TL: xLordFifth


“Damn it, stop it because I don’t want to see it! The negotiations haven’t even started yet. Why are you in such a hurry? We need to confirm her safe voice to start negotiating, right?”

The grumbling of the burly shadows was clearly audible to Leeha.

The sound was faint, but the translator worked flawlessly.

‘Ram Hwajung…’

Without realizing it, Leeha ground his teeth. Although he hadn’t stood up yet, he understood what the burly man was attempting to do.

‘Three enemies. How should I handle this?’

Leeha calmed his excitement and surveyed the surroundings. The space was quite large, but that didn’t mean there were places to hide. Moreover, lying on the stairs to observe the situation couldn’t last long.

‘They’ll surely take turns on guard.’

If the guards from the first floor come up or those from the second floor go down, he would be discovered. He had to act before that. But how?

Despite his impatience, Leeha didn’t move recklessly.

He couldn’t afford to move without a proper opportunity.

“Ugh, damn it. I’m all worked up and now I just need to pee.”

It was then that the burly man who seemed to be sitting atop Ram Hwajung stood up. Leeha, lying on the stairs, moved down another step to hide.

‘The bathroom…’

Obviously, there wouldn’t be one. In the still-under-construction building, the burly man simply headed towards a corner of the wall. What to do now?

‘Now would be the chance.’

Only two were guarding Ram Hwajung. If he rushed now, could he save her?

Before the burly man returned from urinating, could he snatch Ram Hwajung away…

‘But where would we go?’

The problem was there was nowhere to escape.

There were still two more on the first floor. As Leeha was thinking, a loud shout came from below.

“He, he’s gone! The guy from the basement is missing!”

The sound sent shivers down Leeha’s spine.


They had actually moved.

Leeha realized he had underestimated them.

He had thought they were just guards at their posts, but were they so diligent that they even checked a man with disabled legs?

‘Now that it’s come to this-’

Whether someone from the first floor comes up or someone from the second floor goes down, he would be discovered one way or another.

And if discovered?

He would lose the only opportunity he had of not actually being paraplegic, and more importantly, rather than rescuing Ram Hwajung, his life could genuinely be in danger.


“What are you talking about? How could a cripple run away?”

The two men near Ram Hwajung shouted similarly.

Unlike them, still in shock, the voice from the first floor was much more urgent.

“He’s not just run away! Damn it, he had a phone or something! Why didn’t you check his belongings?”

“A phone? Damn it!”

Had they just realized the seriousness of the situation?

The two near Ram Hwajung exchanged glances. The slightly younger one quickly stood up and started running towards the stairs.

“What? A phone? That disabled guy?” The burly man, still facing the wall urinating, yelled out, but no one answered him.

The young man raced towards the stairs.

“If he had a phone, wouldn’t they have tracked it? Check the last call he made or something!”

“It’s broken! He smashed the phone and ran!”

The young man running from the second floor to the first, the shouts from below!

Thud, thud, thud, the young man finally reached the stairwell. Quickly scanning around, his eyes sparkled as he immediately went down to the first floor.

“Cable ties? How could a tied-up guy run away? He’s not a worm to crawl away, is he?”

“They’re cut! Damn it, we thought he was just a cripple, but he might not be an ordinary guy! I’m going to search the basement room by room, so hurry up and come down!”

The young man and the guards on the first floor shouted and looked around.

The cut cable ties had given him away. Realizing they were not dealing with an ‘ordinary person’, the kidnappers on the first floor thought that the two of them might not be enough to handle the situation, prompting them to call for backup from the second floor.


“Damn, I managed to knock one down, but – do I really have to resort to ‘that method’? But using ‘that method’ means I’ll be…”

The stairway was already blocked. The commotion was too great to even spare a moment to think.

It was then that Leeha clearly heard the sound of something: tatatata…

‘This sound-?’

It was a familiar sound. Where from? When had he heard this sound? There was no time to pull this information from his memory.

‘Right. If that’s the sound I think it is – ‘that method’ might work. I can’t be sure if this can be called Plan B, but it’s the only option I have left!’

Ultimately, Leeha had to make a decision.

Turning away from the stairs, he moved in the other direction.


To the astonishment of Ram Hwajung, Leeha suddenly turned around and grabbed her. Their eyes were fixed in one direction.

“Ram Hwajung, this might be hard to say, but… do you trust me?”

Leeha knew how desperate his expression must be. It was absurd to say this, with such a face, in such a place.

But Ram Hwajung nodded.

Hugging Leeha, burying her face in his chest, there was no time left for her to think.

The ‘window’ was now right in front of them. Jumping out would surely damage Leeha’s body beyond repair. If they waited any longer, the men would catch them before they even had a chance to escape.

Leeha was fully aware and could predict this.

“That guy-!”

“He’s jumping out the window! Back to the first floor, go out the front door!”

“How far can a cripple get by running, hurry up!”

The burly man ran after Leeha, trying to catch him, but his size made him slow. The men who had just come up to the second floor were now hurrying back down to the first floor’s main entrance.

The window on the second floor, parallel to the main door on the first!

A giant shadow leaped through the still-unfitted window.


Ram Hwajung, unable to even scream, clung to Leeha. He, in turn, embraced her and turned his body to protect her as much as possible.

Even though it was just the second floor, the height was at least 3.5 meters.

Moreover, as he had to protect Ram Hwajung, he couldn’t minimize the impact with a roll. The impact of the fall would be unimaginable.

Just like now.

Leeha was sure his eyes were open, but he couldn’t see anything. The darkness before his eyes and his choked breath tormented him.

Ram Hwajung felt some impact, but it was nothing compared to Leeha’s.

She had used him as a cushion.

“Oppa, oppa!”

Getting up quickly and running away like in the movies was impossible.

Ram Hwajung shook Leeha, but all he could do was groan and spit out saliva, writhing on the ground.

“Ram Hwa…, run…”

While they were struggling, the Dutchmen had all come out the front door of the first floor.

“Hehe, where does that bug think he’s running off to?”

“Hey, we don’t need that guy, right? We only need a member of the Ram Long Group?”

“Yeah. This time, we need to deal with it properly.”

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