Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

143 – Awakener Test

[Welcome to the entrance test for ‘Icarus,’ the specialized training institution for Awakeners operated by Liberty City. Applicants, please follow the instructions and move in an orderly manner.]

A week before the official opening, 233 rigorously selected preliminary candidates arrived in Liberty City for the entrance test.

Applicants from around the world, speaking various languages and holding different nationalities.

The first gift the Liberal Clan gave these applicants was the removal of the ‘language barrier.’

“It might sting a little.”

When a staff member of the Liberal Clan injected a syringe-shaped gun into the back of the applicant’s neck, there was a slight sting followed by the sensation of a small amount of liquid being injected.

Then, the staff member who had administered the injection spoke to the applicant.

“Please check if you can read the text on the desk.”

“I don’t know Korean… huh? Why can I read this?”

The document in front of the applicant was clearly written in Korean, a language the applicant did not know.

The applicant clearly remembered sneaking a glance at the document out of curiosity before the injection, confirming that it was indeed written in an unfamiliar language.

And now, the document in front of him was still written in Hangul, the Korean script.

‘This document is definitely in Korean, so why can I understand it?’

As the applicant, with bewildered eyes, demanded an explanation, the staff member holding the syringe explained in ‘Korean.’

“That’s what happens when you receive a multilingual translation implant. It allows you to see, hear, and understand all languages in the world.”

“That’s amazing. So, what I’m saying is…”

“It’s a telepathy-like ability, so even people who haven’t received the implant can understand what you say.”

“Wow… Do you take it back if we fail?”

“Think of it as a commemorative procedure for passing the document screening. However, keep in mind that it only allows you to read and understand, not write.”

“What?! We can’t write?”

“To write, you need to know the script, and the implant doesn’t forcibly embed language information into your brain. I don’t know the specifics, but as far as I know, the current version doesn’t support multilingual writing.”

“Even so, it’s incredible. Thank you for the gift.”

“No need to thank us. We provided the procedure for the convenience of the test.”

As the applicant left the procedure room, they were amazed by the performance of the translation implant the moment they approached other applicants.

Just moments ago, people who couldn’t understand each other at all were now speaking in their own languages, yet everyone could understand each other perfectly.

Luthando Sithole, who had come all the way from South Africa to Japan, walked towards another applicant he had noticed earlier.

He deliberately greeted them in Afrikaans, the second most spoken language among the 11 official languages of South Africa, instead of English.

“Hello, excuse me. (Hallo, ek vra omverskoning)”

The person he spoke to responded in French, as if they understood Afrikaans.

“Oh, did you also receive the implant procedure? It’s amazing how we can understand everything.”

“I’m Luthando Sithole from South Africa. May I ask your name?”

“I’m Lucas Gauthier from France. I’m surprised to see someone who came all the way from South Africa.”

“Well, South Africa is one of the countries that didn’t receive an official quota for Icarus. The general admission was the only option, so I applied as a national representative.”

“So, you’re an Awakener.”

“Yes. Aren’t you, Lucas?”

“No, I’m not. I’m just an ordinary person who’s a bit good at chess.”

“Chess?! It’s surprising that you passed the document screening. I thought this was an educational institution for training Awakeners…”

“That’s correct. However, since ordinary people can also gain abilities through awakening, they selected some ordinary individuals with special talents as trainee candidates. Most of the candidates seem to be Awakeners like you, Luthando. I’m curious about the criteria for the tests.”

That was something Luthando was also curious about.

Some had speed so fast that it left afterimages, some had the cutting power to slice through buildings with a sword, and some had the destructive power to crush rocks with a single punch.

He was very curious about how they would measure the abilities of Awakeners, each with vastly different traits, and select the students.

Luthando’s curiosity was instantly resolved as soon as he entered a massive room filled with numerous pieces of equipment.

There was an enormous punching machine ten times the size of a regular one, a wind test device with a giant fan resembling a jet engine, peculiar exercise machines that looked like regular gym equipment but had weight stacks designed as large as buildings, and a jump measurement device that seemed to be about 20 meters high…

The various pieces of equipment were designed to measure all kinds of physical abilities and were built to specifications for Awakeners, not ordinary people.

And there was also equipment that seemed perfect for testing Luthando’s abilities.

“I was told to take tests 1, 22, 78, and 46. That looks like the equipment for test 1.”

Luthando pointed to a massive punching machine that looked incredibly sturdy at a glance.

Lucas, who had entered the test chamber with Luthando, spoke with an incredulous expression.

“That? It looks like it wouldn’t react even if you hit it with a hammer, let alone a fist.”

“That’s perfect for me. Actually, it might not even be enough.”

As Luthando said this, his left upper body began to transform, resembling the skin of a crocodile rather than human skin.

When the transformation was complete, Luthando’s left eye and face looked like those of a reptile.

“This is my Awakener ability. In this state, I can punch a massive cave into a rocky mountain with a single blow. Measuring my punching power—no matter how advanced the Liberal Clan is, it’s a rather arrogant attempt.”

Luthando stood in front of the punching machine developed by Soo-jeong, a sardonic smile on his face.

He pulled his fist back and said, “I’ll smash this hunk of metal to pieces with one punch!!”

Confident in his punching power, which had once shattered the thick skull of a Grade 6 Monster with a single blow, Luthando swung his fist.

He imagined the punching machine exploding with a tremendous noise, spewing parts in all directions.

However, when Luthando’s fist made contact with the punching machine, it stopped dead in its tracks without making a sound.

It was as if the metal punching pad had absorbed all the destructive power from his punch.

The reaction was so quiet that Luthando momentarily wondered if his fist had even made contact.

But his punch had been accurately measured, and the counter on the punching machine displayed the precise destructive power of his punch.

[Applicant number 33 – Luthando Sithole’s punching power measurement result is 23,442,582 joules. If you are not satisfied with the result, you may retake the test as many times as you wish.]

‘What on earth is this made of to be so sturdy?!’

Luthando was not the only one reacting this way.

[Applicant number 47 – Emily Thompson’s running speed measurement result is a maximum of 1,532 km/h, with an average speed of 1,311 km/h. If you are not satisfied with the result, you may retake the test as many times as you wish.]

[Applicant number 182 – Grace Turner’s jump height measurement result is 423 meters. If you are not satisfied with the result, you may retake the test as many times as you wish.]

[Applicant number 131 – Leon Wagner’s grip strength measurement result is 15,723 kg. If you are not satisfied with the result…]

Applicant number 182, Grace Turner, had no grounds to dispute the measurement result.

Although what he had actually done was jump about 3 meters with a belt attached to a rope around his waist, the measurement showed the exact same value as what he had tested outdoors.

Despite being indoor measurement equipment, the devices Soo-jeong had created could accurately measure the jump power of Awakeners who could leap thousands of meters.

Hundreds of measurement devices were designed so that no matter how exceptional the Awakener’s abilities were, they could never exceed the upper limit of the measurements.

Soo-jeong smiled as she observed the bewildered expressions of the applicants who had expected to break the measurement devices with their overwhelming abilities.

“Hmph. They all look so surprised.”

Myung-jun, who was watching the applicants through the monitor with Soo-jeong, commented.

“Well, they probably haven’t been tested with equipment specifically designed for Awakeners before. If they used a grip strength meter, it would break. Even if they used all the weight stacks in a gym, they wouldn’t feel the weight. If they hit a punching machine, they’d shatter it.”

The problem was that it was difficult to judge the level of an Awakener’s abilities based solely on simple numbers.

For instance, Myung-jun’s physical strength was superior to that of an ordinary person due to his extensive hammering, but he couldn’t perform feats like breaking rocks with his bare hands without the aid of equipment, unlike other Awakeners.

The same was true for Soo-jeong, who was specialized in research and equipment creation.

“Well, in any case, the purpose of these tests is not to determine whether they get admitted but to collect data to create equipment suitable for each individual. The real admission decision will be…”

“Made in actual combat.”

Myung-jun finished her sentence.

What awaited them was a real-combat scenario against <Mock Monsters> staged in the vast city of Liberty City.




“Luthando, you’re in Group C. Please wear the equipment here and head out.”

Luthando spoke to the smiling Liberal Clan staff member who handed him a gauntlet-shaped piece of equipment.

“Are you out of your mind, making us wear unfamiliar equipment and then throwing us into a real-combat test?”

“The Liberal Clan will take full responsibility for any injuries sustained during the test and provide treatment.”

“That sounds like you’re saying we could get hurt.”

“It’s a real-combat test. But don’t worry too much. The mock robots used in the test adjust their attack levels according to each trainee’s durability and physical abilities. At worst, you might lose a limb or break a few bones.”

“…Are you insane?”

“If you don’t want to participate, you can leave immediately. We can always reassign the groups.”

“Sigh… We’re not going to die, right?”


Luthando glared fiercely at the Liberal Clan staff member holding the equipment before snatching it from him.

He then immediately put on the gloves.

A female voice, sounding like a machine, emanated from the gauntlets.

[Gauntlet-type special armament ‘Alpha Fist’ activation initiated. Adjusting device output to match the inputted user’s physical information. Calibration complete. Recoil control level adjusted and synchronization with Awakener energy type complete. Welcome, Luthando Sithole. You can now use the combat functions of the Alpha Fist.]

“Can this thing understand me like the shoes?”

[The support AI currently installed in the Alpha Fist can answer basic questions regarding equipment operation.]

Luthando looked at the boot-shaped equipment he had received earlier and thought.

It seemed that the ability measurements conducted earlier were tests to determine the type of equipment to be provided.

It was not unreasonable for him to think so.

The tests he was assigned included measuring punching power, running speed on a treadmill, jump height, and durability.

Through these tests, Luthando received gloves, boots, protective armor covering his upper body, and a jetpack-like backpack.

Fully equipped and looking like a futuristic soldier, Luthando moved to the waiting area where his group was gathered.

There, he saw a familiar face and called out.

“Oh! Lucas, you’re in Group C too?”

While Luthando’s equipment was clearly designed for close combat, Lucas’s gear seemed entirely unrelated to combat.

Lucas had a large box that looked like a toolbox from an auto repair shop and strength-enhancing equipment to help him carry it on his back.

He looked like a delivery person from the future.

Luthando, seeing Lucas with a box that didn’t appear to be combat equipment, asked.

“By the way, I didn’t see you at the ability testing area earlier. What’s that equipment?”

“Ah, all non-Awakeners were taken to separate rooms where they learned how to use equipment suited to their talents. This is what I received.”

“Equipment related to chess? What is it?”

“Haha! You’ll find out later. Since we’re in the same group, we’ll have to fight together anyway.”

“Fight together…”

Luthando’s expression darkened upon hearing Lucas’s words.

Even if everyone was an Awakener, it wouldn’t be easy to take on a test that seemed difficult, especially with an ordinary person in the mix.

Noticing Luthando’s expression, Lucas spoke up.

“Are you worried that I might be a hindrance in the test? That because I’m an ordinary person and not an Awakener, we might get a bad score?”

“It’s not exactly that…”

“Haha! It’s not unreasonable to think that way. But don’t worry. No matter what the test entails, I’ll definitely pull my weight.”

“Is that even possible?”

“If my equipment works as explained, we’ll definitely come in first place, regardless of which Awakeners are in the other groups.”

Lucas’s overflowing confidence seemed to stem from the equipment on his back.

A strange bag carried by a chess master, seemingly unrelated to gate strategies.

However, Luthando didn’t bother to ask what was inside the bag.

Whatever equipment the Liberal Clan had given him, Luthando knew that only Awakeners could effectively deal with Monsters.

Luthando, well aware that civilian equipment could only handle Monsters of Grade 6 or lower, left Lucas alone and exchanged information with other group members who had received Awakener equipment.

It was as if he intended to pass the test relying solely on the strength of the Awakeners, without Lucas’s help.

Despite Luthando’s attitude, Lucas silently smiled while fiddling with an SF-style tablet in his hand.

On the tablet’s screen was an image resembling a miniature map of Liberty City, with icons that looked like chess pieces arranged in a board game-like layout.

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