TL: xLordFifth

ED: StygianDale

“Even if they are strengthened to become demon nobles, they are still at the same level as the northern trolls. Even with that, the coward is still aiming for the head from behind.”

Luger smirked at Leeha and immediately reloaded. With the first shot, he had already estimated the enemy’s level. When it came to combat and fighting, Luger was certainly a master. ButLeeha was annoyed that he was also a master at getting on people’s nerves.

“I thought I was used to it, but I was wrong. He really has a sharp tongue. Let’s go, Kidd.”

“[Bullet Storm] is already prepared.” 

Leeha pulled his trigger and Kidd danced with his revolvers. Because they had already fought against the northern trolls, they did not shrink back from the number. 

The quest condition, which was different from the Crolang quest, was also the reason why they could move without feeling any pressure. Each time the Three Musketeers’ muzzles fired, the number of trolls fell by at least 2 and at most 10. Fernand’s jaw dropped, and he didn’t know what to do but open his mouth.

‘No way……. I knew the three of them had skills, but-’

Luger used his skills. And the trolls exploded without being able to react.

‘With that level of power, I can believe the fact that he fought Alexander.’

Kidd started panning and alternating guns. By the time a single gunfire ended, the surrounding trolls had turned already into pockmarked trolls.

‘Shin Nara level? No, shouldn’t his attack power be considered more than that? Could her rapier move that fast?’

Leeha quietly looked around, aimed, and pulled the trigger. It was a place where more than 300 monsters had gathered, but none of them was able to escape. Because Leeha only shot those who were running in the opposite direction.

‘His accuracy is the same as during the Bone Drake seeing that only the heads of the fleeing trolls explode- but it seems his aiming speed has doubled!’

The Three Musketeers did not even allow Fernand to admire them. The number of trolls rapidly decreased in front of overwhelming skills that did not even consider the difference in quantity.

“Uwooooo-!” “Keooooo-ok!”

Kuuung- Kuuung-.

By the time the number of trolls had decreased to 30%, the sound of huge footsteps that shook the ground was heard.

“Ogre! There’s an ogre! T-Those guys appear to have turned into demon nobles as well!”

The number of ogres descending the mountain while knocking down trees was close to a hundred. There were still about a hundred trolls left, and there were a hundred ogres that appeared. They were even stronger than average ogres!

‘This is not a normal quest. Was it actually made with failure in mind? Or was the real purpose of the quest for me to find traces of Bluebeard first and get out of here?’

Fernand was nervous. He roughly heard what kind of quest the Three Musketeers received. He was given a different quest from that. It was a quest to find traces of Bluebeard, which was directly ordered by the Pope. He thought there would be time to spare, but looking at the number of monsters, it was never like that. Rather, it was a quest that was more like a time attack. It made him wonder if his real purpose was to find traces of Bluebeard before they died and get out of the Sentinel Mountains. That was from  Fernand’s point of view. But what about the Three Musketeers?

“They are big idiots.”


“You wouldn’t miss it if they are that big, right? The numbers are just right…… Thank God.”

Luger, Kidd, and Leeha’s muzzles fired again.

Kidd focused on the trolls, and Luger slowed the ogres down by shooting them at their shin bone.


Leeha’s bullet flew into those who fell down screaming.

They did not exchange words in particular, and their movements were not connected in any way. However, the three people, who had a good understanding of each other’s weapon ranges and characteristics, were able to launch a naturally lined attack.


Fernand was ashamed of himself for trying to figure out the hidden purpose of the quest.

“……It doesn’t seem like such a quest. It must have really been a leisurely quest to find traces. Yes, it’s relaxing and leisurely.”

None of the three will survive if they get caught by the ogres. Their limbs will be torn off in a brutal fashion and get logged out in an instant. That was if the ogres could touch them. The ogres became corpses a long way from the Three Musketeers, unable to properly show their strength.

“Leeha-kun, are there any monsters that have fled down?”

“There are none, director-nim. At least none got through and went to Berfort through this side.”

“I’m glad.”

While the other two focused on hunting, Leeha focused on the ‘quest’. The moment even one monster reached Berfort, the quest would fail, and of course, he had to search thoroughly.

‘It would have been hard if I only had my bare eyes. I’m glad I have mana clairvoyance.’

Most importantly, it was also possible because he was pretty good at searching and observing. Leeha’s observation and know-how sufficiently accumulated during the war when he was trying to find the keystones while trying to avoid being ambushed by Midnight Circus.

“Do you really mean that these bastards slaughtered humans during the 2nd Human-Demon war?”

They certainly did.

There was a certain strengthening aspect to Bluebeard’s mana, but it was embarrassing to even call these monsters strong.

Instead of slaughtering humans, the number of monsters the Three Musketeers had slaughtered exceeded several hundred. Browless smiled at Luger. It was a smile filled with pride.

“Hut, don’t be so dismissive, Luger-kun. Demon nobles become stronger when they have a commander, you know that since you have met Crolang.”

“The director is right. Even in the northern troll village, Luger-”

“Shut up.”

Luger frowned when Leeha quickly took Browless’ side. Luger was ashamed for not being able to kill Crolang with his strongest skill. There was no way Leeha could have missed that point.

“Ugh. Even then, if it wasn’t for me, you couldn’t have caught it. Our quest almost failed. Isn’t that right, Kidd?”

“It’s all because of my skill that the two of you were able to be together.”

They did not want to lose in the battle of words against each other. Hearing the Three Musketeers’ friendly and unfamiliar conversation, Fernand tilted his head. He couldn’t figure out the relationship between the three people.

“Shh. Everyone come here now.”

When Browless spoke, the three of them, who had just been giggling and playing around, stopped their actions. Seeing that instant change in attitude, Fernand admired them more.

After catching all the trolls and ogres, they approached the summit of the sentinel mountains.

Normally, this was a place where trolls and ogres would start appearing little by little. So, it was obvious what would happen here.

—uwoooooo 一ukwoooooo!

[The ruler of the Sentinel Mountains, Quiquero has appeared.]

[The ruler of the Sentinel Mountains, Cleethio has appeared.]

[All large monsters in the Sentinel Mountains are 30% stronger.]

“It’s finally here. As for Quiquero, I have caught it once before. Isn’t it a field boss?”

“I think they are demon nobles as well. The cyclops have horns.”

Fernand continued Leeha’s murmur.

How many field bosses? Is that how noble demons work?

But it was a question no one could easily answer. In a situation where even Browless was reluctant to say anything, it was the two of them who stepped forward.

“I will catch it.”

“Don’t be too greedy. There’s one more.”

Looking at Luger and Kidd, Leeha slowly laid down. Leeha and Luger were able to one-shot the ogres, but what about the field bosses?

‘They’re almost 10 meters tall, and the fact that they are field bosses- and if they gained a demon noble’s power through Bluebeard, they could rival Crolang. I may not be able to defeat it in one shot if I shoot it in a different part.’

In addition, the horn’s use was unknown.

If so, they need to pinpoint the weakness accurately. If Luger’s bullet did not kill it, Leeha planned to fire at Quiquero’s eyes immediately.

“Human- It smells like humans!”

“Count-nim’s – gift, human- meat!”

The two cyclops turned with their eyes thumping. Like a machine, Luger raised his gun and used his skills. “Panzer Faus-”

Did they notice Luger’s skill? Light flashed from the heads of the two cyclops.

“-t.” Baaaaaaang—-!

Shells shot through the air. As expected, Luger’s bullet had explosive power, but there was no target to hit and there was no target to explode.

“ Hmmmm?”

“Kuhahaha- hahaha-!”

“This!”  Piiiat- 

Luger flung his body to the side, and the Cyclops’ stick hit the place where he was standing just before. Whooops-!

The attack would have crushed his body if he reacted slowly.

‘Damn it….. Can it use magic?!’

Kidd, who was standing behind Luger, also rolled forward. It was because another cyclops appeared behind Kidd and hit him with a club.



“I was wondering if that was the case. They’re not just demon nobles, they are commander-level monsters of the demon corpse created by Bluebeard! They are on par with Crolang, Luger-kun! Kidd-kun!”

Browless raised his voice, touching his forehead.

The cyclops who were attacking Luger and Kidd discovered Browless, Leeha and Fernand.

“Human-! There are more humans!”

“It’s a party, a festival again!”

Light flashed from the head of one of the cyclops again. And then……. A bolt of lightning shot into the sky.

“What is that?”

“It means it’s starting now.”

At Leeha’s question, Browless gulped nervously for the first time.

After a while, the light flickered three times from a place far away. Every time the light flashed, there were figures that magically filled the place.

[The ruler of the Sentinel Mountains, Mimas has appeared.]

[The ruler of the Sentinel Mountains, Prega has appeared.]

[The ruler of the Sentinel Mountains, Hekaton has appeared.]

[All large monsters in the Sentinel Mountains are 30% stronger.]

“……It’s similar to Crolang-”

“-do you want the three of us to kill five field bosses?”

“I will kill them all. Bastards. How dare you avoid my skill.”

In the meantime, Leeha shook his head for a moment as he saw Luger, who was losing his temper for some reason.


At the same time as Browless’ cry, the foreheads of the five cyclops began to flash.

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