TL: xLordFifth


“Yoi~ Hoi~ who is this~? Did our little lady come all the way here because she missed her oppa? Kihihit!”

Crowley laughed as he raised his sunglasses and threw them over his forehead.

His flirtatious body movement while looking at Ram Hwajeong was not a pleasant sight.

“……Perverted bastard.”

“Ohh noo! Why are you saying something like that to this oppa! We were on the same side once,  Isn’t it?”

“So unlucky.”

“Byeolcho? Where was it? We fought together against them and did well, so why are you being like that? You have already forgotten the fun times-”

“Ice spear.”

Ram Hwajeong did not wait.

When her skill, close to instant casting, began, a spear of ice the size of a tree shot out.




As Crowley hurriedly jumped back and shouted, a gigantic hand rose up from the ground he was standing on.

“Uhihihi, didn’t you know this? Now! Wake up, Nudugi! Should we stop and listen to the cute lady first?”

After attacking Gaza City, the tattered golem made from the wreckage was still maintained.

Creaaak, Creaaak,

Rocks and pebbles splashed and the ground slowly began to rise. Crowley was on the Tino Riverside near Gaza City.

The reason he dared to run away to the riverside was to hide his golem. More than half of the giant golem’s body was submerged in water.


The giant golem, about 14m tall, roared.

The appearance of water dripping from the top of its head seemed so imposing that it did not fit the name Nudugi.

“What?! This is my masterpiece! If my Nudugi had the right weapon, he could even kill a dragon 1:1-”

“Lame. Ice wall. Ice blast.”

The overwhelming form of the giant golem and Crowley’s noise barrage could not change Ram Hwajeong’s expression.

She briefly gave her impressions and immediately conducted double casting for each.


A wall of ice protruded from the golem’s chest.

“Hoooo?! Is the golem’s body judged as ‘terrain’? Can’t that magic be used on the ground?”

Huge chunks of ice leaped out to hit the frozen wall in an instant.

Ice Blast, which boasts overwhelming coldness than Ice Spear, crashed into the ice wall. The golem faltered for a moment, but that was it.


“Kuhahaha! That’s not enough! You can’t kill Nudugi with just that!”

Crowley roared proudly. When broken pieces of ice sparkled and flew near the golem’s chest, Ram Hwajeong’s real magic was released.



It was a magic attack magic that freezes certain parts, but it was for more than the status, but not now.

Each and every one of her magic acted as coolant.

What was the condition of the golem?

The giant tattered golem still dripped river water from all over its body, and fragments of her cool mana were scattered around the water.

“What is this…?”



In other words, it meant that the environment was very suitable for freezing.

Crowley looked at his golem with 

a bewildered expression.

He had seen many scenes of ice cracking, but it was the first time he saw ice form and spread.

The ice wall rose, and starting from the point where the ice blast collided, all wet parts of the golem began to freeze.

It took less than 2 minutes for about 70% of the 14m tall tattered golems to freeze.

As soon as she saw the huge and slow golem, she intuitively sensed that a part  of the body of the golem

is judged as ‘terrain’.

It was a quick and bold decision that could only be made by her, who was called the genius of Middle Earth.

“Phew……. Now, it’s your turn.”

However, even for Ram Hwajeong, it was not an easy situation.

As soon as her double casting was over, she cast freezing for more than 2 minutes and poured mana into it.

Furthermore, since she had demonstrated four different types of skills so far in such a short time, both her concentration and mana had been rapidly consumed.

“W-w-w-w-wait! It is sad if you kill me like this! I haven’t seen you in such a long time-”


Ram Hwajeong lightly cut off his words. Blue grains gathered in her body.

“Ahhhh-! You can’t do it! You can’t……. That’s right. I said it would not work. Kuhuhuhu.”

Crowley laughed as he watched the scene where the magic that could possibly lead to death was being cast.

He took out yellow reagents from his bag.

“I haven’t had any fun yet, so you have to die! Kilkil, Rise, Nudugi!”

Crowley tossed the reagent bottles he held in his fingers as hard as he could, like a baseball player.

Hwiii- the reagent bottles that flew through the wind touched the golem’s chest and flashed as it broke. crash-!.

Ram Hwajeong laughed while watching the scene.

“It’s no use. Status ailment potion will not melt ice-”

Hudududuk……. Hudududuk…

Before she could finish her words, the ice wrapped around the golem’s body began to crack. The ice shattered, and fell, and the ice shards bounced.

It wasn’t just ice, it was the ice magic of Middle Earth’s genius who was ranked 9th….

“……No way.”

The blue grains that went into Ram Hwajeong’s body disappeared in an instant. It meant that she was so shocked that it was hard to concentrate on 


“Huhihihi! Don’t you remember? Or maybe your older sister did not tell you anything? This is the result of my research at the time! I made the perfect thawing potion, this is it!”

Crowley danced, dangling his elongated body.

Just before the final battle between Hwahong and Byeolcho, Crowley sneakily showed Ram Hwayeon the same potion.


“Oh, my? You remember! That’s right. Of course, it’s not a real piss, but it’s an improved version of that time! Hahahat!”

Even the Middle Earth’s genius would not have been able to accurately predict the dynamics.

It’s just Crowley and here here. Why did Crowley cut off space and communication in the first place, even though there was no one to help him?

Because of his own disposition prone to pedophilia?

“Nooow, Nudugi! Go and grab that little girl tightly! And rise stone golems! Go and help your hyungnim!”

That wasn’t it. Crowley was also a famous outsider in Middle Earth. He has the ability to read the flow.

In other words, Crowley was confident about getting Ram Hwajeong.

Crowley cast another skill. Hands and feet began to get attached to the rocks near the riverside.


Ram Hwajeong immediately began casting wide-range magic. But the 14-meter-high golem’s stride was wider than she expected.

Kuuuung, kuuung……. The giant ragged golem and ordinary stone golems were rapidly closing the distance toward Ram Hwajeong.

“Oh, Blizzard!”

Crowley suddenly began to salivate.

“This is exactly what I really wanted to see. Wouldn’t it be possible to make a similar rapid-cooling potion if I could collect that cooling mana?”

Even while Ram Hwajeong’s strongest magic was being cast, Crowley’s eyes were sparkling.

His obsession fits perfectly with his title Mad Scientist!

As if proving that something was wrong with him somewhere to get that kind of title in Middle Earth, he held a reagent that had never been seen before and danced around.

“Of course, that isn’t all! Disturb her, boys! Kihihik Hut, run!”

The speed of the stone golems increased even more as he danced.

Kuuung, kuuuung-!

Nudugi also sped up, stepping on the stone golems.


Ram Hwajeong’s expression distorted and her mana flow was shaken for a moment. But she is Middle Earth’s genius that no one can match! She was also a hard-working genius. It was no exaggeration to say that her skill, move-casting, had improved compared to the past, and is now unmatched in Middle Earth.

Casting her strongest area of effect magic, she started running.

And backward at that.

“B-backstep?! Uhat! Moving while casting blizzard?”

Crowley was flabbergasted. He was well aware of Ram Hwajeong’s greatness. However, Ram Hwajeong’s movement was so great that it was an understatement to say that it was great.

Just walking and moving was already top-notch. Move casting was ranker level, but how can casting while running backward be described?

Every time her snakelike legs stepped on gravel by the riverside, her body moved backward as if she were a ranger.

Even if the speed of the stone golem became faster, they couldn’t catch up because they were slow to begin with, but even the ragged golem couldn’t keep up with her speed.

What about the blizzard which was not shaken at all?

The target and magic range run on the backstep, continuously checking, and securing a safe distance to get your body out.

“Kihihihit, no way! Where are you going? Give me that mana coolant before going!”

Only then did Crowley, feeling the ominous energy, start running frantically, but it was after all the blue grains had already entered Ram Hwajeong’s body.

“Get away.”


She lifted her arms into the air and fired mana. In an instant, hail and snowstorm began to pour from the sky.

“Kihiik-! M-my golem, daaaaamn it, Ram Hwajeooooooong-!”

Crowley poured thawing potions on his body and ran forward, but the strong wind of the blizzard did not allow it.

Hwauuuu ——-!

“Keuuuut, Kiyooooot-! My goleeeeem! Uwaaaaak?!”

The tattered golem, far from Crowley, tried to catch Ram Hwajeong, but it was impossible. The golems slowly froze to a halt, an environment where he himself could no longer move.

His mischievous expression turned ferocious.

“This damned bitch is asking me to go out of business! I have a lot of experience with all or nothing!”

Crowley poured the thawing potion and escaped the Blizzard’s freezing effect, took out all sorts of reagent bottles from his bag, and threw them at random.

The reagents flew everywhere, some got caught in the blizzard, some got smashed by the falling hail, and some were simply stuck in the ground…….

Crack, crack!

With the sound of glass breaking, various chemicals soaked Crowley’s surroundings.

“I should have collected and researched it – but that’s what happens when you hold on to a bitch and get tickled, hihihihi?! Rise up, Ice Fairy- Kehek!”

Crowley’s body staggered after getting hit by a hailstone while spreading his arms and scattering mana.

However, he did not die with that one shot.

The man that escaped from his body flowed into the reagents he had scattered.

Crack- Pakakakakikik…….

It was then that a strange noise began to echo in the air.

The blizzard’s strong winds were still continuing, but the snowstorm, which seemed to block all view, and the hailstones, which were enough to lose consciousness with just one shot, calmed down.

“..My mana.”

Not only did it calm down, but the hailstones and snowflakes were coming together.

It was quite a shock to Ram Hwajeong as well. Her own mana became the opponent’s strength?!

“S-success?! Uhahaha! Great! Now, hehehe, this bitch’s mana! Use ice magic or whatever you like!”

It was an ice-type golem.

In a sense, it was the worst monster for Ram Hwajeong.

“Ice spear, Ice spread.”

Shuuuuk, shuuuk-!

TT꾸, TT^T”!

The sharp spears of ice flew through the blizzard’s gale but to no avail. Rather, it only had the effect of throwing another ball of mud into a pile of mud.

“Nuokk-! Kuoek-!”

Kududuk, kududuk.

As the ice spear disappeared, the ice golem grew in size. The ice spear was absorbed by the ice golem.

“Do you think that the mana made of the same source will work? Kuhahahat! Shit! I should have taken the refrigerant before throwing the regent, I should have collected the coolants!”

Crowley felt it was a pity for the Crowleys that he threw away all of his reagents.

“No, go to the ice-”


It was already 15 minutes later when Crowley, who still had a psychotic spirit, shouted out his joy and a little bit of sadness that his experiment had succeeded.

Ram Hwajeong used teleport without any hesitation.

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