TL: xLordFifth


When Chiyou spoke while pulling the tamer Yongyong’s arm a little more tightly to her chest, there were only a handful of men in Middle Earth who could reject her.

“C-cough, kuheum, I’ll do my best.”

“Yes, yes, we will look at what kind of monster it is, so you must succeed, okay?”

Chiyou closed one of her eyes and loosened her arms.

Shin Nara, who had been entrusted by Leeha, watched at every opportunity, but there was nothing particularly strange about her so far.

It was unavoidable. She was also a user who had been given this quest. There was absolutely no need to interfere with the progress of the quest.

Rather, it would be Chiyou who wanted more earnestly than anyone else for the new continent expedition to arrive safely at the new continent.

‘This is in order to acquire live information on the front line. If a pioneering base is built, another foothold could be established there…’ 

It was a shame that she was separated from Leeha and Bobae, but this was still satisfying. 

‘Because I can know everything about his concerns about situational judgment in addition to sniping.’

Chiyou slowly cast her skill. Other users were also concentrating on her movements.

They also knew that the Oracle Rubini would be using a similar skill.

Something Leeha was curious about before. It was Chiyou who performed the task of predicting the monster’s movements and showed its form on the Blue Marlin.

[Dance of Vibration]

Chiyou used her skill. It was an information search skill that sensed surrounding vibrations and created a 3D map of the vibrations.

However, what attracted men’s attention more than her skill was, sharararang-! Chiyou’s movements that matched the sound of musical instruments that came from somewhere.

There were many users watching with their mouths wide open as Chiyou walked and danced lightly.

“Where are you looking at?! Stay focused! Captain- aaahh…..!? Oh my gosh! This, this is the size of that monster?”

It woke up the users.

And all eyes on the Blue Marlin focused on Chiyou’s map.

Although Rubini’s skill and display method were different, it was still recognizable. The small object created with a block-like texture was the Blue Marlin.

Far above the toy-like Blue Marlin, the ‘giant monster’ coming down from the sky was so huge that it was hard to believe.

“What……? An airplane- no, is it more like a spaceship?”

“Are you sure you’re going to capture that? I don’t think so. It’s too big.”

“Well, it’s coming down!”

“Everyone get away, you idiots. I will catch it.”

Luger began to climb up the mast carrying the [Cobalt Blue Python].

His instinct was to be faster than other users.

However, this time was different. It was because there was already a user who received a ‘favor’ from Chiyou.

“I’ll take care of it! I will tame it and make it helpful for this expedition, so be careful when attacking! Let’s go, winged pony!” 

“This crazy bastard-” 

The tamer, who barely sat on top of the little pony with wings, began to soar into the sky.

‘Hehe, difficulties don’t always exist from ‘enemies’. When your allies are as much in the way as your enemies… what are you going to do, Ha Leeha?’

And Chiyou had a very small smile as she looked at that.

“What?! Who-who is that?”

Leeha, who made the same move as Luger, was equally flustered.

He quickly climbed up to the mast and lifted his Black Bass, but there was an unknown user in the sky.

“Eong-ah! It’s Yongyong, the Blue Marlin’s tamer! I heard him say that he was going to tame that thing!”

“Kiskis, that’s ridiculous. Winged ponies can carry a person and fly, but they are slow. It won’t be enough to increase intimacy while avoiding that monster’s attacks.”

“T-that’s right! It’s literally a transportation device used instead of a carriage… This is my first time seeing someone fly on that thing… He will be eaten.”

Hearing Kijung’s shout, Biyemi and Jin Gonggong made skeptical expressions.

The personnel of the New Serpent had already confirmed the monster in question through Rubini’s skill and Fernand’s knowledge, and were preparing to deal with the ‘Giant Albatross’.

“Fernand-ssi!” “How did you catch it last time?”

“We just ran away! How could we catch that? But because of its speed… We managed to get there by sacrificing two of the fleet’s ships…”

Because, no matter how fast they were, they could never be faster than an aircraft. Moreover, what about the size of the one that caught Leeha’s eyes?

‘The Golden Eagle at Candle Castle back in the day was roughly the size of a light aircraft. But what about that..”

Leeha measured the size of the monster flying towards the New Serpent and Blue Marlin.

The width of the monster that spread its wings was about 40m. The length from the tip of its beak to its tail feathers was approximately 50m.

Even the falling speed was so great that convection currents similar to flying clouds were mixed behind it.

‘I’m sure it’s bigger than the plane I take to Jeju Island.’

It is, so to speak, a flying monster on the level of a mid-to-large passenger plane.

Leeha swallowed dryly.

The distance between it and the sea was approximately 4km, but considering the speed of its descent, there was not much time left.

‘If we get hit directly even once- no, even if it’s not at the level of a direct hit. If it flies just above the two ships, the aftershock might cause the ship to capsize.

With that size and speed, waves near the sea surface cannot be ignored.

“Damn it, so I have to shoot it quickly somehow-“

It wasn’t within reach yet. Moreover, what should be done to the tamer user who was approaching it?

‘What do you plan to do, Alexander-ssi?’

Alexander rode on top of Bailephus who had already turned into a dragon.

Was he thinking of charging toward the flying creature the size of an ancient gold dragon or larger?

Alexander: Can you make it crash?

It was then that a whisper came from Alexander.

Leeha: It is still out of range. It will reach the range within a minute-

Alexander: No, the tamer.

Leeha: Yongyong-nim? Should I shoot Yongyong?

Alexander: I don’t need anyone who doesn’t follow my instructions.

Leeha: W-wait a minute. There’s no need to be extre-

Alexander: I think Yongyong will die from Baileiphus’ attack, so I am asking you for a favor.

Alexander’s voice was not fast, but it had quite a bit of force in it.

It also showed Leeha that Yongyong’s sudden behavior had angered Alexander.

Leeha: Ah, you want him to crash without dying?

Alexander: That’s right.

Leeha: Haaaa… I might look weak to Alexander-ssi, but it’s not at all like that.

Although it was just a ‘normal’ attack, it could cause 30,000 damage with a single shot, did it look weak to the rank 1?

Leeha was a bit disappointed that Alexander underestimated him consciously or unconsciously, but it was a luxury to feel that way right now.

Leeha: Yongyong-nim? Where are you going? Come back quickly!

Yongyong: I, I think I can take that monster!

Leeha: What kind of nonsense are you talking about? What are you doing with such a slow, winged pony? You know better that it won’t work! Why are you suddenly acting like that?

Yongyong: T-that-

Yongyong hesitated and couldn’t continue his words.

Because it was a request from Chiyou. Because he wanted to look good to her. He wasn’t a user big enough to answer like that.

Leeha: Ah! W-well, if we tame that thing! We can all ride on that! If it’s that big, right


Riding a giant albatross? Leeha looked at the huge bird monster through the scope of the Black Bass again.

‘It is definitely as big as a mid-to-large passenger aircraft. There are at least 100 on the plane to Jeju Island. If we can tame it, we can travel to the new continent faster… no!’

Leeha: The problem is that only users can ride it! What about the mana relay tower materials? We can’t do it without a ship!

Leeha felt ashamed of himself for a moment.

Even though he understood exactly what the quest was about, he almost fell for such a ridiculous temptation!

There was a quest in which users who participated in the suppression of Faust and other agents of the Demon King received three stat points as a reward.

The content was to participate in the new continent expedition and reach the new continent.

If they could tame and ride the giant albatross, they may be able to complete that quest, but that was not the only quest they received as a member of the true new continent expedition.

The construction of the mana relay tower was also very important!

Even if they somehow manage to use the giant albatross to fly, they will not be able to succeed in the quest.

Yongyong: B-but- I’m sorry! Anyway, I will definitely try to tame it!

Leeha: No, that won’t work- 

Ignoring Leeha’s whisper, Yongyong sped up even more.

Leeha sighed and looked at the mast of the Blue Marlin. He was sure that he was not the only one who was feeling frustrated right now.

Moreover, Yongyong had not reached even 1km above ground.

There was no way he could have been more patient than Leeha, as he was capable of reaching this range.

Leeha: Stop, Lugeeeeer-!


Leeha quickly lowered his gun and fired at the Blue Marlin’s mast.

To be exact, the bullet flew above Luger’s head, on top of the mast!

Luger: T-this damned bastard? Do you want to die?

Leeha: Didn’t you just try to shoot Yongyong?

Luger: I already told Alexander, so it’s decided.

Leeha:No, no! Damn it, I hate to see him go on a rampage, but I still need him!

That was what Leeha was worried about. Tamers were similar to druids in that they must manage the intimacy of monsters or creatures, but they are similar to summoners in that they use the target as a ‘pet’.

It meant that it had the characteristics of both jobs.

What if they don’t know what will happen in the future at the new continent’s pioneer base, and were concerned about the possibility that Jing Gonggong, the druid representative, or the representative summoner, died?

It meant that the tamer was an essential backup resource.

Luger: Then what are you going to do? Are you going to let our whole ship capsize to save that idiot? If we don’t deal with the huge bird now, it will be difficult to determine where it will fall in advance. You know, right?

Leeha: Damn it! I know, so just wait!

The issue of handling the giant albatross was not simply whether or not it could be killed.

Another problem was that even if they killed something of that size and fell at an incredible speed, its body would not disappear immediately.

‘To put it bluntly, if its body fell into the sea and was swept away by the waves, there is a high possibility that the ship will capsize. The worst case scenario is that the ship gets hit by the corpse and breaks into pieces.’

Therefore, it must be dealt with in advance. After killing it so that it could no longer move or change direction, they must inform the NPC captains to sail as far as possible from the expected dropping point.

‘I could just shoot the giant albatross, but the dragon is blocking the sniping path…’

This was the reason Luger wanted to kill Yongyong, it was also the reason why Leeha could not shoot the giant albatross right away.

Luger wanted to sacrifice a ‘cow’ for the greater good, and Leeha wanted to save even that ‘cow’ somehow.

‘Huhut, look at this, I knew it. This makes it clear… That is Ha Leeha’s weakness. If he is that greedy, there will come a time when he won’t be able to protect even what he should protect, himself. Huhut.’

Chiyou smiled brightly at the Blue Marlin and watched the stalemate. Chiyou thought that Leeha’s weakness was that he thought too much. If you try to kill two birds with one stone, you will miss both.

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