Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1062: Serves You Right

Chapter 1062: Serves You Right

Today was a big day. It was the day of Raelle Xiang and Shui Xian's engagement banquet. The whole city was stirred because of this engagement. Everyone in the upper-class circle seemed to be talking about it and even common people were full of enthusiasm as they imagined how grand this engagement party would be.         


It had to be said that a week ago, the photographer teenager who captured the moment of Raelle's proposal to Xian had actually posted an unusual photo on her photography account. It was a picture of an invitation card. The invitation card had a sophisticated design and refined details. The calligraphy on the invitation card seemed to be a renowned master calligrapher.     

Yes, the photographer along with her group of friends were actually invited to Raelle and Xian's engagement. Who decided that? Two people were behind it. Mu Chenyan and Shui Xian. Both wanted to thank these teenage girls who captured such a precious moment for them. After all, now they could officially put this moment in their history book. What if there was no proof? So, it was all possible because of these girls and they had to show their gratitude.     

Needless to say, the people invited to this engagement were elites and not just any aristocratic family. What did it mean? These girls invited a lot of envy because of this invitation.     

But there was one unbothered person in the middle of this all.     

And it was none other than, Raelle Xiang.     

Yup, she was still the unbothered queen who didn't have any hand in arranging anything. And if it wasn't for her impeccable memory and everyone around her reminding her every day, she'd have definitely even forgotten that today was her engagement day.     

Early in the morning, she went on her morning run with Shui Xian following behind her.     

"Baby, today is our engagement," said Shui Xian.     

"I know," responded Raelle. "Why do you feel the need to remind me of that every second of the day?"     

"No, I'm just saying... Do you have to go on a morning run on this day too?"     

"Staying away from my routine during my stay in the hospital was already my limit," was Raelle's answer. "Just like you can't leave your morning coffee, I can't leave my morning run. It's a ritual at this point."     

Shui Xian shrugged, "Okay. As long as you're happy." Then his eyes fell on Coco and he rushed to its side.      

Raelle looked at his back but didn't stop. She just let him have fun with someone else's dog since they won't be getting one of their own.     

"What are you looking at?" asked Raelle when she noticed Lin Zhen staring at her oddly.     

"Nothing. I just didn't think I'd see you two here today," said Lin Zhen. It seemed he was also thinking like Shui Xian that just because it was their engagement today, they shouldn't be on a morning run.      

"It's just an engagement," was Raelle's casual response. "Do I have to stop living for it?"     

Lin Zhen nodded, "Indeed. How can I forget that it's you, Raelle Xiang? You're the person who found an hour from your busy schedule to even finalize your marriage certificate formalities. It'd be really surprising if you changed and actually felt the need to stop doing everything else."     

"As long as you know," was Raelle's response.     

After this morning's run when they came back home, Raelle paused to see Mu Chenyan waiting for her at home. She gave her a look.     

"Yanyan?" called out Raelle. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"     

"I'm here to take you with me," said Mu Chenyan.      

Shui Xian hurriedly held Raelle's hand and pulled her behind him as he looked at Mu Chenyan vigilantly. "Why? What for? You can't take my wife!"     

Mu Chenyan gave him a look, "I've finally found reasons to like you, don't make me question myself why I like a fool like you."     

Shui Xian pursed his lips and retorted, "I'm only a fool for my wife. What is wrong with that?"     

Mu Chenyan gave him a disdainful look, "Did you just throw dog food at my face so early in the morning?"         


Before Shui Xian could say anything, Raelle spoke up, "You haven't replied. Why are you here to take me?"     

"Technically, you should have been staying with us for these days. How can the bride and groom stay together before the wedding?"     

Raelle didn't say anything but just kept looking at her.     

Mu Chenyan cleared her throat, "I know. You won't be willing to leave his side. So, I've only come here now. Come with me, I'll help you get ready for the engagement party."     

"It's still early for that," said Raelle.     

"No," said Mu Chenyan. "There is so much to do so. We hardly have any time. And I'm all alone. It'll definitely take me longer."     

Raelle was silent for a moment before saying, "You can arrange a stylist team."     

Mu Chenyan gasped when she heard that and her lips trembled so dramatically as she looked at Raelle, "Elle, you don't want your Yanyan anymore? You can actually bear those strangers touching you but you don't want me? What did I do wrong?"     

"I know you've been tired these days," said Raelle calmly. "That's why I said, I can bear with the stylist team. You don't have to do it. Besides, you still must have a lot to do."     

"No way," said Mu Chenyan. "My answer is still the same. I have all the time in the world for you. Now, no arguments. Let's get to work."     

"It's still early," said Raelle once again. "I have to take a shower. I haven't had my breakfast yet either."     

"I'll feed you," was Mu Chenyan's response. "With me around, have you ever gone hungry? How is that possible?"     

Seeing Mu Chenyan's stance, Raelle knew she couldn't get out of this. Only she was taking this day lightly. Everyone else seemed to be having different thoughts than her. She could only go along with it no matter how reluctant she was.      

As Raelle was about to leave, Shui Xian followed behind her like a tail which earned him a glare from Mu Chenyan. "What is up with you? Where do you think you're going?"     

"With my wife," answered Shui Xian matter-of-factly. "Xian is always there where his Raelle is."     

Mu Chenyan cringed, "You're really not holding back, eh? Stop feeding me so much dog food. I won't even feel like having breakfast in a while."     

Shui Xian smiled to himself when heard that.     

"Stay here. You're not allowed to follow," ordered Mu Chenyan.     

"Why?" Shui Xian was aggrieved. "You can't separate two people in love like this. It's a sin. Heaven won't even forgive you for it."     

Mu Chenyan's lips twitched, "You're really getting influenced by my dramatic self, eh?"     

"I have to follow your lead," he said. "You're my role model, after all."     

Mu Chenyan hehe-ed at that and rolled her eyes at him un-ceremonially.     

"I said, stay. That means, just stay," said Mu Chenyan. "You'll only be able to see Elle at the engagement banquet."     

"No way!" This time Shui Xian was really taken aback and strongly refused to comply. "You can't just take my wife away with you like this." He looked at Raelle, "Baby, say something!"     

Raelle met his pitiful eyes and blinked, "But you're the one who said you want to do everything right on our engagement. So, you gotta wait now. Stay here and cultivate your patience!"         


Shui Xian was struck by those words because he vaguely recalled that he said the same thing to Raelle the other day when she wanted to drag him to the bedroom in broad daylight! He seemed to have shot himself. He should have known his wife would bring back his words to bite him one day. And see? He didn't have to even wait that long.     

"Yes, cultivate your patience here," Mu Chenyan laughed out loud and took Raelle with her.      

Although the distance between the two houses wasn't far, Shui Xian certainly thought it was too far today as he watched his wife walking away from him without even looking back. Oh my! She didn't look back at him once! How pitiful was he?!     

"Serves you right!" came Shui Koshing's voice as he put down the newspaper and smiled at his son. Obviously laughing at his miserable state.     

Shui Xian looked over at his father and said, "You are my father, are you sure about that?"     

"I told you, there is no doubt," replied Shui Koshing.     

"I really doubt it though," said Shui Xian. "If mom was alive, I'd definitely ask her if you're really my father."     

"Unfortunately, she isn't here to answer your questions," said Shui Koshing with a heavy tone. Shui Xian went quiet and lowered his head. Shui Koshing stood up and walked over to pat his shoulder, "I know you're missing her very much on a day like this but you just have to remember that if she was around, she'd be the happiest to see you with Raelle."     

Shui Xian looked up with his slightly red eyes and nodded, "I know. It was one of her dreams to see me with Raelle."     

"Let's go and see her today," suggested Shui Koshing. "We'll let her see you on this special day. And get her blessings."     

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