TL: xLordFifth


“Eong-ah, I remember it as well. When you showed me the coat, it said you could use the skill [Perfect Storm]. You haven’t used it?”

“P-pipe down! I am going to check it now!”

Leeha looked sheepish and opened his skill window.

[Perfect Storm – Range Limit]

Desciption: Calm seas can be made rough and rough seas can be made calm. The only clothing imbued with the power of the Sea God’s protection and can borrow the Sea God’s power.

Effect: Creates and destroys storm within a 300m radius.

Mana: Changes depending on the strength of the storm. (0-5000)

Duration: Changes depending on the strength of the storm.

Cooldown: Changes depending on the strength of the storm.

To be rough, or to be calm. It meant that it could control the appearance and disappearance of storms. Leeha could quickly tell just by looking at the description and effect of the skill, but the condition was not easy.

“Hmm… It seems like the mana consumption is enormous. I need a lot more mana than my total mana…”

It was a unique skill with no grade or level. Although Leeha did not know for sure, he could make a rough guess.

‘I heard from Kijung that the entire area above the Dragon Palace is a storm zone… Moreover, it is said that traversing it was not easy.’

It was bound to be difficult to handle for Leeha as the skill has the possibility of using up to 5000 mana, and his total mana was 1,400.

“I will be the one to wear and use it.”

“No, Ram Hwajung can’t wear it. The prerequisite for equipping this coat is that you must have a certain achievement…”

“You have no achievement related to the Sea God, right?”

Ram Hwajung lowered her head without confirming. She looked like she was recalling all the achievements she had gotten up to date.

“Hyung-nim! What achievement? What level? Can I trade for my achievements?”

Lee Jiwon’s eyes brightened at the word “achievement” and approached, but he didn’t have it either.

Anyone who does not have the achievement ‘Recognized by the Son of the Sea God’, someone who Drake truly recognized, could not wear the coat.

Except for one person.

“I will use it.” 

Drake extended his hand toward Leeha.

The moment Leeha handed him the coat, the cabin door opened. A person, no, a mermaid, approached and threw his body so loudly that it made a puk, puk, sound.

“You- you haven’t recovered yet! Your HP is continuously decreasing-“

“A-are you really the prince?”

The guard captain crawled on the floor and approached Drake.

“… It’s been a while, Sea Bream.”

“Prince! You really, you really came to save us-“

“No… that’s not it. I just happened to pass by this area at the request of my king. And I am no longer one of his children. Please stop calling me a prince.”

Drake slightly pushed Sea Bream, the Sea God’s guard captain, away, who was clinging to him, crying.

However, it was definitely not a ‘coincidence’ that he was here.

‘To get to the new continent, we have to cross this sea, and there’s no way Drake, who was from here, didn’t know that. Was it because of the Kraven king’s order that he just followed obediently? Or was it with his own choice?’

Leeha could not guess Drake’s inner thoughts. Maybe it was just the flow of the quest.

“Even if you are a human, you are still the prince. How can you say such a thing?”

“Guard captain Sea Bream is right, lord.”

Sea Bream and Anderson clung to Drake intent on holding on to Drake’s pants. Burke grumbled behind Drake but didn’t intervene.

“… That doesn’t mean I have forgotten that time. If that’s the case, then continue calling me prince.”

Drake reluctantly nodded and Sea Bream looked thrilled.

“Of course, prince-nim. If the Sea God knew about this, how happy would he be-“

A reunion between a mermaid and the former son of the Sea God? It may have been an interesting and touching scene, but it did not have much of an impact on the current new continent expedition members.

What they wanted was practical and reliable information! The only person who could possibly have it was the Sea God’s guard captain, Sea Bream. Even though Sea Bream was fully aware that the humans in front of him had saved his life, he did not easily let down his guard.

“… I don’t know what or how to tell you.”

“Then, let’s start by telling us what we are curious about. Do you know about a new continent other than the existing continent of humans?” Fernand asked with his throat trembling.

Sea Bream looked around at the users and looked at Drake’s face before opening his mouth.

“I have never been there.”

“You have never been there?  So you’re saying you know where it is?”

“… Maybe.”

Sea Bream’s attitude was somewhat vague. Did he know or not?

“Hmmm… Well then, I will ask another question. Do you know the halfway point between the new continent, which you ‘probably know’, and the old continent of humans?”

Fernand asked again. He tightened his hands so hard that the chart he held crumpled.

At least he had hope and desperation to get something from the mermaid. It was the same sense of responsibility as a member of the second New Continent expedition.

And did Sea Bream feel something from Fernand’s earnestness, or did he do what he had to do as the Sea God’s guard captain?

His answer was unexpected.

No, perhaps it was something that users had vaguely guessed since they rescued the mermaid, ‘Anderson’.

“I know that for sure.”


“I know it’s shameless to talk about this in this situation. But, please do me a favor… if you do me a favor, I will tell you anything.”


What appeared before the eyes of the new continent expedition members was a quest window.

[Cleaning the Purification Pool]

Description: “If the Sea God returns to his original state, there will be no difficulty in driving out the fishmen. However, I cannot get rid of the ‘thing’ on the Purification Pool that polluted the mermaids, much less the polluted Sea God. Maybe no mermaid could get rid of it. Maybe humans could! Please come with me. Even just one person is fine. If you’re a human, there’s a chance that you won’t be contaminated, so please… Please save the Undine clan.” 

To eliminate the fishmen’s rebellion and the strange storm, the Purification pool must be returned to its original state. Follow the guard captain Sea Bream and return the waters of the Dragon Palace, including the Sea God, to their original state.

However, as soon as you accept the quest, a skill will be activated, making it impossible to move away from the guard captain at a certain distance.

(Skill Effect will activate even when logging out)

Content: Eliminate the source of the contamination inside the ‘sewer’ owned by the Undine clan.


Right to acquire 1 item from the Dragon Palace treasure warehouse

Intimacy with all mermaid NPCs + 100%

Advanced Compensation: The location of the ‘central point’ of the Sea of Dawn

Condition of Failure: User’s Death, Sea God’s Death, Sea Bream’s Death

Penalty for Failure: Achievement: The one who annihilated the mermaids, Intimacy with Howard Drake – 100%

– Do you want to accept?

The users quickly read the quest window.

The content of the quest itself was extremely simple. They didn’t know what the ‘Purification Pool’ was, but they just needed to clean it up.

‘If it’s a monster, we just have to catch it. Well, if something else is stuck, we could remove it anyway.’

However, the road to that content was not easy.

Fernand stuttered and asked Sea Bream.

“This ring of water…”

“It is a token of promise. It is shameless to ask this, but… it’s because we still can’t trust humans. I will protect the will of the promiser from wavering.”

Although Sea Bream expressed it moderately, the explanation was clearly visible in the users’ eyes. In other words, it is the same as a movement barrier based on Sea Bream.

‘To prevent escaping?  We will really do everything. Is he saying that we just have to follow him?’

As Leeha shook his head, Fernand asked Sea Bream again. “Of course but… is the Purification Pool in the sea?”

“That’s right.  Of course, we have to enter the waters of the Dragon Palace.”

“Ah… Well, could you give us a moment?  We also need to talk.”

“Of course.  I’ll wait as long as you want.”

Fernand asked Sea Bream for understanding. It wasn’t to get permission from the NPC.

It was nothing short of advanced know-how to prevent the quest window from disappearing and being automatically rejected.

“Everyone!  If you have read it, let’s have a meeting for a moment!” 

Fernand left Sea Bream and called the entire New Continent expedition team into the cabin. 

The difficult discussion was difficult starting from the start. 

“How do we clear it if it’s in the water?”

That was the first challenge. A storm was raging and the fishmen were rushing into the sea. They had to pass there to get to the Purification Pool.

“Wouldn’t the golden reptile’s magic solve our breathing problem?”

“But permanent effect is impossible.  I guess I’ll have to go with you.”

Luger asked, giving Bailephus a new nickname. Baileiphus frowned and answered.

“Y-you can’t do that! What if the gold dragon is involved in a quest that may take a long time? 

When we finish the quest, wouldn’t our ships will already be in shambles? It is impossible for everyone to accept this quest in the first place.  Only a select few people should go…

It was Alexander and Baileiphus pair that played the biggest role in escaping from the fishmen.

Of course, it would be a different situation from then, as users with strong short-term bursts of firepower, such as Ram Hwajung and Pyro, were online, but in any case, Baileiphus’ loss would be a huge loss of power. 

The second obstacle. the condition of ‘selected few people’, also came with it, but even that could not be easily decided.

“If you think about it the other way around, no one can go without Baileiphus.”

“Among the talisman skills, there is one related to breathing… That too only lasts for two hours.”

“Even if we two brothers go, there is a high chance that the fishmen will flock on the way to the Dragon Palace.” 

Taoist Mu and Taoist Baeju looked at each other and shook their heads.

After the self-buff, they were confident in themselves, but Taoist Mu, who had already experienced the fishmen, had already relayed all the information to Taoist Baeju. That it would be impossible with just the two of them.

“I don’t think I can…  The item rewards are desirable, but the chance of dying is much greater. The conditions for failure are strict, and the penalties are also severe.”

“Kiskis, it’s already said that the Sea God was contaminated, but if it appears as a monster… It’s scary just thinking about it.” 

“That’s right, if we kill him, the quest will fail.”

Kijung, Biyemi, and Hyein were also skeptical. The same went for Bobae. There wasn’t much she could do.

“In the water, range dealers are just fodders. It confirmed that me, Armboost, and the Three Muskeeters will not be able to go.”

Even when users were talking loudly and said one thing at a time, Leeha’s eyes did not leave the quest window. Kidd also read it again and again. Kidd was the one to speak first.

“The nature of the quest is very dirty.”

“What are you talking about, Kidd?”

“Have you not noticed it yet, Luger?”

“Stop showing off and just talk.”

Kidd lifted his hat for a moment, adjusted his hair, and then put his had back on. It gave the time for the users to focus on Kidd with Luger’s words.

“It means that there is no need to clear this quest.”

“What? Why?”

“What we need is not intimacy with the mermaids or items.” 


“It is the location of the information.  And now, this mermaid named Sea Bream said he would give it as an advanced compensation. This means that if we accept the quest, we will be notified.  Do you know what that means?”

Kidd did not answer. It was because the users gathered here had the insight to understand just this much.

‘Indeed… Is Kidd the leader among the Three Musketeers? I thought Leeha thought of everything.’

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