TL: xLordFifth


“Our Fibiel doesn’t know about this.”

[You have completed the quest.]

[Your level has increased.]

Leeha let out a long sigh as he quietly listened to the quest completion notification, along with the triumphant fanfare sounding ‘pabam-! pabam-!’. The sense of accomplishment made his entire body feel stiff, yet the overwhelming joy didn’t come.

‘That was a really tiring opponent.’

It wasn’t just about being focused. It was about concentrating every nerve, every bit of attention, in the world of Middle Earth during the past days. Thoughts of the days spent struggling to track Chiyou and deal with her, even before he received the quest from the Fibiel Royal Palace, came to his mind. In some ways, he had invested more mental effort than in the Dragon Palace quest.

“Hyung?! If you’ve leveled up, then-“

“Oh, you remember?”

“Of course! You think I wouldn’t care about that?”

It was Kijung who reinvigorated Leeha’s spirits. Seeing his surprised cousin, Leeha suddenly felt like teasing him.

“Why? What is it, Kijung-ssi?”

“Well… I know it might sound absurd to say this now.”

“What’s going on?”

Bobae and Tale urged Kijung to speak. Leeha, already knowing what Kijung was about to say, simply smiled awkwardly, anticipating the reactions of the other members of Byulcho.

“No, actually, it’s something to celebrate. Leeha-hyung has finally… finally reached level 200.”

This was what Kijung had realized while witnessing Leeha’s level up.


“200…? Not 300, but 200? I mean, 300 would be impossible, but is it really true? Really level 200?”

Even the serious Tale tilted his head like an owl in surprise. Bobae was so flustered she could barely speak.

“You hadn’t reached 200 yet? What about the New Continent? Did you go there without being level 200? No, wait- Ha Leeha-ssi? [Buoy]- when you rode that giant turtle- were you not even level 200 then-“

“Ah, back then I was probably not even level 190, maybe.”

“What, what? 190?”

But the most surprised was Hyein. Having played with Leeha in various situations, she knew best about his destructive power. And now he’s only just reached level 200?

Seeing Hyein’s stunned expression, Leeha grinned. His surprise itself was a testament to how much Hyein recognized Leeha.

‘Hmm, so that’s why they started treating me differently from level 200. It wasn’t just randomly assigned.’

In Middle Earth, being recognized as ‘Intermediate or above’ starts from level 200.

Not to mention the rankers, even those known as outsiders are mostly above level 200.

And today, Leeha also learned why.

[Achievement: Possibility of Rising to Fame (B)]

Congratulations! You have finally reached level 200! In the vast world of Middle Earth, you now have the opportunity to widely spread your name. Towards the highest and strongest of Middle Earth! We look forward to your continued dedication.

Reward: 14 Stat Points

[You have reached level 200.]

[Individual stat point efficiency will increase with each level.]

From level 200, the efficiency of each stat point changes per level. Although the change per level is small, it becomes quite noticeable at intervals of 5 or 10 levels.

Besides, this effect, which was not applied to Leeha at 199, is now applicable, so he couldn’t help but feel great.


“Why? Oh, you saw that achievement? Well, now that I think about it, having that attack power even when the stat effects weren’t good…”

As Leeha chuckled, Kijung also laughed, feeling energized. Among the pleasant feelings, there was a noticeable phrase.

‘Now you have the opportunity to make your name known?’

Considering all that Leeha had done alone so far, and the various rumors spread during the expedition to the New Continent, the phrasing of the achievement seemed almost cute (?).

Stat points are indeed important, but the decisive effect from level 200, translating each stat point into HP, MP, attack power, evasion, movement speed, etc., was a significant matter.

‘Great, great! And to get such a bonus at this important moment!’

[Achievement: Ranker Hunt (Top 10) – 7th, “Chiyou” (A)]


You have killed the seventh-highest-level user among the top 10 in Middle Earth.

Hopefully, it wasn’t just luck. Be careful, as he might come back to reclaim the ‘Ranker Hunt’ achievement! Take care!

Effect: Temporary 34 Stat Points (retrieved upon death by the target user)

(This achievement does not appear in the Hall of Fame.)

An A-grade achievement for killing one of the top ten tankers. Although it was a temporary stat point that would be retrieved upon death by the user, it was an incredibly rewarding achievement for Leeha.

‘Now that I think about it, among the top ten… I’ve killed Igor, Piotr, Faust, and now Chiyou?’

Killing four out of the ten? Perhaps such news would be widely shared in the community, further enhancing his fame.

‘Of course, that only makes me a target, so it’s better to keep quiet.’

Leeha, feeling the weight of Blaugrunn settling on his head, looked towards Kijung.

“Chiyou kept pretending to have something up her sleeve, but you can handle the rest, right?”

“Ah, hyung. I am the guild master after all, aren’t I? Don’t worry about the rest. I’ll thoroughly bring her downfall, for Bobae-ssi’s sake too.”

“Of course. My range might not be as long as Leeha-ssi’s, but there’s a spot about 570 meters from Chesi village’s starting point. It’s just barely ‘outside’ the village. The police ignore that area, so we plan to target Chiyou there… well, we’ll probably be there for a while.”

Bobae nodded in agreement to Kijung’s words. Apart from the method using Bobae, Kijung had devised various strategies to kill Chiyou and deal with the incoming Shinobigumi agents. A significant number of Byulcho’s members would be gathered in Chesi for a while.

“Indeed… But what do you mean ‘for Bobae-ssi’s sake’- Ah, ah! I see, that’s how it is?!”

“Huh? Leeha-ssi! You really don’t care about me, do you?”

“No, it’s not that-“

What Kijung and Bobae were talking about. If the Byulcho guild conducts infinite hunts on Chiyou and keeps killing her until she falls out of the top ten rankings?

The beneficiaries would be the rankers below her!

Especially Bobae, who is currently barely clinging to the 10th place, would be able to securely rise to the 9th rank!

“Cough, but saying it’s ‘for Bobae-ssi’s sake’ is a bit…”

“Right, Kay. That’s a good point, but shouldn’t it first be ‘for Byulcho’s revenge’ or something like that?”

“Of course, that too, hyung-nim. Hehe.”

Tale and Hyein sighed, and Kijung laughed awkwardly. Leeha thought that the atmosphere of Byulcho was great. A guild master with action and decision-making capabilities, and guild members who can adequately support those aspects where the guild master might lack.

‘And if we gain fame from the infinite hunt of Chiyou, we might really rise to be one of the top guilds in Fibiel. It might take more time, but if Byulcho continues like this, they could definitely secure a place in Fibiel.’

“Then, I’m counting on you, Kijung.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not stupid enough to mess up what-hyung has set up.”

“Keek, got it. Then, Tale nim, Hyein-ssi, Bobae-ssi. See you again.”

Leeha activated his portal crystal. As Tale, Hyein, and Bobae exchanged their goodbyes with Leeha, he and Blaugrunn had already teleported away.

“Stop, please. What brings you here?”

“Um, um. I’ve come to see His Majesty the King and Lotzak, the head of the mages.”

Leeha had arrived at the Fibiel Palace! He had no intention of just settling for two small achievements after all the effort in capturing Chiyou.

As soon as he touched the portal crystal, the guards, who snapped to attention, were halted by Leeha as he entered the palace.


Shin Nara, having been contacted by Bobae, was waiting for him.

“Even with the Medal of Honor and the [Dignity] buff, it’s still faster when I’m with Nara-ssi.”

“Of course! My overall and individual affinity are both at 100%. I’m friends with almost all NPCs in the palace!”

Shin Nara beamed with a ‘Did I do well?’ expression and Leeha’s lips twitched in amusement.

Despite being known as a war hero in Fibiel and the personal lord of Gaza City with the [Dignity] buff, in the palace, Shin Nara’s influence was more powerful.

It was so cute how proudly she talked about it.

‘Well, she’s always been cute. But, ‘most’ NPCs?’

Leeha suddenly became curious. There were many and varied NPCs wandering around the palace. But for someone like Shin Nara who spent most of her time in the palace, ‘all’ NPCs should be considered friends.

“‘Most’ NPCs mean… there are still NPCs you’re not friendly with?”

“Yes. I even raised my affinity with the Sacred Knights, who are sworn enemies of the guards, but I just can’t seem to get along with the mage division.”

“The mage division?”… Because of Lotzak?”

“Well, that too. Lotzak is really impossible to increase affinity with no matter what you say. And his subordinates in the mage division? They’re so shady. You have to experience it, Leeha-ssi. Officially, it’s a gathering place for prodigies and geniuses with mana talents from all over Fibiel. But the real human relations there, disaster, total disaster!”

As Shin Nara vehemently gossiped(?), Leeha could vaguely understand the mage division. It seems the people under Lotzak, the head, were no less peculiar.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, Dame Shin.”



Suddenly, the sound of scraping metal startled both Leeha and Shin Nara.

They hastily turned to see a figure cloaked in a dark red robe. The only person who could wear a robe with the mage division’s emblem so prominently displayed was one.

“Lord Lotzak!”

Shin Nara was genuinely startled, and Leeha was no different.

‘No footsteps- There wasn’t even a sound. No magical effect was used either.’

Even though the floor was carpeted, it shouldn’t have muffled the sound completely!- After all, Lotzak is a mage. Such stealth, akin to what a skilled assassin might use?

The fact that users of Leeha and Shin Nara’s caliber didn’t notice him was shocking enough. The second shock was the content of their conversation just moments ago.

“There’s no need to mention the Sacred Knights’ character education…”

“I’m, I’m sorry.”

As Shin Nara bowed, Lotzak snorted and looked towards Leeha.

“What brings you to seek an audience, Ha Leeha-kun?”

“Please address me as Lord Ha Leeha, Chief Mage Lotzak. ‘kun’ seems inappropriate for the etiquette of the royal palace.”

A light revenge for Shin Nara. Before Lotzak could respond, Leeha continued.

“I’ve come to report to His Majesty the King and also to discuss a matter with you, Chief Mage.”

“‘Discuss,’ you say. With me, the Chief Mage.”

“Well, let’s talk inside. Shall we go?”

Lotzak’s forehead wrinkled at Leeha’s teasing, but he restrained himself from showing further irritation. As Lotzak turned to leave, Leeha showed a small victory sign to Shin Nara.

Unseen by Leeha, Lotzak briefly glanced at his bag just before turning away.


The King’s audience chamber was knocked upon by the guards, and soon the door opened. After performing a formal greeting appropriate for the royal palace and maintaining cordial relations, Leeha broached the main subject.

“You look pleased.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Could it be… you’ve succeeded?”

The King was quick to catch on. Lotzak’s expression briefly showed surprise before returning to normal. Leeha noticed this fleeting change.

‘Did Lotzak never even imagine it possible? He probably thought I’d fail the quest he gave me just to trouble me. He never imagined I’d actually succeed.’

Kneeling on one knee, Leeha reported to the King.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Although there are still four days left, I have successfully eliminated the Minis envoy’s Bag of Wisdom. I have also disposed of all her guards, ensuring that no information can be reported back to the Minis’ royal palace.”

Then he turned his gaze towards Lotzak. It wasn’t just his gaze that shifted.

“Regarding the land division in the New Continent, I am confident that Minis will soon request an extension. Now, our ‘proposal’ becomes crucial. I trust the initiator, Lord Lotzak, has made the necessary preparations.”

“Ah, yes, that’s right.”

He had even turned the King’s attention! What if Lotzak hadn’t prepared anything, thinking Leeha would fail?

‘Let’s see how you like being on the receiving end.’ Paying back was part of Leeha’s nature.

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