TL: xLordFifth


“Hmm… Huh?”

Unsheathing a Crimson Gecko, Kidd slipped it onto his finger and spun it around with a whirring sound. While habitually spinning his revolver, he was scrutinizing Luger’s location, and finally, he caught sight of it changing.

“[Blooming Wasteland]?”

The term ‘wasteland’ implies a place where nothing can grow. But blooming?

For Kid, it was an incomprehensible name for a location. Right now, rather than interpreting the place, he felt a mix of awe and jealousy that Luger had advanced to a realm completely beyond his comprehension.

“I thought I had traveled a lot, but this… It’s why I can never rest. All the people here are so inhuman.”

Kidd grunted and got up again. His constant check on the other Musketeers’ location was perhaps to find the motivation, a new stimulus to move himself. He opened his bag to check the number of bullets and also checked the ones currently loaded. For quick reloading, he had to ensure the bullets on his waist belt and the speed loader in his bag were all ready. Preparation in peacetime was the only way to accelerate action in wartime. After clanking around for a few minutes, Kid was also mapping the New World in his head.

“Now, which direction to head next… Huh?!”

At that moment, Kidd couldn’t believe his eyes. In the friend window of the Musketeers, Luger had changed to a logged-out status.


Leeha teleported to Ezwen’s Vatican Square and moved into the Vatican. The guards at the entrance, who were staunchly guarding it, bowed their heads as they received Leeha’s greeting.

“Welcome, Ha Leeha-nim. What brings you here?”

“Ah, I have something to report to the Pope regarding the New World expedition.”

“I’ve heard. You completed the New World expedition splendidly, didn’t you?”

“Ah, splendid is an overstatement. It’s all because of the others. May I enter now?”

“Of course. I will guide you right away.” These were the guards at the entrance of the Vatican, comparable to the central palace guards of the Fibiel Royal Palace.

Even such guards showed respectful manners to Leeha first. The reason was not only because of handling the Demon King’s agents quest but also the high reputation gained in the Lope Continent, along with the effect of the [Dignity] buff.

‘Hmm, they seem to treat me even better than in Fibiel. Should I defect?’

Leeha chuckled at the absurd thought. Certainly, compared to dealing with the paleos in Erika New World, activities in the Old Continent were more comfortable.

“Hmm, there was a time when I tiptoed in, unsure of how the Demon King’s agents would act.”

Leeha recalled old times in front of the Pope’s audience chamber. Then, suddenly, anger towards Chiyou surged. Thinking about it, the Demon King’s minions also had an extensive information network. There could only be one reason for this.

‘The Shinobi-Gumi must have extended their reach even then. Not joining the Demon King’s army themselves but surely trying to gain benefits from outside, like the Holy Grill’s reports. There’s no precedent of a ‘user’ creating such an extensive intelligence guild.’

Leeha now almost knew everything. In Fibiel, there were makeshift guilds created by users, labeled as intelligence or thief guilds. But in Minis, user-created intelligence guilds were almost nonexistent, and the reason was simple.

The Shinobi-Gum had made these ‘cells’ of user intelligence guilds in Minis their own, controlling everything.

The fact that Holy Grill could extract quality information from the Minis side only after Chiyou’s death meant that the current user-created information guilds in Minis were likely in panic.

“Compared to the Rising-Sun era. It would be a time of Spring and Autumn Warring States if the Shinobi-Gumi suffered near-total destruction. Someone would step up to take the place of the Shinobi-Gumi, but without charisma on Chiyou’s level, it would not be easy.

‘In other words, no annoying folks to bother me for a while! Kehe, if it’s just about pushing through with sheer force, I welcome it. If I shoot from at least 2,500 meters away, it’s a one-shot-’

“His Holiness invites you in.”

‘-kill- Ah, what? Ah!’

Lost in his daydreams with a pleased expression, Leeha was met with a surprised look from the Vatican guards. Embarrassed, Leeha bowed his head low.

Finally, the doors of the Vatican opened, and Leeha entered a familiar place he had visited several times before. He was greeted by the Pope and the Archbishop of the Ezwen Diocese, who was the Pope’s aide.

“Ha Leeha!”

“It’s been a while since I greeted you, Your Holiness.” Leeha respectfully knelt on one knee to greet him. The Pope NPC, designed as an elderly man, approached Leeha with a look as if he was about to cry.

“You did well. Really well. I’ve heard so much about your exploits, but seeing you in person is truly overwhelming.”

“You heard about me?”

Leeha was momentarily taken aback by the Pope’s effusive greeting. The Pope, still overwhelmed with emotion, hugged Leeha and patted his back. The Archbishop, standing behind, responded.

“Yes, Ha Leeha-nim. Even Fernand and the Ancient Dragon mentioned your deeds.”

“Is that so.”

Leeha nodded his head. He felt that arriving late wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Had he been the first, there might have been a lot to report and discuss in terms of work. But being the last, he could just soak in the warm welcome and pick up the essentials.

“Now there’s only one thing left, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Your Holiness. Now that we’ve established a base in the New World, only one thing remains.”

The goals of Ezwen, unlike ordinary nations like Fibiel or Minis, are a bit different.

Unlike ordinary nations that are much more interested in mundane matters, Ezwen’s goal is clear. Leeha, fully aware of this goal, could speak before the Pope even mentioned it.

“We need to find and eliminate Bluebeard. With a considerable number of users—no, humans—from the Old Continent involved, we’ll catch his tail soon enough.”

“Hmm, hmm, yes. That’s true. The challenge is in laying such a foundation… Good. It’s now in your hands. The fate of our Lope Continent depends on you. I’m truly grateful. I hope you’ll continue to lend your strength.”

“It’s nothing. I just did what had to be done.”

As the Pope stepped back and created distance, Leeha respectfully bowed again. When the hologram window popped up, a white light emanated from Leeha’s body.

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

[Common Quest: Strike the Grass and the Snake Will Appear]

Description: “There are reports of strong demonic energies being detected in the New World. Investigating these areas will surely lead you to Bluebeard. We’ve already requested cooperation from the existing New World expedition members as well as various nations. I hope you will quickly find traces of him in the New World.”

Bluebeard isn’t someone who can be found just by detecting mana.

However, it’s a different story for other members of the Demon King’s army. The Pope had identified several locations in the New World where demonic energies were strongly felt. Find and verify the demon’s strongholds scattered across the New World and report back to the Vatican.

Task: Verify the Demon’s Stronghold (2/7) Reward: Connected Quest – Catching the Tail Failure Condition: Failure to verify the demon’s stronghold within 100 days (Remaining time: 93 days)

Failure Penalty: ?

  • Would you like to accept?

‘Common Quest – I see. It means it’s a quest shared by all participating users.’

Although he had never experienced it before, Leeha understood it just from the situation below. Recent facts he hadn’t known properly because he was only in the Old Continent. In the New World, there were already seven demon strongholds pinpointed by the Pope, and two of them had been confirmed.

‘This quest will be cleared automatically even if I don’t move.’

Indeed, considering that Leeha had just received the quest and two were already found, it seemed likely that someone else would resolve the remaining five.

Of course, it would be some of the existing New World expedition members, the considerable powerhouses, but there was enough possibility of a ‘free ride quest clearance’. The problem, however, was the time limit. If everyone thought like him and procrastinated, it could be a disaster.

‘The quest content seems relatively easy, and the reward is clearly a connected quest, so it appears to be of low difficulty.’ However, Leeha did not feel that way.

A quest that triggered human selfishness – what if it fails? There’s definitely a reason for hiding the failure penalty; it must entail a significant loss.

Other users might have re-evaluated everything. But Leeha had no more fears. Was it the confidence from having obtained both upper and lower [Joint Lock]? Or perhaps belief in the items he would acquire in the future.

‘If it really comes down to it, I’ll just clear them all myself.’

With a confident attitude, Leeha pressed the accept button.

“I will also do my best to find traces of Bluebeard in the New World.”

“Trustworthy indeed. Very trustworthy!”

“Excuse me, Your Holiness. So, about that…”

There was something else that needed quick attention. Why hadn’t another alert popped up? It wasn’t until Leeha subtly mentioned it that the Pope, as if suddenly remembering, touched Leeha’s shoulder.

“Oh! Of course. We’ve invested a great deal of resources in discovering the Erika New World. In the name of the Lord Ahlo, we’ve given adequate rewards to the other expedition members. And you’re no exception, Leeha. Archbishop!”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

“Lead the way to our treasury.”


Leeha internally cheered. That’s right, this is how it should be. Securing items is the most important thing!

“Let’s go.”

“Eep. Then, Your Holiness, I’ll visit you again with good news!”

“Of course! I have no doubt in you.”

Leeha was about to follow the Archbishop but quickly turned around to pay his respects to the Pope one last time. The Pope watched his respectful departure with a pleased smile.

Leaving the Pope’s audience chamber, Leeha reviewed the quest again.

‘Who found those two places? Hmm, should I have asked? No

well. With a quest this high-profile, Holy Grill will surely know about it. People like Kijung or Lee Jiwon might have better information.’

Members of the Byeolcho group, who were part of the original New World expedition, had likely already visited them.

It’s possible that they, who mainly did party hunts in the New World, completed the investigation of one site. If not them, then solo player expert and hunting master Lee Jiwon. He, too, would be active in the New World. Alexander goes without saying.

‘As for Fernand… Hmm, given his personality, he might be more focused on pioneering, but he would surely help if things get dire. He must have received this quest as well.’ The quest offered to users who came for item rewards was a quest that all original New World expedition members shared. Naturally, considering their strength, it was a relief.

Kidd: What’s up?

Leeha: Ah, Kidd! Good timing. I’m at the Vatican right now, you got this quest too, right? Something about finding demon strongholds…

Kidd: That’s not important right now.

Leeha: Huh?

It was then that Leeha received an urgent whisper while following the Archbishop. Thinking of sharing information, but Kidd, uncharacteristically, cut off Leeha’s words. Leeha sensed some anxiety in Kid’s voice.

Leeha: What’s wrong?

Kidd: Nothing’s wrong with me.

Leeha: What do you mean? You didn’t contact me just to joke around, did you?

Kidd: But something has happened to Luger.

Leeha: Luger? What could possibly happen to Luger?

Kidd: Luger is dead.

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