TL: xLordFifth


“Of course, you’re going to take care of the surgery costs, right? But I don’t want to be in debt like that. And as for covering the surgery costs myself, the money I’ve saved so far is-“

“What? Puhahaha!”

And at that, Ram Hwayeon burst into laughter.

Leeha had seen her laugh many times, but never like this. It was a laugh that embarrassed even Leeha standing in front of her.

It took a few minutes before Ram Hwayeon, after her bout of laughter, spoke.

“Did you really think I was going to do that?”

“What, what?”

“Leeha, you still have a long way to go. Yes, a long way.”

“What do you mean a long way?”

“Of course, in terms of investing in you, the surgery cost isn’t much for me. But did you really think I was going to cover all the expenses?”


Leeha’s face flushed red. So it wasn’t that? She didn’t invite him for a free surgery?

Ram Hwayeon, seeing Leeha’s confusion, laughed again and said,

“Do you know how much the gold from Castle Dale you left behind, including your voyages to the New Continent, has accumulated? Just with that, most of the surgery costs can be covered. I intentionally didn’t mention it, and since there was no talk about Castle Dale and considering the fact that I invited you to Hong Kong, I thought you would’ve caught on. You really are below expectations at times like this, aren’t you?”

“Oppa’s a dud.”

“Right, Hwajung-ah?”

“Yep. Clueless.” Ram Hwajung chimed in, laughing along with Ram Hwayeon. Leeha then remembered the matter of Castle Dale.

“Ah, that- so then-“

“It’s a bit short, actually. But considering how you’ve helped us so far, the remaining part will be taken from your future settlements from Castle Dale. Where else can you find a hospital that allows you to ‘pay in installments’ like this? Especially for a surgery under Doctor Heinrich.”

Ram Hwayeon was indeed Ram Hwayeon. Listening to her words, Leeha’s face lit up with joy. So he wouldn’t have to bear the mental burden anymore. Could he really receive such unexpected surgery here?

“Ram Hwayeon-ssi!”

“What, you’re going to hug me while sitting in that wheelchair?”


Leeha, who was about to give a hug of joy, hesitated and stopped the wheelchair. Ram Hwayeon took a couple of steps back from him and turned her head to the side.

Then she said in a voice as tiny as an ant’s, “Ah, give me a hug after your legs are healed… and you can stand up. Ah, it’s hot! Jachung! Start the hospitalization procedures for Leeha. Ah, Master Kay, I’ll arrange a room for you in the hotel right next door. That should do, right?” It was warm compared to Korea, but still winter by Hong Kong standards.

Ram Hwayeon hurriedly left, fanning herself with her hand. Left without someone to share his joy, Leeha turned to Kijung in a rush (?).

Kijung was almost crying.





Kijung bent down as much as he could and hugged Leeha. Leeha patted the back of his younger cousin. It was unclear whether he was comforting Kijung or trying to hold back his own tears.

Ram Hwajung was grumbling, “I, I mean…”.

“Are you really okay with this, Director? There’s no turning back now.”

“I know. Ah, don’t mention anything about Peng to Leeha.”

“…Of course.”

“Don’t make that face, Jachung. I’ve weighed the options. You know what I mean, right?”

“I understand. There’s no way the Director’s choice could be wrong, but…”

There was a point Ram Hwayeon hadn’t mentioned to Leeha. Money? Indeed, the settlement from Castle Dale was sufficient to cover the expenses. However, rearranging the busy schedule of a renowned doctor and dedicating time solely for one person required significant influence.

This was something Ram Hwayeon, despite being part of the same group but a different affiliate, couldn’t achieve on her own. She inevitably had to rely on Ram Peng, who commanded the medical affiliate.

Jachung knew this too.

Even considering what Ram Hwayeon had to give up in her deal with Ram Peng, acquiring Leeha was a greater benefit. Yet, it was uncomfortable for him that Ram Hwayeon, whom he had always worked with, might suffer some loss. Her ability to weigh efficiency and rationality, and not regret once she had made a decision, was perhaps what set Ram Hwayeon apart from other employees.

“Regarding the information you mentioned last time… I’ve narrowed down what Ram Peng might want into two options. The more likely one involves a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands.”

“Good, that’s expected. Anyway, it’s obvious what that spineless, grinning guy would want next… I’ll review the documents, so submit them.”




Ram Hwayeon suddenly stopped walking, turned around, and looked back.

She saw Leeha, wiping his tears while hugging Kijung.

“He’ll probably need to contact Korea, so provide all that convenience and if he can’t match the flight schedule, call our private jet again. If needed, I’ll speak to father.”


“But, he should at least realize what I’m doing.” However, there’s nothing more uncharacteristic than showing it off. At least, that was the case for Ram Hwayeon’s personality. She started walking quickly again, without even looking back at Leeha, pouting her lips. Jachung, standing behind her, bowed his head in silent comfort.

“He must understand your character, Director.”

“Hmph. I know. Let’s go.”

Ram Hwayeon was inwardly hurt. She had awkwardly passed over the matter earlier, asking him to ‘repay’ her after the surgery when he could stand, but was he really going to postpone it?

‘I would have hugged out of gratitude. Tch, he hugs Master Kay just fine.’

Her complaints continued endlessly. Unaware of her feelings, Leeha was still overwhelmed with emotion, embracing Kijung.


It was only two hours later that a striking female duo, shining even in a crowd, arrived at Hong Kong International Airport.

“Bobae! Hurry up!”

“Wait, I have to set up roaming first to ask Kijung-ssi!”

“Keke, I wonder how surprised Leeha-ssi will be when he finds out we followed him?”

Shin Nara was excitedly hopping from foot to foot. She had been cautious not to accidentally mention following Leeha to Hong Kong, mindful of her loose lips. It was Bobae who had extracted the information about the trip to Hong Kong from Kijung (?) and informed Nara. 

However, unlike the excited Nara, Bobae’s expression was rather complex. Bobae was uncertain about their decision. She had issues to handle with Byulcho, and she wondered if it was alright to come like this.

What if Chiyou made a move? She could have already shown up, or if not, she might appear within a few hours. Could they successfully counter Chiyo without her? Besides Tale, there was Hyein.

She could call on former members of the old New Continent expedition like Biyemi or Jin Gonggong if needed, but Bobae had her own pride as a ‘ranker’.

“What does it matter? Do you think Byulcho would crumble just because you’re not there? If it were that weak, it would have already fallen apart.”

“But this time… Ah, but you’re right! It’s not like Kijung-ssi asked only me! I did inform the other guild members, so it should be fine.”

Byeolcho was not a guild to be taken lightly. In most cases, it proved its strength with a few elite members. So, unless there was a ‘special situation’, there shouldn’t be any major issue with the Chiyo hunt.

At least, that’s what Bobae and Nara could deduce from the information they had.

Kijung: Hello? Bobae-ssi?

“Ah! Kijung-ssi!”

Kijung’s voice came from Bobae’s smartphone. She quickly moved her lips, signaling ‘I got it, I got it!’

Nara quickly put her ear to the speaker of the smartphone.

Kijung: Is something wrong?

“No, why would something be wrong? Just called because I was bored. What are you doing right now, Kijung-ssi?”

Kijung: Ah, I’m in Hong Kong right now.

“Yes, that’s what I thought.”

Kijung: …What? What do you mean by that?

Kijung was already puzzled by the sudden call, and now he couldn’t understand what she meant!

His voice shook with confusion.

Bobae barely held back her laughter, while Nara was chuckling beside her.

“That’s what I mean, what are you doing in Hong Kong?”

Kijung: Ah, I was just about to leave the accommodation-

“As much as I dislike Petyr, I get where he’s coming from. Surpri——-ise! Kijung-ssi! It’s Nara! Bobae and I are in Hong Kong too! Where are you going? We’ll come to you!”

Kijung: What, Nara- Ack!?

Kijung gasped and let out an incomprehensible exclamation. His words were so tangled that a series of coughs echoed through the smartphone for quite some time.

Bobae and Nara holding their stomachs and laughing uncontrollably was a natural response. Of course, they were the only ones who could afford to laugh at that moment.

Kijung, covering the phone’s transmitter with his hand, hurriedly ran to Leeha.

“Ah, ah, eong-ah! Eong-ah!”

“Oh dear, hospital gowns are uncomfortable in every country. Kijung-ssi, am I okay?”

“This, this is not the time to talk about that!”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Bo- Bobae-ssi and Nara-ssi are in Hong Kong right now?! They’re asking where I am!”

Leeha and Kijung could only stare blankly at each other.

A faint voice was leaking from Kijung’s smartphone, saying ‘Hello? Kijung-ssi? Hello?’

“Leeha-ssi! Why? Why are you like this? Are you hurt?”

“No, no, it’s not that – You must have heard the rough explanation earlier -“

“Why? Why are you in a hospital in Hong Kong?”


Nara’s eyes were almost rolling back. Kijung looked at Bobae and asked, ‘Didn’t you explain?’ to which Bobae replied, ‘Why wouldn’t I have? I talked about it all the way here in the taxi.’ However, judging by Nara’s reaction, it was as if she was hearing about Leeha’s situation for the first time.

Leeha was lying on an adjustable bed, set up so he could lean his upper body comfortably, looking at Nara.

Just meeting his gentle gaze was enough for Nara to calm down a bit.


“Yes, yes.”

“I’m having surgery on my lower body. I only just came to accept it a few hours ago myself, so it’s natural for you to be shocked, but… you don’t have to worry too much.”

“Will you be okay after the surgery? I’m sure you said before, Leeha-ssi-“

“Yes, that’s right. Back then, I still had a long way to go in terms of saving money, and it was uncertain what the doctors would do. But that -“

“I’ve solved it all. Shin Nara, what are you doing here? I don’t think Ha Leeha-ssi called you.”


That was when Ram Hwayeon entered the single-patient room where Leeha was. She, who had changed her clothes by then, was leaning against the door, looking at the people in the room. Specifically, she was glaring back and forth between Nara and Leeha.

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