Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 880: For The Sake Of It

Chapter 880: For The Sake Of It

And Yue Yue's bad premonition came true when Mu Chenyan chose to drive like she was on a race track. She held the seatbelt tightly as she closed her eyes and prayed for her life. There was nothing she could do about it, her best friend loved to drive like she was on a race track. It wasn't even the first time for Yue Yue but she was still not used to this fast speed.         


She was after all a delicate little lady. She didn't grow up as hard as Mu Chenyan. She was a very average person in her own opinion who was afraid of heights, speeds, and anything dangerous. Wasn't that how normal humans would react?      

And she wasn't all that ambitious in life to come out and challenge her phobias to get over them. She didn't think there was any need for that at all. But Mu Chenyan always thought differently.     

"Open your eyes and see the world, Yue!" said Mu Chenyan. Then she tsked, "I should have taken out the convertible. It'd be even more fun."     

"I agree!" said Hyson from the back seat. He didn't seem to mind the speed at all as he scrolled on his phone leisurely.      

Yue Yue also pulled out her phone and typed before using her virtual assistant literally shout at Mu Chenyan, 'Who drives an expensive limited edition, Bentley, like a race car?!'     

"I do!" replied Mu Chenyan with a laugh.      

Yue Yue rubbed the bridge of her nose and Hyson asked, "Mum, are you okay? You should really relax once in a while."     

'I'm fine!'     

Mu Chenyan snickered, "He isn't a three-year-old. I don't think he'll fall for that."     

"I really don't!" was Hyson's response before he said to Mu Chenyan, "Yanyan, play some music."     

"You can choose," replied Mu Chenyan.     

Hyson did exactly that and then both Hyson and Mu Chenyan started singing along making Yue Yue lean her head against the window. Today was another day, she had the urge to pull this son of hers and get a DNA test done. Because she really couldn't believe he was really her son.     

Why did he seem more and more like Mu Chenyan?     

Yue Yue was certain she gave birth to him. She couldn't even think of the possibility of having someone exchange her baby with another in the hospital since Hyson wasn't even born in a hospital. She gave birth at home!      

So, this was definitely her one and only son. He just didn't inherit anything from her genes. Maybe the influence of Mu Chenyan was greater than genes. Tsk. How could someone fight with that?     

Mu Chenyan's singing voice wasn't exactly pretty and neither did she keep note of rhythm but she was able to shamelessly sing with her confidence alone. And this carefree carpool karaoke session was more than enjoyable for Hyson.      

And that's why he was very regretful when she stopped the car in front of his company building. He pouted unhappily and dragged his feet out saying, "Then, have fun on your date."     

'It's not a date!'     

Hyson ignored his mother's opinion as he firmly insisted, "It's a date if I say so." He closed the door as he alighted and looked at the entrance door. Before he could leave, the windowpane was rolled down and Mu Chenyan craned out her neck blinking at him with her sparkling eyes. She actually unfastened her seatbelt and was practically all over Yue Yue's side giving a very comical view.     

"My little Fai, should I pick you up as well?" asked Mu Chenyan with her eager eyes.     

"I'm staying for a while," replied Hyson with a gentle smile. He fixed his face mask before adding, "Don't worry. I'll find my way back home."     

"Then don't work too late," she instructed looking heartbroken for her poor godson who had to work so hard.      

Yue Yue slapped her arm and pulled her back. She rolled up the window and waved at her son who waved back and watched them drive away. He looked really happy for some reason and very relaxed as well.      

On their way back, Yue Yue noticed that the way they were going was actually the complete opposite of Hyson's company. It meant, their destination wasn't in the same direction. But Mu Chenyan still insisted on giving a ride to Hyson. Yue Yue didn't know how to feel about that.      

It was things like these that made her not even want to question whether Hyson was her son or Mu Chenyan's. It was fine as long as her son had someone who seemed to actually love him more than his own mother. If that was even possible.         


Most people would say it wasn't possible but Yue Yue, as a mother, would like to say that it was possible if the other person was Mu Chenyan. She didn't know why but Mu Chenyan didn't even need a reason to love someone with all her heart. She just loved everyone in her life with all she got. She was never half hearted and maybe that's why, no one treated her half heartedly as well.     

You get what you give.      

Since Mu Chenyan gave people sincerity she received it in return as well. It wasn't that difficult to see.     

Mu Chenyan finally parked the car in the underground parking lot and alighted with Yue Yue. Mu Chenyan took her iPad with her while Yue Yue was just holding her phone. She was just here to watch anyway.      

"This is the biggest shopping mall in the city at the moment," told Mu Chenyan. "They have a variety of entertainment facilities as well. I heard even the restaurants are very good. So, how about after the inspection we go for some food together? We haven't eaten out together in days. No... It's been weeks."     

'As if my opinion matters,' was Yue Yue's response.      

"Of course, your boring opinions don't matter. I'm just asking for the sake of it," replied Mu Chenyan with a cheeky grin. "You know, just to sound polite."     

'Don't bother. It doesn't suit your image.'     

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