face. He then grabbed the pen and changed the price on the board to 10 yen.

"This is completely an unfair competition! You gorilla gorilla gorilla!" Katsura opened his eyes wide and roared, then he changed his price to 5 yen.

"Don't call me by my scientific name! I'll kill you!" Kondo rolled his eyes and scolded, and then changed his price to 1 yen.

"Hey----! Is there any meaning to this price?!" Katsura cursed and directly pounced on Kondo.

Looking at the cat and gorilla fighting on the street because of this, Gintoki, who was at the side, said with an expressionless face, "Even if the two of you change it to free, there won't be a kind soul willing to touch you. Stop quickly, please."


After a while, the cats and the gorilla returned to the alley and sat down to discuss countermeasures.

"I have no choice but to use Operation Shimura Gorilla Guerrilla," Katsura nodded and closed his eyes, "Moreover, I didn't think that method just now was feasible. The action just now was just to let me experience this more directly. I'm serious. I definitely don't think that method is feasible."

"I agree. It is better to use Operation Shimura Gorilla Guerrilla. By the way, it is also the same for me just now," Kondo nodded and said, "The purpose of my actions just now is actually the same as Katsura's. It's just to prevent me from repeating the same mistake. It's just to warn me that this method is not feasible!"

"You two... It's better not to talk anymore. I don't want to retort anymore." Gintoki lowered his head and supported his forehead with his paw, "And only idiots like you will believe that method."

"Then, let's go!" Kondo, who had changed into a pair of blue overalls at some point in time, shouted. He was also holding a pet leash in his hands.

The other end of the leash has been tightly locked on the collar around Kawaki and other cats' necks.

"Hey! That's too fast!" Kawaki pointed at the leash and cursed, "And I never said I wanted to be with you bastards!"

"Shut up! If you are good-looking, you must contribute your strength to this group! This is teamwork!" Gintoki shouted.

"What a joke! Who wants to team up with you?!" Kawaki grabbed the leash around his neck and shouted angrily, "Even if you guys starve to death, I won't care! Go to hell! Useless cat and useless gorilla!"

"Bastard! Who is a useless cat/useless gorilla!" Gintoki, Katsura, and Kondo shouted at the same time.

"Please change it to a useless gorilla gorilla gorilla for me!" Kondo added.

"Is that what you care about?!" Gintoki shouted in annoyance, "The main point is the word useless!"

However, at this moment, the hair on Kawaki's back stood up. At this time, someone grabbed the back of Kawaki's neck and lifted him up.

"That's right, chief, it's the cat you were talking about!" The Hyakka, who was carrying Kawaki, turned around and looked at Tsukuyo, who was holding his kiseru and the group of Hyakka members behind her.

"Ah, let's go back." As she spoke, Tsukuyo took a step forward and took Kawaki from the hands of the Hyakka member. As for the way to hold Kawaki, just like the Hyakka earlier, she also picked up the back of Kawaki's neck and casually picked him up.

"But I didn't expect that chief really raised a cat."

"After all, the chief is also a girl."

"But didn't the chief say that this cat has already sneaked away several times?"

"It's because this cat is too naughty."

"In this case, would it be better to neuter it? Cats that are neutered will become more honest."


Listening to the words of the young ladies behind him, Kawaki turned to look at Tsukuyo with a face full of sweat, "Meow~"

Tsukuyo just glanced at Kawaki indifferently and then turned around directly, "Let's go."

"Yes!" xn

"Meow! (You guys, hurry up and think of a way!)" Kawaki cried out again, struggling desperately, "Meow! (Save me! please! I will work with your team! It will allow you to live a life where you can go to Jojoen and be held in the arms of a big-breast waitress and be fed mouth to mouth!)"

"Ignore him, ignore him," Gintoki silently turned his face away, "That kind of woman is not something we can handle. Just ignore him and let him be."

"As expected of Kawaki, he became a domestic cat so quickly." Katsura also silently turned his face to the side and waved his paws, "Come on, we won't forget you! Comrade!"

"What?! The life of being hugged and fed by a big-breast waitress?!" Kondo instantly became energetic and rolled up his sleeves, ready to rush forward, "Don't be afraid! I'll come and save you immediately! "

However, before Kondo could take a step, dozens of kunai stabbed into the ground in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"Well, actually, after thinking about it, I realized that I am wholeheartedly devoted to Miss Otae!" After Kondo sat down, he silently looked away and said, "Yoshiwara, goodbye."

"Meow! (Didn't you just say teamwork!)" Kawaki struggled as he shouted, "Meow?! (Why are you ignoring me?!)"

"Hey, if you make any more noise, I'll take you to a clinic and be neutered." Tsukuyo glanced coldly at Kawaki and said indifferently.

Instantly, Kawaki quieted down.

'This stinky woman!' Kawaki thought angrily, 'No! I must think of a way to get rid of her!'

Suddenly, a light flashed in Kawaki's mind. He raised his head and looked at the two high mountain peaks that blocked Tsukuyo's face.

'Humph, I'm sorry!' Kawaki snorted in his mind. Then, he used all his strength to jump up, and his two claws rushed toward the two mountains.

After feeling something strange in her chest, Tsukuyo stopped and looked at the cat buried in her chest. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable sense of shame and anger.

After about three seconds, the red-faced Tsukuyo picked up Kawaki and threw him directly into the sky. At the same time, she scolded angrily, "You pervert cat!"

Kawaki, who was heavily thrown on the roof, screamed and stood up straight again. Without any hesitation, he fled to the side with all his might.

'This is great! I escaped!' Kawaki was secretly delighted.

"Chief! The cat ran away again!" A Hyakka reminded.

"Ah, this is bad!" Only then did Tsukuyo react, "I was tricked by that stupid cat! Hurry up and chase after it!"

"Yes!" xn

The group of Hyakka members responded at the same time and quickly chased in the direction that Kawaki had fled.

"Hey, you guys." Tsukuyo turned to look at Gintoki, Katsura, and Kondo, who were sitting in a row with an expression of "It's none of our business."

[What does this woman want to do?!] Gintoki glanced at Katsura and entered the internal voice channel.

[I don't know, but is it possible that she wants to give us food to thank us for playing with her cat for so long?] Katsura replied in the internal voice channel.

[Why?! Was it to thank me for taking care of her cat for a day?!] Kondo replied with a surprised look.

"Take it," Tsukuyo put down two buckets of... lubricant in front of the two cats and one gorilla, "You can't do that kind of business without this kind of thing, come on."

After saying that, Tsukuyo turned and left.

Gintoki and the other two looked at the lubricant in front of them and fell silent...

"Stop joking! Who would do that kind of business?!" Gintoki stood on both legs, clutching his little claws, and shouted angrily at Tsukuyo's back, "Take it back! Hurry up and take it back and apologize to me! Apologize to me! B*tch! "

"Stop arguing! That kind of thing doesn't matter!" Houichi, who had come over at some point, looked at the side of the road and reminded, "There is a target over there!"

Hearing this, the two cats and one gorilla turned to look...

Not far away, Otae and Kyubei were talking as they walked in the direction of Gintoki and others.

"... Yes, Gin-san hasn't been back since then." Otae said as she walked, "Also, Kawaki-san and Katsura-san seem to have gone missing together."

"If those guys are together, there's no need to worry," Kyubei replied.

"Ah! A different Shimura showed up!!" Gintoki pointed at Otae then looked at Kondo and Katsura, and said with black lines on his face, "This is not good! The Gorilla Shimura Godzilla is here! Let's retreat for now! "

"No, Miss Otae might be able to recognize us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kondo roared and rushed to Otae, completely forgetting that he was still holding two leashes in his hand.

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