-Baileyphus, sir! Preparation is complete!

-Understood. I will unleash mana.

-Hyein, it’s time to begin.

-I’ll wait for the signal.

As soon as Lee Ha arrived at the designated Spot A, they took out their Black Vess and retrieved a separate magazine that had been categorized in their bag.

Unlike other magazines, a faint light was emanating from deep within this particular magazine.

“This is my chance.”

Lee Ha confirmed the situation with the shotgun shells and combined them with the Black Vess, making a clicking sound.

Then they connected the Bar of the Steabilizer on their waist to the Black Vess, making another metallic sound.

“Whew… This should be enough.”

Normally, they would assume a prone position to improve accuracy, but this time was different.

Securing the range and field of vision took priority, even if it meant sacrificing some accuracy. Moreover, Lee Ha had an item that would assist with accuracy, so they had nothing to fear.

Maintaining their standing position, Lee Ha quietly whispered at a point where Baileyphus’s rare was visible from above.


The figure of Lee Ha, which had been standing on a fallen leaf until just now, gradually vanished.

The faint golden mana emitted by Baileyphus flowed beyond the range of the rare, rippling like waves.

Kuzgunaxish’s forehead twitched.

“This mana… Baileyphus.”

“Oh, oh, the dung fly’s mana, is it? Keke, you’re here now?”

Bluebeard also adopted a slightly stiff posture, disrupting his relaxed position.

“He’s here. Something has finally arrived!”

And Faust was carefully observing their reactions.

Despite all the Metal Dragons having moved to Bahamut’s rare, Kuzgunaxish had stopped moving.

Their actions were limited to the destruction of the outskirts of Minis using the remaining Chimeras under Bluebeard’s and Faust’s control. Faust, who had been frequenting this location recently, felt restless.

“Lately, there haven’t been any quests for destroying Minis City… I wondered if there was an event or something. Are they going to capture Alexander’s Dragon? But they said they already caught the four heads they needed, and they clearly said they wouldn’t say anything about the fifth head… So that’s why they’ve been quiet lately?”

Faust had been saving his logout time and focusing on Midgard.

He was the only player who had allied with the forces of the Demon King and had been fighting alongside them.

At least when it came to Bluebeard’s activities and Kuzgunaxish’s secrets, Faust knew more than any other player, including Alexander, Lee Ha, and Biyemi.

In his eyes, Kuzgunaxish seemed to have lost interest in dragon hunting. He appeared to be simply waiting for something.

“Whatever it is, it’s good news for me. As Bluebeard and Faust move, I can gather more undead materials… Hehe.”

Naturally, he didn’t feel the need to share this information or tell anyone. He knew very well that once you reached around 8th place in the rankings, growth through information monopoly was the most effective method in Midgard.

As Kuzgunaxish stood up, Bluebeard approached him and spoke.

“Well, aren’t we already prepared? We clearly need four heads.”

“That’s separate from this. Baileyphus is one of the dragons that poses the greatest threat to our Color Tribe. If we eliminate him, it will make the Queen’s movements much smoother.”

“LeeHa, Faust must also know that this is a trap. Doesn’t he?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Your Excellency.”

“Yes? What do you mean, ‘yes’! Anyway, he’s good at matching people’s preferences. Keke.”


Bluebeard struck the head of a white Lizardia with his staff.

It didn’t hurt, but it naturally put Faust in a slightly sour mood. Of course, he was only laughing and smiling for growth and quests.

“It’s a trap, so what? He’s alone anyway. I can’t feel any mana in the vicinity. Should we be afraid of something that can be solved by taking his head?”

“Umm… I’m not afraid, but for some reason, my intuition is bothering me. It’s better to stay at home on a day like this. Sometimes, it’s good to listen to the advice of an old man.”

Bluebeard nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

He couldn’t feel that the Demon King’s piece and the NPC were bothering him. Kuzgunaxish narrowed his eyes.

“Shut up and follow me. Inspiration.”

“The one asking for a favor is too polite, huh?”

“Baileyphus is someone I will take care of alone. Just come and help me without interfering. That would be good for Inspiration too.”

Kuzgunaxish and Bluebeard had already had conversations. Faust had also heard their conversations while standing by.

He could understand their actions, but as a player, he couldn’t grasp the underlying circumstances or reasons.

“If we succeed, it’s good. Even if not, it’s good to leave some scars, right?”

“That’s right. I regret not forming a bond with him… But if he appears like this, I can only be grateful.”

Kuzgunaxish’s voice was resolute.

The eyes of the Red Dragon, who had already made up his mind, burned with a competitive spirit.

Faust, who was next to him, was startled, but Bluebeard yawned as he watched.

“Hyaaam, settling a rivalry at the risk of your life… There’s definitely a sense of excitement that could wake you up! It would be great if we could place bets…”


Bluebeard swiftly drew two curved blades towards the smiling face of Kuzgunaxish.

Kuzgunaxish’s swollen muscles seemed as if they would burst, but the blades merely cut through the air.

Bluebeard had already appeared next to Kuzgunaxish, raising his staff.

“Do not tarnish our sacred duel, Inspiration.”

“LeeHa. Alright, I got it. This is the one! It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a passionate temperament! If I could place bets…”


Kuzgunaxish sharpened his curved blades while farting.

There was no time for Faust to stand up; it was a swift exchange of attacks. The white-skinned Lizardia once again tilted its head towards them.

“To be clear, I don’t really want to fight flies. There’s nothing good for me even if I raise Bahamut from his chair.”

“I know. Just make sure to handle what I asked for.”

“Actually, it’s something I’d rather ask for. I wanted to try it once too.”

“You’re an unlucky Inspiration, aren’t you?”

“What did you say?”

“Oh, nothing, sir.”

Kuzgunaxish’s body vanished. Bluebeard’s eyes flickered for a moment, then turned to Faust.

“Faust, you know what you need to do, right?”


A quest window appeared in front of the Necromancer. Faust quickly read it, smiled, and pressed the accept button.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“Don’t miss the opportunity to hide well and go.”

“I understand.”

“Good. Go.”

Bluebeard teleported to Kuzgunaxish’s vicinity with Faust. The desolate wind blew in the Agit where they were just moments ago.

“He’s here.”

Baileyphus, who was engaged with other monsters, opened his eyes. He immediately recognized the presence of someone who had crossed his personal boundary.

“Kuzgunaxish has come.”

“Yes, it appears so.”

“Can you kill him immediately?”

“No, he’s in human form right now…”

“I can’t locate the heart. The distance is quite far. I can’t shoot a heart bullet like Blaugrune. We can’t gamble on one opportunity. Let’s hear Haart’s answer.”

Baileyphus transformed into his human form while listening to Haart’s response.

“I see. Then, which direction would be advantageous for you to lure him? I also can’t sense your mana.”

“Um… Baileyphus, towards the southwest, so after encountering Kuzgunaxish, if you come at least 500m further northwest, I would appreciate it.”

“I see, I’ll do my best.”

Baileyphus teleported near the intruders. The knight in golden armor stood facing the red bald-headed warrior.

Upon seeing Baileyphus, Kuzgunaxish unsheathed his curved blades. However, he didn’t charge in as he usually would.


“Kuzgunaxish, what are you planning… What is the reason for persisting in committing acts that even the Color Tribe abandons!”

“Calm down, fly. Your reaction is not like yourself.”

“Inoem! Are you trying to provoke me even after taking the lives of four members of the Metal Tribe!”

Ironically, Kuzgunaxish remained calm. Baileyphus couldn’t help but feel something was off with his attitude. While still angry, Baileyphus spread his mana for exploration but found nothing.

-Did Bluebeard see it?

-No, he didn’t. What about the mana?

-There’s nothing. But it’s reasonable to assume he has arrived.

-Okay, I understand. I’ll be on guard for now.

“The time has come to settle our relationship that has lasted for over four thousand years, fly.”

“Fine, you Red scum! But that settlement will end with me taking your Dragon Heart!”

“Krahahaha, good, good! That’s what I hope for, Baileyphus!”

As Kuzgunaxish’s shout ended, a wide violet barrier with a red border appeared eerily. Faust already knew what it was.

A movement-restricting magic that prevents those inside the barrier from leaving.

And a space-locking magic that prevents external individuals from entering with spatial magic—two types of spells.

“Enchant Weapon, Strength!”

“You still rely on such inferior magic! Haste, Quick!”

Baileyphus’s sword and shield gleamed, and Kuzgunaxish’s body radiated light.

It was a buff that vividly showcased their combat styles. Kuzgunaxish’s thigh muscles twitched for a second, and his body shot towards Baileyphus like an arrow.


To Haart, who was observing through the scope, it appeared as if the speed was invisible.

It was literally teleportation-like speed, but Baileyphus, who faced him, already had his golden shield raised.

“Today is the day we sever this sickening bond, fly!”

“That’s what I want to say, scum!”

Baileyphus dashed forward with his shield raised.

Of course, it was a small feint to block Kuzgunaxish’s attack. Just as Kuzgunaxish swung his curved blades to knock away the shield, Baileyphus sidestepped and thrust his hidden sword forward.


It appeared as if the sword pierced through Kuzgunaxish’s side, but it was just an afterimage. Kuzgunaxish’s torn side dispersed into the air.

“Heup! Flame Strike!”

Even for a moment, one couldn’t afford to miss their opponent’s movements!

Baileyphus swung his shield backward, unleashing magic in all directions.

“To use flame magic against a Red Dragon! That’s why you’re called a fly, Flame Strike!”


Rather than an attack, it was more of a method of exploration through magic chaos. Kuzgunaxish’s figure got caught in Baileyphus’s Flame Strike. Likewise, Kuzgunaxish, who appeared in Baileyphus’s right empty space, also countered with magic.

Baileyphus’s Flame Strike, spreading in all directions, was 16 strikes.

To counter it, the Red Dragon focused all its casting into a single point, resulting in 22 strikes.

While human mages struggled to cast double spells, the dragons effortlessly unleashed their magic, as if picking up rocks and throwing them.

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