Even as a former non-commissioned officer and a veteran, Leeha could not fully grasp the battlefield situation Sergeant Kim had faced during his deployment. After all, that was classified information.

However, sergeant Kim’s demeanor alone said enough. The damage that had ensued to their allies because Sergeant Kim did not take a shot at the target in the battle he participated in. It turned out to be a situation where, as Sergeant Kim last said, ‘the guilt only grows deeper.’

‘So he retired because of that. Though they promoted him for his service and merits during the deployment…ultimately, he left due to the guilt. How much must he have suffered?’

After hearing his last words, Leeha had looked at Sergeant Kim for a long while. In such a moment, Leeha couldn’t bring himself to offer any premature words of comfort. Not that Sergeant Kim sought that either.

Shortly after, with a farewell, he logged out, having not added each other as friends, leaving no way to continue their conversation.

It had been three days in Middle Earth time since Leeha last conversed with Sergeant Kim, who had yet to log in since. At least, Leeha, who had been waiting in the same spot all this time, knew that much.

Leeha briefly turned his gaze towards the sunlight piercing through the leaves. The training yard was sporadically studded with straw man targets.

“Did the sergeant spend all day firing his musket here because of that? The guilt of not having pulled the trigger in the end…was he trying to relieve it here, even if just with a musket?”

Not engaging in quests or hunting and still playing in Middle Earth is almost impossible. Except for a few players who made a name for themselves as craftsmen, merchants, or adventurers, it’s pretty much unheard of. In other words, recalling that Sergeant Kim chose to be a Musketeer of the Miyaw race, Leeha’s conjecture was almost certain.

“And to think, headmaster Browless was praising the sergeant back then – the Miyaw Musketeer, right? Considering the sergeant’s level, it must have been their first meeting… And to win Browless over just with his shooting stance? As for sniping, he’s a total game-changer.”

“What are you thinking about, Leeha?”

“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing.”

“You haven’t gone hunting lately! Not even to defend the ‘Divine Staff’! While meeting Leeha’s master is fun, I’m starting to feel restless.”

“Hmm, the Divine Staff… Right, I heard Manticore sightings have been reported intermittently.”


Blaugrunn’s eyes sparkled.

Leeha had felt how their efficiency in combat had significantly increased during the retrieval of the ‘Divine Staff’.

“The difficulty level was higher than when we cleared the Source of Evil before. Clearing the Source of Evil, defending against waves, the struggle has improved Blaugrunn’s abilities as well!’

The gradual increase in Blaugrunn’s combat intensity was proof of that.

“Alright. Shall we go then? If it’s Manticores you want, that’s exactly what we’ll find.”

“Got it! I’ll prepare the teleport right away!”

Blaugrunn immediately began casting.

Enhancing Blaugrunn’s combat abilities was one thing, but for Leeha, acting in the current situation was crucial.

“The first step is doing what I can. Even if you know how to swim… if you don’t move your feet, you’ll drown in a stream.”

Taking immediate action.

The most basic and logical step, yet often easily forgotten.

Leeha was reminded of this once again through his conversation with Sergeant Kim.

Listening to the story of Sergeant Kim, who was ‘the perfect sniper’ and a ‘starting point’ for Leeha, could have also been empowering. In a world where even the perfect role models make mistakes and wander, it’s only natural for oneself to make a mistake or two, right?



“Okay. Let’s go.”

Leeha steadied his breath. Shortly after, they appeared next to the ‘Divine Staff’.


“It’s Leeha!”

“The little one is here too!”

The area around [Divine Staff] became noisy in an instant.

As soon as they saw Leeha and Blaugrunn, the members of the knight order and the others rushed toward them eagerly.

Blaugrunn greeted them with a pleasant yet displeased expression. He seemed to like the spreading of his fame but was not pleased to be called a ‘little one.’

“Really, why on earth would you call me a little one?”

“It seems they thought I was calling Blaugrunn ‘little one’ when in fact, I was calling someone else.”

The users and members of the knight orders had mistaken the ‘little one’ Blaugrunn mentioned for his own name.

“What’s your relationship with Ha Leeha-nim?”

“Not his son… Haha!”

“Son!? Wait a minute. Do I look that young? Not a nephew or a hyung, but a son?”

Apart from a very few who were aware that Blaugrunn was a dragon, there were quite a few who mistakenly thought he was a user.

Leeha became even more flustered by the users’ shocking remarks.

He had come near Divine Staff to hunt manticores but didn’t expect such commotion.

As Leeha was chatting with the members of the knight orders, one person walked over, yawning, “This is quite the scene. There are folks skulking around over there, and yet the tension’s completely dissolved. Whenever Ha Leeha-nim is present, things always seem to take a strange turn for the better, yet somehow also collapse in odd directions. Is it just me?”

“Don’t overreact when there’s no battle happening. Lord Lark.”

[Rainbow Knight] Lark and his [Virtuous Knight Order] were practically camping near Divine Staff.

While other knight orders had prepared teleportation crystals and magic circles for easy access in case of battles at Divine Staff, the Virtuous Knight Order had set up a supply base level encampment.

Indeed, many were utilizing Divine Staff as a relay point, constantly exploring the area, making it one of the ‘safest’ controlled territories.

Given that many users and members were staying here to prevent an attack on Divine Staff, it was bustling.

Leeha: Blaugrunn, can you check what sword that person is carrying?

Blaugrunn: Check what?

Leeha: I mean, check if it has mana or some special feature. Basically, if it feels special.

Leeha whispered to Blaugrunn as he saw Lark approaching him with a swagger.

Leeha was now fully aware of Lark’s capabilities since he had observed them during the battle for Divine Staff. Lark was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

“The linkage of Kijung and Ram Hwajung, and even my attacks to some extent, might not have been normal due to that Toon’s attack. To block it one-on-one…)

His swordsmanship and vigor were not things a mere user could match with their personal strength. The only remaining possibility was the ‘item’ Lark carried possessed overwhelming power.

“I’m quite envious. Where does one acquire such a ‘family’? We have plenty of ‘colorful’ folks on our side. Perhaps you could share a tip or some wisdom?”

Lark glanced at Blaugrunn and spoke to Leeha.

Contrary to what many believed, Lark clearly knew Blaugrunn’s true nature. After all, Minis’ territory was known for places where ‘chromatic dragons’ appeared frequently.

“I’m actually curious about how to make the [Rainbow] float. If you’re willing to share that information, I’m open to a trade.”

Leeha’s mention of the rainbow made Lark flinch.

However, he remained confident. He did not hide or conceal his sword in any way.

No, perhaps that’s even better acting. If he had flinched and tried to hide or cover his sword, it would have been more noticeable. Lark’s smile didn’t waver.

“I could tell you, but it’d be of no use to Ha Leeha-nim, haha.”

“Perhaps. No, it might be better not to tell. You might end up seeing yourself burned to death by dragon breath.”

To taunting Lark, Leeha responded by winking and sending a smile his way. Lark’s expression contorted ever so briefly, but that was all. With many eyes on them in this place, he was no fool to engage in a blatant quarrel. It wasn’t worth having such a low-level conversation with Leeha, who also had little leisure for it. The reason for the delay was singular; Leeha moved, observing the condition of Blaugrunn.

Leeha: Have you finished checking?

Blaugrunn wasn’t following closely behind, as his footsteps were expected to. Leeha paused and looked back.

Leeha: Blaugrunn-ssi?

Blaugrunn was staring at Lark, who’s smile was subtly rising.

Lark: Hmm, this is why I dislike people with quick wits.

Leaving those puzzling words behind, Lark shook his head and turned away, heading back to the Virtuous Knight Order’s camp. Watching him leave, Leeha hurriedly checked on Blaugrunn.

“Blaugrunn-ssi? What’s wrong?”

“I can’t… read it.”

Blaugrunn seemed almost frozen. It was an unexpectedly startling reaction for Leeha to witness.

“What do you mean? What can’t you do?”

“It’s not about being able to read it or not. My mana can’t enter it! It’s not even blocked by a defense spell; it’s as if the sword itself is alive, repelling my mana… What on earth is this? This is a first for me!”

“Leeha-nim! What is that person?”

Blaugrunn suddenly raised his voice, looking at Leeha with eyes sparkling with immense curiosity. Considering Blaugrunn’s established character, such a reaction was actually expected.

“I thought you had summoned demonic powers or something when you suddenly froze like that.”

The mere idea of Lark becoming a demon sent chills down one’s spine.

“He once fought against Toon, so that couldn’t be it. More importantly, ask him about that sword, quick!”

Relieved by Blaugrunn’s reaction, Leeha felt a sudden easing.

“3 o’clock direction, Manticore spotted! The scout squad is also on the move!”

“Oh? Seems like something has come up.”

At this, members of the knight order, primarily assined to reconnaissance, tightened their surveillance of the surroundings, detecting monsters’ movements once again.

“Let’s see, the three o’clock direction…”


Leeha adjusted the scope’s magnification on the Black Bass.

Despite having specialists like Rangers and Hunters in their ranks, their capabilities paled in comparison to Leeha’s.

‘Their skills are no different from an eagle’s eye, after all.’

Leeha swiftly identified the moving groups, types, and sizes of the monsters through zoomed observation.

“How many monsters usually appear?”

“Usually, four or five flying types roam around. Occasionally, terrestrial types would emerge, but they never exceed a few dozen.”

“This is insane. Are they reacting because I’m here?”

One of the knights swallowed at Leeha’s tone. Leeha himself wanted to gulp.

Raising his voice, he reported, “Flying monsters, about a hundred in number! There’s movement on the ground too – hard to see with the dust, but giant beasts seem to be included! Roughly over three hundred! And-“

This was the situation right after Leeha arrived at the [Divine Staff]. Yet, the sheer number of monsters wasn’t the main issue, as the combined forces of the knight orders camping here numbered around three hundred.

TL’s Corner:

If you find any grammar issues, errors, or unintelligible sentences, feel free to leave a comment or join our discord server so I can rectify any mistakes I made.

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