TL: xLordFifth


“Does this mean that other spirits, besides the Spirit Kings, cannot go to the Realm of Spirits?”

“That’s right. They could if they abandoned their bodies…

But that would mean death.

In other words, aside from the Spirit Kings, once born, they can only go to the Realm of Spirits upon death.

Leeha almost laughed at the explanation that there was only one such key in the Dragon Palace’s treasure vault, but he managed to hold it back.

‘What’s this? I hit the jackpot unexpectedly!’

He had no idea what exactly it meant to go to the Realm of Spirits, what he could do there, or how, but its rarity alone was already a ‘jackpot’.

“Understood. Thank you.”

“Hmm. Your accomplishments keep impressing me, somewhat enviously.”


“Just look at the state of Jellypong.” Drake reached out his hand, and Jellypong, which had been in the form of Leeha’s vest, smoothly extended another arm.


Jellypong’s arm, making a sound like a cheerful laugh, wrapped around Drake’s arm.

Drake smiled like a father looking at his son. He had been able to gauge Jellypong’s ‘strength’ from the start.

As Jellypong’s strength was linked with Leeha’s, by observing Jellypong, Drake could estimate Leeha’s condition.

“Feeling bored in the Dragon Palace?”

“Bored? No, not really. But…”

Leeha could sense Drake’s feelings. Indeed, compared to his life in the Kraven Kingdom, it must have been somewhat mundane.

“I hope we can meet again outside of water someday.”

“I look forward to that day too. Ah, but to take Shoer-nim and the Carp Paleo friends back-”

“Father will take care of that. Don’t worry. If he utilizes that ‘Realm of Spirits’ you mentioned, it’ll be quick.”

“Hmm, got it. I’ll keep it a secret from Blaugrun-ssi. Hehe, then Drake-nim, see you next time.”

“Wish you good luck.”

Leeha nodded and activated his crystal ball.

Drake seemed to have a look in his eyes as if asking ‘can I come too?’

‘Drake outside of water… Would he then become part of the Kraven Kingdom again?’

Wouldn’t that make him an [Enemy] again, in terms of national relations?

Leeha thought it was better to avoid that.

And at that moment, Leeha, Blaugrun, and Jellypong arrived at Bahamut’s lair.

[Meow- Mon-mon?!]

“Oops, we’re not in water now—Blaugrun-ssi! Wake up!”

“Hmm… I want to sleep more…”

As soon as they arrived at Bahamut’s lair, Jellypong made a startled sound.

“In water, I could carry Blaugrun around (?), but on land, gravity affects us directly.”

Of course, Jellypong, which effortlessly lifted several mana relay tower materials, wouldn’t find it difficult, but it seemed hard to maintain balance with a living creature wriggling around.


Bahamut looked on disdainfully at the three life forms that suddenly appeared and were flustering around in his lair.

He quickly assessed Blaugrun’s condition and infused some of his mana into him.

“Lo, Lord. I am ashamed. As a Juvenile class, being this defenseless-”

“Haha, after all, aren’t you still a child? Your heart may be close to Adult class, but you’re not an Adult yet, so don’t push yourself too hard.”

After a while, a blushing Blaugrun woke up and bowed deeply. Even though Bahamut said it was fine, Blaugrun remained lying down. Bahamut sighed and withdrew his attention from the stubborn Bronze Dragon, turning to Leeha.

“So, you’ve come here because…”

“Of course, I brought it. With permission from the Sea God – no, King of Water Spirits Elaim, I’ve extracted the Essence of the World.”

As if to say he also heard about his past, Leeha offered the Essence of the World.

Looking at the fist-sized, self-illuminating orb, Bahamut expressed surprise.

“Elaim really gave this to you? The same fellow who threatened me with Sylphid and Gnoas…”

“Phew, it was extraordinary. Really… there’s no other way to put it but luck.”

The quest to bring aquatic creatures wasn’t something to be solved in 3 days, as Blaugrun had mentioned. Yet Leeha did it. His stubborn actions in the New Continent to find the Paleos and build rapport, not just for achievement but as a culmination of knowledge, information, and connections, had paid off.

“That’s right. But it wasn’t just luck or chance.”

Bahamut was correct. Leeha realized that every step he took eventually helped him in ways he never anticipated.

“We’ve overcome one hurdle now.”

Leeha nearly retorted to Bahamut’s comment, but held back as a hologram window appeared before him.

[You have completed the quest ‘The Light and Shadow of Radical Growth.’]

[Your level has increased.]

[The Light and Shadow of Radical Growth-2]

Description: “How you convinced Elaim, I’ll hear another time. I might want to use it myself. Haha, now we’re 50% done. The remaining part is one, the fruit of the World Tree, to be combined with the Essence of the World. I’ll tell you in advance, there’s no World Tree on this continent. They’ve all been contaminated. It’s something even my mana cannot detect, so you needn’t bother searching around here. However, the Essence of the World becomes murky over time, so you’ll need to obtain it as quickly as possible.”

Growth accelerants are made by combining the Essence of the World with the fruit of the World Tree!

‘World Tree’ doesn’t refer to a single tree. It’s a term for a species of tree that grows by absorbing plenty of the earth’s energy. The ‘water’ of the flow and the ‘earth’ of the stable. The combination of these two energies will make rapid growth possible.

Task: Obtain the item ‘Fruit of the World Tree

within 150 days and deliver it to Bahamut.

Reward: Use item [Growth Accelerant] Failure Condition: Exceeding the time limit

If failed: The material item ‘Essence of the World’ will disappear.

  • Do you accept the quest?

‘Damn… I had a feeling it was a linked quest from the start.’ Leeha knew there would be something difficult, but the actual complexity of the quest was beyond his estimation.

“In the Lope Continent, there definitely aren’t any, right?”

“That’s correct.”

“Hmm, but why didn’t you tell me earlier that the Essence of the World has a time limit?”

“I didn’t expect you to be able to retrieve it.”

To speak so boldly!

What was he supposed to do now that there was suddenly a time limit! Leeha wanted to argue, but he couldn’t say a word.

‘Maybe it’s a relief that the rewards are clearly revealed.’

150 days in Middle Earth time, which is exactly one month in real time.

Within that period, he must search the ‘New Continent’ thoroughly to find the World Tree and its fruit.

Many feasible methods came to Leeha’s mind.

For now, the completion of the quest couldn’t be confirmed. After all, adventure is a gamble without certainty.

“Understood. I’ll find it. The World Tree, that’s… a big tree, right?!”

“Yes, you know, don’t you?”

“Yes. I’ve encountered the contaminated World Tree, so I’m familiar with it.”

The tree he had discovered once in the unexplored territories of the Old Continent with Jingjingjing.

A nefarious monster (?) that charmed and controlled surrounding monsters with its scent. That was the ‘contaminated World Tree’.

‘At least I have many hints. I know the appearance and abilities of the World Tree.

If I know what to be cautious of, all I need to do is find it. And if the problem is simply ‘finding,’ there are ways to significantly reduce the time needed.

“I’ll be back soon.”

“150 days.”

“I know. Blaugrun-ssi, stay here! I’ll summon you when I return!”

“I can follow without that. Just because I showed weakness for a moment doesn’t mean you can ignore me-“

“Quiet, and go!”

Leeha immediately activated his crystal ball. Of course, he didn’t forget to use his time efficiently even in that brief moment.

Leeha: Fernand-ssi! How’s your exploration of the New Continent going?!

World Tree?

This man might have already found it.


Leeha, Blaugrun, and Jellypong disappeared.

Bahamut chuckled at the spot where Leeha had vanished and at the ‘Essence of the World.’

“Now that you’ve obtained the Essence of the World, if you also get the fruit of the World Tree… Elaim might have been coerced, but I worry that Gnoas will just stand by and watch. What should I say if he asks why I didn’t tell him earlier? Hmm〜 This calls for a meeting, perhaps.”

If Leeha had seen Bahamut’s mischievous smile, he probably wouldn’t have accepted the quest.

To speak so assertively!

What was he to do now with a suddenly announced time limit? Leeha wanted to argue but found himself at a loss for words.

‘Maybe it’s a relief that the rewards are clearly revealed.’

After all, the success of the quest was uncertain. Adventure is an uncertain gamble.

“Looking for dealers for Red Wood hunting ground〜 Level requirement 240〜”

“Any parties going to Rhinodillo habitat? I’m a 266 level tank free to join!”

“Let’s hunt Weaving-Spiders! Healers and buffers welcome!”

The surrounding bustle couldn’t distract Leeha. He had sent a message to Fernang, but the response wasn’t very satisfying.

Fernand: Ugh, that annoying monster? I haven’t seen it during my exploration of the New Continent… Ah! I’ve seen a tree similar to the World Tree, though not the World Tree itself.

Leeha: Are you sure it’s not the World Tree?

Fernand: Hmm, I hate to say this, but I’ve probably seen over a hundred contaminated World Trees, which is more than Leeha-ssi has, so I’m certain. It definitely looked different… but its towering stature compared to its surroundings was similar.

‘If Fernang-ssi says it’s not the World Tree, then it really must not be. Indeed, in the unexplored areas of the Rothen Continent, he must have come across more than a hundred contaminated World Trees.’

So, it seems that the World Tree has not been discovered yet in the New Continent. And if Fernang hasn’t seen it, it’s likely no other player has either.

‘Should I trust this ‘similar tree’ he mentioned?’

There might be a difference in appearance between a contaminated and an uncontaminated World Tree. That’s all Leeha had to consider.

If not, he would really have to start searching from scratch.

‘But that’s not going to be easy.’ There was a specific reason Fernang hadn’t confirmed it. It wasn’t just because of the distance.

A large tree similar in appearance to the contaminated World Tree?

Isn’t that enough to spark the curiosity of an adventurer? But why hadn’t Fernang gone there?

“Ugh, one of the sources of demons! And it’s in a place so remote that no one has cleared it!”

Fernand speculated that the place was one of the sources of demons. To confirm a source of demons for a [Common Quest], one must completely clear the monsters from that source, which means the numbers only increase after fully clearing it. So, it’s not yet certain whether it’s a source or not. But considering the number and strength of swarming monsters, Fernang was sure it was one of the seven sources.

“To take people there…”

Leeha looked around. This wasn’t a Paleo tribe village. A human village hastily formed, overturning Chiyo’s schemes and superimposed by Lotzak’s plans. Located near a mana relay tower, it had a fairly large area, but it was too small for the officials of various countries to bother with, according to Lotzak’s plan.

Although it was only about a quarter the size of the City of Gaza, high-ranking officials from Fibiel, Minis, Kraven, and Shazrashian were all dispatched.

‘It’s a small but highly ‘investable’ land. The first human village in the New Continent. Moreover, it’s centered around the warp gate…’

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