Chapter 667: Kidnapped

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Pang Lili stood at the entrance of the supermarket. She went there to buy shower gel and shampoo for Yu Haiyang. Of course, the most important thing was a change of clothes. Pang Lili walked to the intersection to get a taxi back as soon as possible. However, when she reached the intersection, an SUV stopped in front of her. Pang Lili instinctively took a step back and wanted to leave. Two people got out of the car and forcefully brought Pang Lili into the car!

Pang Lili did not know these two people. She wanted to scream for help when they grabbed her but they were extremely quick and covered her mouth so she couldn’t make a sound. The moment Pang Lili was forced into the car, one of them took out a knife and placed it on her neck as he said fiercely, “You’d better shut up, or I’ll kill you right now!”

Dozens of minutes later, Su Jin and Yu Haiyang had finished their chat at the detention center. Now, they only had to wait for Pang Lili to come back. Su Jin would let the two of them talk for a while before they went home. Yu Haiyang could also take a shower then. But Pang Lili hadn’t returned after so long.

Yu Haiyang was a little impatient and said sarcastically, “This idiot Pang Lili, she can’t find her way back?”

Su Jin shook his head. Although Pang Lili was not the brightest person, she’s no idiot. Besides, Pang Lili was only not good at her studies. She was quite smart in other aspects, so how could she not find her way back? Perhaps Pang Lili was late because she bought more things.

Su Jin said, “How can that be? There’s GPS nowadays. Maybe Lili wants to buy more things for you?”

As soon as Su Jin finished, her phone rang. She felt uneasy hearing this ringtone. Could something bad have happened? It was Xi Tian who drove them here today, so Xi Chenxiao shouldn’t be blaming her. After taking out her phone, Su Jin saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

She answered the call with a cold expression, “Hello, who is this please?”

When the person on the other end of the call heard Su Jin’s voice, she first let out a strange laugh, like a child who had successfully pulled a prank. She just wanted to tease Su Jin to make sure that the phone number was correct.

After the caller heard Su Jin’s voice and finished laughing, she said darkly to Su Jin, “Su Jin, this classmate of yours is really good-looking, like a beautiful flower!”

When Su Jin heard this, she knew that something had happened to Pang Lili. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have felt uneasy just now. But who was this person on the line? She didn’t think she had offended anyone recently. Even if she had, that person should have come for her. Why would they kidnap Pang Lili?

Su Jin said angrily, “Who are you? What do you want?”

The caller also heard Su Jin’s anger. However, she couldn’t care less. So what if Su Jin was angry? She had the hostage now and Su Jin must do as she said. Otherwise, she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t do something crazy.

The caller answered arrogantly, “What do I want? If you don’t want anything to happen to your classmate or have her molested, you can exchange her with the two golden tickets you have!”

Su Jin had guessed who the caller was when she heard this. She didn’t expect these people to have the audacity to kidnap someone. Did they really think that they lived in a lawless society? Or that they were above the law? Su Jin clenched her fists, wishing that she could go over and kill the caller right away.

When Su Jin remembered that Pang Lili was still in their hands, she said calmly, “Okay, tell me the location!”

When the caller heard this, she laughed even more savagely. She didn’t expect it to be so easy. If she knew this, she wouldn’t have spent so much effort. In any case, her mission was already half completed. When Su Jin met them later with the golden tickets, she would deal with both of them at the same time!

The caller thought for a moment before she said, “9 p.m. at First Love Bar!”

When Su Jin heard this, she knew that these people were only after the two golden tickets. They probably wouldn’t do anything to Pang Lili. If they dared to bully Pang Lili, Su Jin would definitely not let them off easily.

Su Jin warned the caller with a gloomy face, “No problem, I can give you the golden tickets, but you must ensure the safety of my friend!”

“Otherwise, I will burn the golden tickets!”

“Also, my friend has a very noble status. You’d better not hurt her. Do you understand?”

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