TL: xLordFifth


“Oh, you know what it is? It seems like Bottleneck-ajussi knows about everything, but did not tell me about it.”

“No- that…… I heard stories about it when I was young, but it was like a myth- it really existed? Where did you get it?”

“Hehe, where I got it from is a secret. I don’t know where you heard it from, but you should be honored. We will now check its effect together.”

Somewhere at the base of Adamantir mountain, an item that had never been seen since the beginning of Middle Earth was being activated by Leeha’s hands.

[Select an item containing the mana of the rebirth target.]

‘As expected……’

Leeha slowly approached the item on the work hanger.

It was something that Leeha left Bottleneck for a while, asking him to make it into an item, [Blaugrun’s Dragon Heart] emitted soft light.

[Rebirth Target: Bronze Dragon ‘Blaugrun’]

[Click OK to continue.]

It was the reason why the King of Metal Dragons expressed gratitude to Leeha.

He could bring the dead back to life.

No, maybe it was because he considered the possibility of this method from the very beginning, so he chose Blaugrun as his partner.

Like the operator of Middle Earth, Bahamut perfectly painted the bigger picture.



“Oh, Ohhhh, really- it really is a resurrection egg. Oh my god! Hey, Beard Brothers! Hurry up and look!”

Seeing the divine light emanating from the Easter Egg, Bottleneck almost shed tears.

And Leeha, barely suppressing his pounding heart, examined the easter egg he was holding while waiting for the bronze dragon ‘Blaugrun’, a handsome man in his early to mid-twenties who would become his dragon partner in the future.

“Oh my goodness, where did you get something that only the Dragon Lord might have?”

“Shh! The egg cracked!”

The older brother of the Beard Brothers tapped Leeha’s arm and asked, but the younger brother, who was concentrating on the easter egg, blocked the older brother’s mouth.

Leeha, who was about to boast that it had really been given by the dragon lord, missed the opportunity to say so.

‘But would he be resurrected like this?” 

Crack- crack-!

Leeha put the [Easter Egg] on the floor after it started cracking.

Bottleneck, Beard Brothers, and Leeha focused on the small egg through which the light leaked. And they couldn’t help but be curious.

‘Will it be an adult-class dragon? Born from that egg?’

Leeha had thought that a handsome Blaugrun would arise out of thin air with a shaaaa~ sound like magic.

But what was happening?

Like an egg hatching, the surface of the easter egg began to crack like something was about to come out.

No matter how hard Leeha tried to think about it, it didn’t look like an adult-sized Blaugrun would come out of the egg-!


Finally, the top shell of the Easter Egg fell off.

“It’s coming out, it’s coming out!”

The easter egg had a jewel-like surface, but it really became egg-like after exhausting its ‘use’, and the eggshell of the ostrich-sized egg, fell apart little by little.

While watching the scene, Leeha felt somewhat uneasy.

He had seen a scene like this in a dinosaur movie a long time ago. He thought it moved for a moment, the moment of its birth….

‘Even the lead dinosaur in that movie, even the T-Rex, came out of an egg-’


Ttuk, ttuk, the shell cracked and the fragments fell off. And finally, the figure of the bronze dragon coming out of the egg caught his eyes.

It had scales roughly colored with turquoise, it was a dragon scale with stronger physical defense than a ranker-class tank!

Its sharp dragon claws stood out, which had a stronger physical attack than a ranker-class dealer!

Paa ——–!

With an intense light, the Easter Egg was shattered and–


“It came out! It’s out!”

And as soon as the light faded, Leeha, Bottleneck, and the Beard Brothers saw a creature fly into the sky.


“Ohhhhh! It’s a hatchling! God of Anvil!”

It was a creature that was very far from those dragon scales and dragon claws.

There was a very small dragon with straight horns, and round and cute eyes, that even made a loud popping sound.

“There’s a saying that if you see the birth of a dragon, even just once, in your lifetime, you wouldn’t have any regrets even if you died!”

“Boss! This is a happy occasion! Our smithy will do well!”

Seeing the three dwarves dancing, Leeha was not able to keep his spirits up.

What happened?

“……Where’s the adult dragon?”

A hatchling came out of the easter egg.

Why? What’s the reason?

“Oh, ohh? What? What? Why- why did a hatchling come out? What?”


Flaap, flap, flap, the turquoise dragon moved leisurely in the air, flapping its wings.

Can it be called flight?

It was so slow that it could be called hover.


“Blaugrun! W-Where did Blaugrun go! My partner! Where did the handsome young man go?! No, no, my mythic-grade item! Easter egg ————-!”

Leeha hurriedly gathered the shattered easter egg shells on the floor, but he knew this too.

To be more accurate, he knew that the item would disappear after one use.

Facing the shoulder of Leeha, who was kneeling while holding the easter egg shell, the newly born Blaugrun flapped its wings and landed.


The hatchling was clearly aware of his partner.

The dragon scales, which were still soft, rubbed against Leeha’s cheeks.


[Your partner, the Bronze Dragon Blaugrun, has been reborn.]

[Skill – Summon(Partner)/ Appear(Partner) can be used.]


Leeha screamed at the creature slightly larger than his fist, but all the water had already been spilled.


What the–

[Achievement: Witness of the Highest Order]

Congratulations! You witnessed a dragon’s birth. Just seeing the moment of a dragon’s birth, endowed with more divine power than any other life form, will give you impetus in life and earn you the respect of others.

Reward: Constitution +18, Continent Reputation +1,000

You are the first registrant of the achievement [Witness of the Highest Order].

The first three registrants of the achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and an additional 200% of the existing effect will be applied.

Effect: Constitution +36, Continental Reputation + 2000


Combining bronze dragon Blaugrun’s area-of-effect magic with his sniper skills to make a big impact! Leeha only chose the easter egg with that hope in mind….

[Kyuu?! Kyuu!]


Leeha did not know what kind of driving force he could get when he saw the hatchling, who randomly rubbed its scales on his cheeks.

‘Right. Okay, I knew it. Come to think of it, the word ‘resurrection’ was not in the description.’

The item’s name was Easter Egg, but what was it actually? There were only the words ‘rebirth’ and living anew.

‘Keuk, was that a trap too, you freaking damned Middle Earth bastards! There’s still a trap until the very end?! These bastards! They are surely laughing while monitoring, right?’

Leeha even had the delusion that Middle Earth operators might be watching him.

“What an idiot! Why do you look so gloomy when you see this auspicious sign?!”

“Do I look gloomy…?”

“Look at this cute figure! Don’t you know that even the gods of Upper Earth couldn’t handle such cuteness and sent them down to the continent?”

“What I need right now isn’t cute-”



Blaugrun rubbed Leeha’s cheeks with the strength that could make Leeha’s cheeks disappear.

“-keuk… still, really-“

Wasn’t it cute?

Cute?… Could he sell it?

It was only then that Leeha, who had been in despair, met with the newly born hatchling’s eyes. The bright eyes of the bronze dragon were only focused only on Leeha.



Right, it was a hatchling, but he didn’t know yet! Leeha had hope as he saw the dragon nodding his head when his name was called.

“Listen to me- do you understand me? Do you remember me?”

[Kyu! Kyuu!]

“Really? Okay! We,killed Kuzgunak’sh! Huh?! Fighting together with Bailephus-“




Did he just nod excitedly? While Leeha talked excitedly, Blaugrun continued to rub his scales on Leeha’s cheeks.

“Puhahaha! You’re so stupid, even though it’s a dragon, do you think a hatchling will understand your words right away?”

“Can’t hatchlings understand words, boss?”

“They could, but not right after birth!”

Bottleneck and the Beard Brothers smiled happily at Leeha and Blaugrun. At Bottleneck’s words, Leeha’s ears perked up.

“Then? When would he understand? It can use magic and transform, right?”

That’s right.

It was the same as the small dragons he met in front of Kuzgunak’sh’s lair. They were said to be of the juvenile class, but they were not much different from this hatchling in Leeha’s eyes.

“T-That’s what I know. Well, considering the ages of dragons- even among hatchlings, wouldn’t it be possible for the dragons to start acting intelligently after about 100 years?”

“How many years?”

“One…One hundred years.”

Reality and Middle Earth have a 5X time difference. Even so, 100 years is 20 years in reality. It’s enough time for the game called Middle Earth to disappear.

“Haaaa……. This is driving me crazy.”

“Why are you sighing on such a happy day?! That will bring you bad luck!”

[Kyu! Kyuu!]

Right, right, seeing him nodding his head like it was saying yes, Leeha thought that Blaugrun might understand what he was saying, but Leeha decided to put his worries aside for now.

In any case, the easter egg disappeared after being used as well as the chance to pick an item from Bahamut’s lair.

However, hadn’t his partner been revived? He also got an achievement and two skills.

‘Of course, I don’t know how useful it will be…… still, let’s think positively that he is my partner.’

Leeha spread his palm in front of his chest. Did he understand what it meant? Blaugrun, who had been sitting on his shoulder, fluttered and landed on Leeha’s palm.

The weight felt light, and Leeha felt a kind of warmth even though it was like a reptile with scales in his palm.

“Let’s find out if you remember anything when we can converse. Please take care of me, Blaugrun-ssi.”

Leeha lowered his head toward the bronze dragon hatchling sitting on his palm.


The bronze dragon also nodded its slender neck and roared at Leeha.

Beside him, Bottleneck and the Beard Brothers were trying their best to hold back their laughter.

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