“No abnormalities were found in Sergeant Cha Myung-jun, who returned to his squad. However, on the 9th day of his return, he exhibited unusual behaviour. Waiting for everyone to fall asleep, he left his place and, avoiding the eyes of surveillance team, headed to the bathroom. He took out a Maxim magazine from his belongings and comforted himself. Judging by the magazine he chose from the three available at the storage, he seems to prefer women with a slightly slim figure and cute appearance…”

“Shall I skip the details that do not need to be reported?”

The soldier, who had been reading the report with a serious expression, spoke, and Hee-cheol nodded. For him, every bit of such trivial information felt like pieces of a puzzle. Yet it was hard to understand why he was so concerned about this individual named Cha Myung-jun. The existence of Myung-jun continuously irritated Hee-cheol, like a fishbone that’s felt stuck in one’s throat even when you know it’s not there.

“Continue reading.”

“Yes. Sergeant Cha Myung-jun took about 30 minutes for his sexual relief, and no other personnel movements or contacts were detected in the bathroom during that time. The surveillance team entered the bathroom where Cha Myung-jun had been to confirm any possible deception operation risks. They confirmed the distinct scent of a night flower, concluding that the target indeed visited the bathroom for sexual relief at night. No other unusual behaviours were observed afterwards. Occasionally, he looked at the distant mountains with tearful eyes or gazed at the family photos hung on the storage, but this was deemed typical behaviour of a soldier who lost a comrade during an operation.”

“So, to summarize, he’s entirely normal?”

“It seems so.”

“Tell me, could he possibly be an Awakener?”

“As I’ve been saying, it’s unlikely.”

“But what if he isn’t? If he truly has ‘that ability,’ then it would become the most important ability that the world would focus on. And if the Ministry of National Defense discharges him without realizing this, we won’t be able to exert any influence over him.”

“Even if he’s discharged, he will still be a reservist. If the nation needs him, he is obligated to respond. So even if an unforeseen event occurs, it won’t create a significant issue. Moreover, he’s prohibited from traveling abroad for the next three years.”

“I know… I get that… I just can’t shake this nagging feeling.”

“Perhaps your intense desire for that ability is overwhelming. If the Ministry of National Defense could secure that power, we would hold the ultimate authority to dictate global security in our hand.”

“Alright. Cease surveillance from today.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“If Sergeant Cha Myung-jun goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night to do that kind of thing, it means he has no idea that we’re watching him. The fact that he’s not behaving suspiciously even in such a situation means all my worries are probably unfounded. I still feel uneasy, but that’s probably, as you said, because I’m too obsessed with that ability. I might be so desperate that I wish Sergeant Cha Myung-jun would have that ability.”

when the surveillance lifted, Myung-jun heaved a sigh of relief. And then, he murmured to himself,

“As expected, it was that damn magazine that was the key point.”

That idea started with something Time Keeper said. Myung-jun, who had to stop communicating with Time Keeper to avoid suspicion, allowed Time Keeper to access his memories freely to entertain him. Time Keeper spent time watching the comics and movies that Myung-jun had seen in the past. While watching a comic called ‘Death Note’, Keeper spoke to Myung-jun.

<This Light guy, he had a reason to be suspected.>

‘I told you not to talk until the surveillance is off, right?’

<It’s important. Just listen, don’t talk back. In this ‘Death Note’ comic, Light puts on a show of looking at adult magazines in front of surveillance cameras to avoid suspicion, right?>


<If a guy pulls down his pants, he should at least grab some tissue. If he confidently did ‘that’, the watchers would’ve thought, ‘Oh, he’s just a typical teenage boy with urges.’ If he knew he was being watched, he’d never do something so embarrassing.>

‘You have a point.’

<So, we need a different approach.>

‘Wait, you’re not suggesting…?’

<It’s been 9 days since you returned to your squad, and the surveillance is still on. To prove your innocence, you might need to perform some shock therapy, even if it means literally ‘pulling down your pants’.>

Of course, doing something so embarrassing in front of strangers was very shameful for Myung-jun, but without any hesitation, he accepted Time Keeper’s suggestion. As long as he could go home and see his younger sister, shame was a trivial issue.

Following Time Keeper’s advice, the observers, who had observed even Myung-jun’s most intimate moments, surprisingly lifted the surveillance the next day, allowing him to prepare for his discharge freely. And thus, Myung-jun was able to celebrate his long-awaited discharge, something he’d dreamt of for 34 years since he first enlisted.

“I never thought I’d be wearing this frog hat.”

However, Myung-jun’s discharge was a desolate sight. All of Myung-jun’s comrades had died, and everyone in the battalion knew what he’d been through.

The battalion members’ gaze at Myung-jun was filled more with pity than with celebration.

“Sergeant Cha Myung-jun, you’ve been through a lot. I hope you find happiness outside.”

“Thank you.”

“Here’s my aunt’s number. She’s a famous psychiatrist in Seoul. If you have nightmares, give her a call. Mention my name, and she’ll take special care of you.”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

“Normally, you should be saluted by the squad members, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Instead, we are here to give you a farewell, so please don’t be too sad.”

In reality, Myung-jun’s emotional state was closer to exhilarating joy, but Myung-jun desperately suppressed his feelings. The appropriate demeanour he should be showing now was not the joy of finally being discharged after 34 years, but the gloomy appearance of a poor soldier who had lost all his comrades in a tragic accident just a month ago.

Despite it being his discharge day, Myung-jun greeted everyone with a gloomy expression. He waved to everyone and walked out of the main gate of the base. He then boarded the bus waiting in front of the base, looking downcast. Along with other soldiers who were on leave that day.

Among the excited soldiers, Myung-jun, who looked as if he had lost his world, was desperately wiping away the smile that formed at the corners of his mouth.

‘I’m out! After 34 years! Finally, I’ve been discharged!!’

To others, it might seem like 2 years, but to him, it felt like a long 34 years.

Soon, he would be able to breathe the fresh air of the outside world that he had been longing for. It was what Myung-jun had been dreaming of every day for 34 years.

“In a moment, the bus will arrive at the Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. Please make sure you don’t leave anything behind.”

What made Myung-jun look up was the announcement from the bus driver. As he raised his head, he saw the skyline of Seoul. The sparkling white skyscrapers. People walking freely on the streets, unbound and unrestricted. This was the ‘freedom’ that Myung-jun had longed for, having to watch it only on TV screens while being confined underground for 34 years.

“Ah! I’m discharged!! Everyone, I’m discharged!!”

In the end, overwhelmed by his emotions, as soon as Myung-jun got off the bus, he kissed the dirty asphalt and screamed towards the sky with his arms wide open. The other soldiers watched him, snickered, and pointed fingers.

“What’s with him? Did he get discharged alone? Why is he making such a fuss?”

“He looks like he’s been a prisoner of war for 30 years.”

“That guy must’ve been a known nutcase in the base.”

“Hey, Sergeant, is that crazy guy crying now?”

“He’s really overreacting.”

Despite hearing all these whispers, Myung-jun didn’t care at all. What mattered was that he was free.

After a while, Myung-jun enjoyed the smog of Seoul city with flaring nostrils and then took his first steps towards the city, feeling the freedom. He immediately rushed to a clothes store.

“Please, I’d like to pay for this.”

“It’s a total of 175,000 won.”

“Here’s my card. Can you throw this away for me?”

What Myung-jun handed over was the military uniform he had been wearing until a moment ago, a uniform he no longer wanted to wear even for a second, as he had had to wear it for 34 years.

The female employee at the counter smiled and said to Myung-jun,

“You must have been discharged from the military today?”

To Myung-jun, her words sounded like a congratulation on his discharge, so he nodded energetically in response,


“Though I understand how you feel, you’ll need to wear this uniform during reserve forces training. If you throw it away now, you’ll have to buy a new one when you go for the training. Are you sure about this?”

“I don’t care. I intend to cut all ties with the Ministry of National Defense from this moment on.”


Before he could hear her answer, Myung-jun took his card and left, leaving behind only the military uniform on the counter.

The only thing that was left behind, which he hated so much yet tightly gripped, was his military uniform. To avoid suspicion, that very uniform.

Then, a private who had been watching approached the woman and asked,

“Is he discarding this?”


“This is a top-grade uniform, almost like a special A-grade. He just threw it away, even though he has to wear it for reserve forces?”

“That’s what I said.”

Hearing her words, the private’s eyes gleamed with greed.

“Can I take it?”


After discarding not only his uniform but also his military boots, Myung-jun looked like any other civilian, except for his hair. His grandmother, who naturally thought he would come home in his uniform, couldn’t even recognize him. But Myung-jun, who had waited solely for this day for 34 years, broke down in tears upon seeing his grandmother. Finally recognizing him, his grandmother comforted him by patting his back.

“You fool! What did you do with your uniform?”

“The moment I got to Seoul, I threw it away. I didn’t want to keep anything related to the military.”

“Oh my… How much did you suffer in these two years to become like this? How could they have done this to a boy with such a strong sense of responsibility? Are you hungry? I prepared your favourite braised ribs. I’ve also made a lot of rice, make sure to eat all.”


Instead of replying, Myung-jun hugged his grandmother tightly. After his parents passed away, she had raised him and his younger sister alone. Seeing his grandmother, who he feared might have died alone during the ‘Gate’ incident while he was held by the Ministry of National Defense, he couldn’t hold back his tears. All Myung-jun could do was cry uncontrollably in her arms.

However, his grandmother, who couldn’t comprehend his feelings built up over 34 years, smacked him hard on the back, shouting,

“You fool! Stop it! People might think you’re a family separated by war, reuniting! It’s just two years, why make such a fuss? Were you the only one who went to the military? Were you?!”

“Ah… Grandma?”

“Wipe your tears and eat!”

His long-awaited reunion with his beloved grandmother after 34 years.

In the end, what awaited Myung-jun was the hearty slap on the back from his grandmother, which he had so dearly missed.

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