Chapter 1338 Worthless

Raelle looked at everyone rushing to do their own things and she was left sitting there all alone. It seemed she was the only free person around. And she couldn't join any of them either.

Before she could think about what to do, Shui Xian came back and asked, "Why don't you come?"

"To do what?"

"To watch them work," he replied.

"What's the fun in that?" She looked at him and asked, "Why are you joining them?"

"I'm gonna learn Weimin Ge's secret sauce recipe to compare with my own. Only in this way, will I'll know whose recipe is better."

Raelle gave him a look, "When did you become interested in this?"

"I was always interested," he replied. "It's only after I took the office that I stopped. Otherwise, one of my favorite hobbies has always been cooking. And I plan on continuing too, just so I can make more delicious things for you."

"There is no need for so much trouble," she said.

"I don't find it troublesome," he replied seriously.

Raelle waved him off saying, "Go and join them. I really have no interest."

"Then what are you gonna do here?"

"I'll think of something. Anyway, I have a lot of emails waiting for me to reply."

Shui Xian shook his head at her, "Okay, then have fun with your work."

"You too!"

Raelle really stood up and went to her yard first to get her tablet. Then she sat down to read through all the unread emails and responded to all the mail. After approving a few contracts and sending a few documents back for revision, Raelle was done with work and again had nothing to do.

"Elle, would you like to go to the library?" asked Mu Chenyan when she saw Raelle sitting there in a daze. "You might find some interesting books. They might not be about your topic of interest but they are very rich in content."

"Where is the library?" asked Raelle.

Mu Chenyan gave her the directions and thinking of something, she called someone to just show her the way. "Don't just sit here and do something you like doing."

Raelle also agreed with this. She wasn't interested in fun but she was interested in books. It could never be changed. That's just how she was and at this point, it was almost impossible to change this aspect of hers.

Before leaving, Raelle stopped and turned to look at Mu Chenyan who was going back to the kitchen, and called her, "Yanyan!"

"Hm? What is it, sweetie?" Mu Chenyan responded.

"When is my dad coming back?" she asked which stunned Mu Chenyan.

This question was so unexpected that Mu Chenyan didn't know how to respond for a very long while. Raelle waited patiently for her answer and didn't even rush her. After all, she could actually understand why Mu Chenyan was so lost just because of her question. First, she called Xiang Hulin, my dad and then she even asked about when he was coming back. That was enough to shock Mu Chenyan.

Mu Chenyan patted her face and asked, "Baby, did you ask about my Ge?"

"Yeah. Do I have another dad in this world?" asked Raelle.

"No. You only have one whom you don't usually ask about or look for" replied Mu Chenyan.

"Now, I'm asking. Is it that I can't ask about him or is it difficult to answer?"

"Neither," said Mu Chenyan. "I'm just a bit surprised. No other reason. As for when Ge is coming back. He'll definitely be back for dinner. Yue Yue will be having dinner outside with Kuijun but Ge will definitely come back with Zhao. Just in a while. Do you have something to do with him?"

"I actually do," was Raelle's answer.

"Is it important?"

"Not that important either."

"What do you want with him?" asked Mu Chenyan.

"I'll tell him," she answered.

Mu Chenyan nodded her head in understanding and said, "Then I'll let you know as soon as he comes home. Okay?"

"Sure," said Raelle and went to check out what the library in this old house looked like. And when she entered the library, it turned out exactly as she had it in mind. Well, no, it wasn't covered in dust or cobwebs. It was very clean and bright. But it did give an aged feeling.

Mostly because the books inside were really old. Raelle walked through the aisles looking at the books on the shelves. When she looked through the titles, she was surprised. She didn't just find books related to the history of the country but also found the detailed history of the Xiang family. Finding it quite interesting, she took the book and sat down to read through it.

Reading it, she didn't even realize when the time passed. So, she didn't see when the sun set and the lights turned on outside. She was absorbed in reading. Even when someone came to inform her that Xiang Hulin was back, she only hummed in response and said that she knew. Other than that, she didn't react.

On the other hand, Mu Chenyan had already rushed to Xiang Hulin's side once he came back, "Ge, you're finally back."

"Why? What happened? Why are you so excited? Did you miss me so much in such a short time?" asked Xiang Hulin. "I didn't know my Chenchen would be missing me so much."

"It's nothing like that."

"Oh, I was happy for nothing then," he lamented.

"Ge, listen to me. It's important," said Mu Chenyan seriously.

Seeing her serious expression even Xiang Hulin became serious, "What happened? Everything is okay?"

"Only you would know that," she replied.

"I'd know?" asked Xiang Hulin.

"Yes, because you did something. Only you'd know what you did."

"I did something?" Xiang Hulin pointed at himself.

Xia Zhao looked at this pair of siblings and sighed mentally, "Yanzi, why don't you just say it clearly? Don't talk in riddles. You're making Hulin Ge anxious for no reason. And you seem to have caused stress to yourself too. Let's calm down and talk about it clearly. What is going on?"

Mu Chenyan nodded, "Right, I seem to be reacting a bit too strongly. But I can't help it. Ge, do you know that Elle is looking for you?"

Xiang Hulin paused, "What?"

"She asked me earlier when her dad is coming back," told Mu Chenyan. "I was so shocked that I almost didn't react for a while."

"No way. Did she really ask about me?"

"She did! Do you think I imagined that all?"

"No, I'm also in disbelief right now," answered Xiang Hulin.

"I think you both are overreacting," said Xia Zhao calmly.

"You don't understand," said Xiang Hulin and Mu Chenyan in sync with the same expression on their faces.

"No, I do understand," responded Xia Zhao. "That's why I said you both are overreacting. It's not necessary that Hulin Ge has done something and that's why Raelle is asking about him. She could have something important to do with him."

"But that's the thing. Even though she is my daughter, we practically have nothing to say to each other," said Xiang Hulin.

"Ge, honestly speaking, there is a lot to say between you two. She is your daughter who has been estranged for too long. She never denied that you are not her father. She never disrespected you either. It's just that she doesn't know what to talk about with you. And similarly, you also get overwhelmed just by the idea of having a conversation with her. Think back, has it ever been difficult to talk to her when you guys sat down together?"

Xiang Hulin nodded, "It has been difficult. She knows how to use words like a knife."

"You're someone you walked through the rain of bullets to get where you are. I did not think you'd be scared of knives now."

Xiang Hulin was stunned and sighed, "Right. How can I be scared of this? But I'm under a bit pressure just thinking that Raelle is looking to talk with me. I don't what happened. I'm trying to figure out if I have done something wrong recently."

"What's the point of thinking so much?" asked Xia Zhao. "Just wait for Raelle and you'd know what this is all about."

"True. What's the point of thinking so much?" He turned to Mu Chenyan, "Where is she?"

"She went to check out the library, I asked someone to call her."


So, the three of them waited but Raelle didn't come. Everyone else came back from doing their own things but Raelle was missing.

"Where is my wife?" asked Shui Xian to Mu Chenyan.

"Library. I called her but I don't know why she isn't back yet."

"She must have found something interesting," came Hyson's answer. "God Forbid, I don't wanna face Raelle Xiang who has found a book she likes."

"Why?" asked Xiang Wai.

"Because that Raelle Xiang is super annoying and makes you feel so unimportant and worthless."


"She really can do that," agreed Mu Chenyan. "She even forgets to eat and sleep when she finds a book that really has her attention. But fortunately, that doesn't happen very often. She rarely finds something that can suck up all her attention. And unfortunately, it seems, today is one of those rare days."

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