Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

151 – Origin

As soon as Alex explained that the Grimoire he had contracted with was an ‘Origin,’ Keeper’s panicked voice echoed in Myung-jun’s mind, prompting him to ask what exactly an Origin was and why it was causing such a commotion.

Keeper explained through the voice in Myung-jun’s mind.

‘I’ve explained before that the monsters invading Earth through the gates are not creatures belonging to this universe, right?’

According to Keeper, the universe was like a collection of independent dimensions, each resembling a large soap bubble. Each bubble had its own unique laws of operation.

‘For example, the universe ruled by Banara is filled with incredibly strong beasts and monsters, and its physical laws are structured differently from the universe where Earth exists. That’s why the creatures from the gates connected to the Beast King’s realm have such strong bodies. Unlike Earth, which only has carbon-based life forms, their bones and body structures are completely different.’

“But Awakeners belong to the universe where Earth exists, yet they can exhibit abilities similar to those of the creatures. Moreover, the creatures from other universes can use their original abilities normally on Earth.”

‘That’s right. It’s like forcibly overlaying the laws of another universe onto the laws of the universe where Earth exists. So, abilities like <Mechanic> that you possess or <Doll Master> that Moon Hee-cheol had are originally abilities from another universe forcibly applied to Earth. That’s where the rarity of the classes comes into play.’

Keeper explained.

In the case of Myung-jun’s unique class <Mechanic>, it was an extremely rare ability that only one person in a universe could possess. However, considering all the bubble universes, there were several individuals who had this ability.

Hearing Keeper’s explanation, Myung-jun asked,

“Then what about Origins?”

“Origins are on a different level. They are the source of a class type’s abilities and are the only one of their kind in the entire bubble universe. Your <Cain’s Legacy> is also an ultimate ability that exists as the only one across countless bubble universes.”

Keeper explained that Origins were too dangerous to have multiple of in one universe.

Even celestial beings similar to gods would risk their existence to obtain a single Origin, highlighting its immense value. Hearing this, Myung-jun looked at the Grimoire lying next to Alex with an intrigued expression.

Then he asked Alex, who was looking at him nervously,

“I have one question. How did you obtain that Origin?”

Myung-jun’s <Cain’s Legacy> was an ability directly given to him by the Goddess of Liberty, using the excuse of the Heroic Nebula’s ‘rule violation’ when they sent one of the Twelve Heavenly Lords, King Enclave, to eliminate Myung-jun as he was about to awaken his abilities.

Alex, looking flustered, responded to Myung-jun’s question.

“What? I just got it when I awakened.”


“Literally. I wanted to become an Awakener, so I recklessly entered a gate. After somehow succeeding in hunting an entity and touching the core stone, I obtained the Grimoire and my current class.”

‘Could this be another trick by the Heroic Nebula?’

Seeing Myung-jun’s troubled expression, Keeper read his mind and shared his thoughts.

‘Probably. The sudden appearance of an Origin after Moon Hee-cheol’s death is too coincidental to be a mere accident.’

‘If they already had an Origin, why didn’t they give it to Moon Hee-cheol?’

‘They probably didn’t want to waste it. As I mentioned, an Origin is a unique item across the entire bubble universe, and possessing just one can easily alter the fate of that universe.’

‘Another variable…’ Myung-jun pondered.

He was considering how to deal with another Origin user who had suddenly appeared before him.

Although Myung-jun was currently overwhelmingly stronger than Alex and could suppress him, Alex possessed ‘magic,’ the counter ability to Myung-jun’s ‘science,’ which meant that depending on his future growth, Alex could potentially become stronger than him.

‘Should I just kill him now?’

Hearing Myung-jun’s thoughts, Keeper spoke up.

‘If you’re thinking of killing him, I wouldn’t really recommend that.’

‘Why not? Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to eliminate an opponent with counter abilities to mine?’

Myung-jun was resistant to Keeper’s suggestion to let the opponent go, despite having both the justification and the ability to do so at this time.

Keeper then explained why Myung-jun should spare him.

Even if Myung-jun killed Alex here, it wouldn’t mean he could acquire the Grimoire. Without its master, the Grimoire would return to the hands of its original owner, the Heroic Nebula. The next owner of the Grimoire, once reclaimed, could be an even worse adversary.

‘At least this guy claims to be your fan. He only destroyed the equipment of Byung-tae and Ho-chang without injuring them and teleported them outside. He never once used an attack spell against you. Maybe the Heroic Nebula chose this young man named Alex as the Grimoire’s master because he’s a completely different type than Moon Hee-cheol.’

‘A different type…’

Intrigued by Alex, Myung-jun opened the hatch on the Knights’ chest.

Sitting in the pilot’s seat, he asked Alex,

“Did you say you’re my fan? Are you interested in joining the Liberal Clan?”

Alex shook his head and replied to Myung-jun,

“No, that’s not it. I don’t want to work under you, Mr. Myung-jun; I want to become someone like you.”

“Someone like me?”

“It’s hard to define in a single word, but if I had to express it, I think of someone like the leader of the world’s strongest clan, not subject to any government’s interference.”

In less than two years, Myung-jun had started alone, gathered like-minded comrades, and built an independent force that no major nation could casually interfere with. His mythic rise was so impressive that it had been turned into various books and videos in many countries.

And Alex aspired to be like that aspect of Myung-jun.

“If possible, I too want to become an existence like Mr. Myung-jun. To create an Awakener clan like the Liberal Clan, not subject to any government’s interference, and to establish an autonomous territory like Liberty City that is free from the intervention of any government in the world.”

“Sorry, but for me, the Liberal Clan and Liberty City are merely means to an end, not the goal itself.”

“I know. I’m aware that your goal is to save as many people as possible from the impending extinction crisis facing humanity.”

Surprised by Alex’s words, Myung-jun asked,

“You knew?”

“I heard it from the Grimoire. The mysterious monsters that suddenly started appearing years ago and are growing stronger over time are invaders seeking to eliminate humanity and take control of this universe.”

Alex mentioned that he would name his clan ‘Ivory Tower’ and that it would become one of the two major forces protecting humanity, a true rival to the Liberal Clan.

“If that’s your goal, there was no need to come here and wreak havoc, right? Do you have any idea how much Byung-tae’s custom machine that you destroyed costs?”

“First, I apologize for trespassing into Liberty City without permission and fighting with clan members. I was curious about my own strength, and I wanted to see how strong the world’s strongest Liberal Clan really is, and more importantly…” Alex said, looking directly at Myung-jun with clear eyes.

“I wanted to show my goal and rival, Mr. Myung-jun, how strong the person who aims to be your rival is.”

Seeing Alex’s favorable attitude, Myung-jun fell silent, lost in thought.

Then he spoke to Alex, who was looking at him with an anxious expression.

“Alright. I’ll spare you.”


“But on one condition. Even if no one was injured, it’s a fact that you destroyed the assets of the Liberal Clan. Think of it as compensation for the equipment.”

“I don’t have any money.”

“You don’t need money. Instead, you need to make something for me.”

“What is it?”

“The Chalice of Souls.”

Myung-jun continued,

“We’ll provide the necessary materials.”

“The Chalice of Souls…”

“It’s a material item that only magician-type classes can create. It’s usually used to make ego weapons by embedding a soul or for necromancers to create sentient corpses.”

“If it’s a material item, it must have a grade. What grade are you asking for?”

“Grade 9.”

“Grade 9?!”

Alex jumped at Myung-jun’s words.

To create a Grade 9 Chalice of Souls, Alex himself would need to be an Awakener with power above Grade 9.

However, with his current abilities, which were at best Grade 7, it was impossible for Alex to create a Grade 9 item.

When Alex pointed this out, Myung-jun, as if already aware, told Alex that he wasn’t asking him to make it right away but to create it when he could.

However, Myung-jun added that he would like it to be completed as soon as possible.

“Understood. I promise. The moment I can create a Grade 9 artifact, I will set everything else aside and make the Chalice of Souls for you first.”

“Good. Now, can you deactivate the invisibility spell hiding the real Grimoire in your left hand?”

Alex was once again taken aback.

The Grimoire he had kicked away earlier was a fake made using torn pages from the real Grimoire.

As a backup plan, Alex and the Grimoire had devised a strategy to show the fake Grimoire to make Myung-jun lower his guard while casting an invisibility spell on the real Grimoire and preparing for a long-range teleportation to escape.

However, Myung-jun had seen through Alex’s plan as if reading it from the palm of his hand.

In the end, Alex deactivated the invisibility spell with a resigned expression and asked Myung-jun,

“When did you realize it?”

“When you obediently kicked the Grimoire away as I instructed.”

“How did you know?”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t give up my last resort even if it meant fighting to the death. Can I speak directly with the Grimoire?”

At Myung-jun’s request, Alex seemed to have a silent conversation with the book in his left hand.

Then, with cautious movements, he opened the book, tore out a page, and threw it towards Myung-jun.

As Myung-jun watched the paper transform into a paper airplane and fly towards him, he slowly extended his left hand, where Keeper resided.

Without any hesitation, he caught the paper airplane.

The moment his hand touched the paper, a gender-neutral voice echoed in his mind.

“You are not wary.”

“The field that disrupts spell casting covers the entire test room.”

“So, you are the owner of Cain’s Legacy. This time, we have lost completely. I never imagined there would be another Origin in this universe, let alone Cain’s Legacy. If I had known, I would never have come to this universe.”

“Do you know much about Cain’s Legacy?”

“I have fought against it across countless universes over eons.”

At that moment, Keeper, residing in Myung-jun’s left hand, spoke to the Grimoire.

“You speak as if you were rivals? You were beaten by Cain throughout the entire war.”

The paper in Myung-jun’s hand began to wriggle as if it were alive.

“That annoying voice… Could it be?!”

The Grimoire, which had existed even before many universes were born, was shocked upon hearing Keeper’s voice.

Keeper spoke as if meeting an old friend.

“Hey, long time no see.”

“Time Keeper?! Why are you with Cain’s Legacy?”

“Well, everyone has their circumstances. Just like how you and your friends tore me apart and sealed me 10,000 years ago.”

“So, are you here for revenge? Sorry, but Origins cannot be destroyed. Even if you burn me and kill my master here, I will just return to my original owner.”

“Do you think I, who was once the Keeper of Time, wouldn’t know that? Don’t worry. I’m not here to kill you.”


“I’m here to take out some insurance, just in case.”

The reason Myung-jun deliberately made Keeper and the Grimoire face each other was to use Keeper’s ability to initiate a ‘forced contract,’ preventing any potential betrayal by Alex.

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