TL: xLordFifth

ED: Chapter Unedited

“What should we do?”

“I-I don’t know. Shouldn’t we step back first? We have to save the Sea Serpent first. If even the Sea Serpent breaks down, my quest will disappear altogether.”


A strange battle of nerves began to take place between Kraven users and NPCs in the Sea Serpent. The users did not openly throw their weapons on the floor, but slowly and gently distanced themselves from Drake.

“W-what are you doing! Don’t step back! There! There! Raise your weapons now!”

Seeing the crews’ abandonment, the NPCs threatened them but it had no effect.

They didn’t know what weapon he was holding, but they knew that it was some sort of musket, and if he aimed at the commander’s head like that, it would definitely lead to an instakill.

“Then you will die too. Without fail.”

Drake’s eyes were burning. Leeha’s eyes did not move.

It was a fierce confrontation between the commander-in-chief of Kraven, who was in charge of one axis of the national war, and a single sniper from Fibiel. Drake spoke again.

“Whoever puts the second storm to rest is not prepared to survive in the waters near Kraven. You will surely die.”

Bluffs are overlaid on bluffs.

What he actually needed to do now was nothing. To show the enemy how far he could handle.

Drake says it’s okay to die.

The sad thing was that the other person speaking was Leeha. When it comes to death, it meant that he was a person who has been through Middle Earth more closely than anyone else.

“Isn’t it an honor to be able to erase the Kraven kingdom from the map with one death?”

Leeha revealed his white teeth. A flawless smile that showed determination.

Drake’s eyes burned with anger, but his expression and momentum were calm. Seeing Leeha’s smile, Drake’s shoulders went up and down.

Seeing him clearing his breath, the hearts of the nearby Kraven users and NPCs pounded as if they were about to explode. What orders will their commander-in-chief give, and what should they do?

The tight string of tension, the thin and strong light protruded from Drake’s eyes and met Leeha’s eyes seemed to spread around the Sea Serpent.

It had been quite some time since Leeha lifted the Black Bass, so his arms were shaking, but he didn’t show anything. The smile faded, and all his nerves were focused only on one man, Drake.

No matter who was around him or whatever he did, he was confident.

The confidence to pull the trigger faster than anyone else.

At least not as much ‘now’. He had a strong will even if he could die.

“……Burke didn’t believe in the weapon the Three Musketeers used.”


There was no way Drake didn’t know that. Leeha’s spirit, full of will, was stronger than Drake’s.

“He believed in you, who handled the weapon.”

Drake turned back, ignoring the muzzle pointed right at his head.



“Yes! Commander!”

“The entire Kraven fleet, including the Sea Serpent and the Serpent Fleet, will retreat from the waters of Fibiel right this moment.”

After cutting off Leeha’s words, Drake completely acknowledged his defeat.



“What did Drake say just now?”

Some of the users pricked up their ears. Kraven navigator’s face had a sullen expression. Hearing Drake’s acknowledgment of defeat, Leeha was the most perplexed person.

“Do you think I would believe your word?” Drake raised his eyebrows. “I am Drake.”

“Yes, you are Drake, and I am me. Commander Burke might believe you, but do you think I would believe it?”

From beginning to end Leeha had already seen people who would do anything to win a war.

‘Damn, how do I make a deal here? It’s not even an era where there was a seal. Will he write a [Contract]?’

Of course, Leeha thought of it in his heart Drake, unaware of this, just called his subordinate. 


“Yes, yes, commander.”

“Bring me my coat.”

“Yes? Commander’s coat?”

“That’s right.”

The navigator noticed that Drake’s eyebrow was raised again The sailor was frightened by his dragon-like face and ran away. The brief moment he was on his way to the captain’s office, Drake himself shouted, using voice amplification.

[Listen Kraven Fleet.] 

The surrounding sea area became quiet in an instant.

[All Kraven Fleet, including the Serpent Fleet, you are forbidden from fighting Fibiel.] 

Murmurs occurred in the quiet waters.

What did he mean by that?

[I swear to the mother of the sea. I, Howard Drake, promise that I will not attack the Fibiel Forces and ships, and I will not lead Kraven’s navy to invade Fibiel’s waters until the all-out war between Fibiel and Minis is over.]

The murmurs grew louder What? Is the war over? What’s going on? Isn’t that a declaration of surrender?

“C-Commander……. Here.”

The navigator hurriedly took Drake’s coat and handed it to him. Drake looked at the coat he had received for a while, then let out a final sigh. 

[This is an oath made by the son of Haeshin, that not even the king can refuse. As proof of this promise, I will give this coat to Fibiel’s-]

“……Your name?”(TL: Mada kono Sekai Wa)

Drake paused for a moment and asked Leeha. Still holding the Black Bass and not lowering it down, Leeha answered.

“Musketeer, Ha Leeha.”

[-Ha Leeha.]

Drake approached Ha Leeha. He didn’t even know what effect this would have. However, at least he knew the weight of a promise made openly by the commander-in-chief of an army.

“It should be okay with this.”

Drake slowly approached and held out his coat to Leeha. Leeha looked into his eyes. And saw his behavior. Listened to him.

Leeha knew better than anyone that the point where coercion and intimidation had passed. Leeha lowered the Black Bass.

“……I have already finished talking with commander Burke. We will not bombard the Kraven ships until they have left Fibiel’s waters.”

“……Thank you.”

Drake did not show any expression of thanks for all the things that happened, but he was calm. Leeha received the coat held out to him.

[You have acquired the Heroic Coat with the Blessing of the Sea God.]

He couldn’t pay attention to the fact that he had received a heroic coat.

It was because, as soon as he held the coat, notification windows started to pop up with all kinds of sound effects.

[You have completed the quest ‘Defense War – Dike Beach Campaign – Special Mission-1’]

[You have earned 12,930 War Contributions.]

[You have also acquired additional 1,500 War Contribution points.]

‘It’s over-’

He thought that was all, but there was another Pabaamm-! A loud fanfare shook Leeha’s mind.

[Temporary truce between Kraven and Fibiel has been established.]

[Truce Period: 30 days]

[Agreement Signed by: 

Fibiel’s Side – Naval Commander Albert Burke, Deputy: Musketeer Ha Leeha

Kraven’s Side – Commander-in-Chief Howard Drake]

“Wow… What is this? I-Is this only visible to me?”

It couldn’t be. It was a notification that was shown to all users of Fibiel and Kraven who participated in the war, and at the same time, it was an event that clearly imprinted the existence of the Musketeer, Ha Leeha.


Finally, with the sound of achievements that followed, the war between the two countries that began at Dike Beach came to an end after a long time.

It wasn’t strange that they focused on a single area.

By the time the naval battle that began in sunrise was over with an armistice agreement, the sun had already set.

Therefore, it was unavoidable that Leeha briefly missed the fact that the status of Kidd’s [Chain Teleport: Three Musketeers] skill had changed.

[Achievement: Recognized by the Son of the Sea God]

Congratulations! You have been recognized by the representative of the clan serving the Emperor of the Sea, Haesin. All who serve Haeshin will honor you, and your name will slowly but surely be known in every sea where waves exist.

Reward: 17 stat points, able to breathe underwater

[You are the second registrant of the achievement].

The first three registrants of the achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and 200% of the existing effect will be rewarded.

Effect: 34 stat points

God? Did they have something like this? He had heard that there were many gods, but.

Leeha looked at the achievement window and tilted his head for a moment.

Just as the demon king and other fragments exert their power from the Devil, there were various beings that appear and exert divine power from places where gods resided.

Just as Leeha was trying to recall the phrase that was lightly mentioned and passed even in the setting, there was a fanfare around him.

“Kuhahaha! Reinforcement! – No, Ha Leeha! You have done it! Success!”

Burke shouted in a loud voice from the boat floating below the port of Sea Serpent. The pure joy of being a naval warfare commander was nowhere to be found, and that childlike joy was passed on to Leeha as well.


“Kuhahaha, We won! It’s an armistice, really- it didn’t work out the way you thought it would!”

Drake’s eyes lit up at Burke’s laugh.

He was still looking at Leeha with a cold face. There was a slight regret, but that was all, Drake was a man who knew how to take responsibility for his words.

“Is this your idea?”

“It was more of a gamble than an idea.”


The commander-in-chief of Kraven, which the Fibiel Navy always called ignorant and savage pirates.

‘It’s a complete opposite in appearance.’

A quiet Drake with a neat appearance as opposed to Burke with a scattered beard. The more Leeha looked, the more he thought that it was the opposite of what he heard.

“You beat me by gambling at sea…. It seems that the Sea God is very fond of you.”

“Yes? Come to think of it what is the Sea God-”

As Leeha was about to ask a question, Burke shouted again.

“Drake! Are you listening? Huh? Are you listening? It’s our victory! Turn the bow right now!”

Leeha wanted to hear more, but Burke made a fuss and he wasn’t able to continue the conversation.

“……Get off the ship, Ha Leeha. Although I acknowledge the armistice agreement, as the captain of the Sea Serpent, I will not allow any further embarkation. Navigator!”

“Y-Yes! Commander!”

“Tell the entire fleet to get ready to return. I will have to see the king.”


Drake immediately turned around after saying that. The armistice was signed by the commander-in-chief, but in the end, the king’s permission. Even the Kraven users were puzzled by the sudden armistice even, then much the king.

It’s to get approval, but if Kraven’s king didn’t like it…… he might dismiss Drake for signing the armistice at will. In the worst case, he might receive a punishment instead of a simple dismissal.

It can then start the invasion again. Maybe that’s what the 30 days armistice meant. When Leeha got to that point, Leeha realized that it wasn’t the time to be happy.

“Commander Burke! Let’s go back!”

Leeha put the coat he received from Drake into his inventory and jumped into Burke’s boat. As soon as Leeha’s got on the boat, the rower quickly rowed.

“Kuhaha! What? Where?”

“Where do you think? To the Sailfish! And to our beach!”

“Naturally! If you are a sailor, you have to soak in alcohol for a day or so-”

“Alchohol! Commander! You know we don’t have time for that right? Move quickly now and throughout Minis…… huh?”

Leeha, who was still angry at Burke, stopped. “What? What’s the matter?”

“T-The skill- Chain Teleport!”

What Leeha did was check the status of the Chain Teleport skill.

The expected advance time of Fibiel troops throughout Minis was in the morning, and now the sun has set. However, it was only the first day. Even if Fibiel launched an all-out attack, there were stages in war, and it should still be having a battle of attrition.

In other words, according to Leeha’s prediction, there should still be room for a few days.

[Chain Teleport: Three Musketeers]

Effect: Teleport to an active friend(Limited to: Luger- inactive, Kidd- active)

However, that wasn’t the case. It seems that the situation on the battlefield has changed rapidly.

‘Kidd’s status- Active! Alexander has appeared! When? When did he activate it? Morning?’

If it’s been a few hours already, the damage to Fibiel army would have been unimaginable! Just looking at Kidd’s signal meant that the situation wasn’t favorable.

Leeha turned to Burke and shouted. 

“Commander! To Dike Beach! Quickly!!”

Leeha wanted to use teleport right now, but he couldn’t. Going alone wasn’t the purpose.

“What’s the matter?”

“The Dragon Knight has appeared in Minis! They must have collided with the main unit! As soon as we return, we must gather all available troops!”

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