Chapter 652: Doubt

Qin Feng’s internal force had already reached B-tier, but it was ten times stronger than other B-tier ancient warriors in their peak form.

He had concealed it before, only unleashing it when he was fighting beast emperors and displaying that he could take them on.

Now, he did not want to hide it.


The internal force formed into an airstream that circled around Qin Feng, turning into a fearsome aura that spun outward to attack his attackers.

The attacker’s internal force was no match against Qin Feng’s. The moment both internal forces collided, his attacker’s defense was crushed by Qin Feng’s power.


All five people exclaimed as they activated their internal force to resist Qin Feng’s attack.

The surrounding air became distorted and in the surrounding one hundred meters, those who were C-tier turned pale.

At this distance, they could still feel this violent energy as if it was there. One could only imagine how terrible the battle truly was.

Qin Feng was expressionless, this distortion of air that surrounded him made him seem as if he was taller.

Even then, the other five who had been insulted earlier were still raring to go, their faces flushed with rage.

They planted their feet onto the ground and stabilized their center of balance with their internal force.

But with the constant exertion of internal force, one person could not manage to hold on!


That person exclaimed as he was affected by Qin Feng’s Asteroid Assimilation technique and flew out toward his opponent.

In a moment’s panic, the man’s expression changed and stopped trying to resist as he injected his legs with internal force.

As he rushed through the air, he increased in velocity as he flew toward Qin Feng and pointed his weapon directly at his opponent.


The man roared, obviously intending on attacking Qin Feng and destroying him.

With a flick of his hand, Qin Feng pushed out a blast of internal force and instantly dispelled the internal force surrounding his attacker’s weapon.

He then grabbed his attacker’s weapon!

This weapon exuded golden light. It was obviously made out of beast king material and cost a lot. It looked like a C-tier beast king weapon.

Of course, Qin Feng did not grab the man’s weapon with his bare hands. He was wearing the gauntlets of the Sacred Armor.

Suddenly his hand burst out a dazzling white light that rushed over the golden weapon.


A crack emerged on the blade and Qin Feng crushed it with his hand, shocking his opponent.

Then he struck the man on the shoulder.


It was not a fatal blow. Qin Feng was already showing mercy, and his opponent was wearing inner armor. However, with great strength he sent the man flying.


The B-tier ancient warrior threw up a stream of blood as he flew through the air.

The others were struggling to maintain their footing but after seeing the first person advance instead of retreating they all reacted by relaxing their bodies and then surging toward Qin Feng.

Before they had even reached their target, they saw someone fly past them already in utter defeat!

It was at this moment these four people realized that they were in for something horrible!

At this point, they started to have doubts.

“You regret it now? Is there a chance for that now?”

Of course there was no chance for regret!

When Qin Feng sent the one flying away and saw four more appear after him, he did not hesitate to change the direction where his internal force rotated.

“Asteroid Assimilation, Repel!”

A repelling force blasted out and mixed with the attracting force earlier, causing the four people to shudder at the same time.

“Pfft! Blurk! Hurk! Blargh!”

All four of them coughed up blood at the same time, and flew back five meters before crashing to the ground and rolling twice before stopping.

It really was embarrassing.

In this scene, Qin Feng was the only one standing and everyone else was on their backs.

This battle was even more shocking than the first.

Following the silence, there was an abrupt uproar.

“Three moves, three moves again!”

“This time it’s one against five!”

“That’s Qin Feng? Well-deserved reputation I’d say!”

The C-tiers were all excited but the B-tiers had different expressions.

Qin Feng’s power was far beyond their expectations.

Meanwhile, back on the field.

Qin Feng looked at the five people and said, “You guys still want to fight?”

“I admit defeat!” One of the B-tiers said immediately. Qin Feng displayed internal force that he naturally felt could rival a B-tier ancient warrior’s.

The other four heard the man admit defeat and although they were reluctant, they too admitted defeat.

These four were part of the people who went to negotiate with Qin Feng a few days ago. What they did not understand was that their attempts earlier ended up offending him.

To them, he was just a prodigy and it did not matter how strong he was.

So what if they offended a C-tier? If they teamed up they could take him on.

But now they realized that such an idea was completely naive.

“Let’s go!”

A B-tier said and turned to leave, having lost his figurative face.

The others naturally left in embarrassment.

The only person left standing in the field was Qin Feng.

He looked around and called out again, internal force pouring into his voice and amplifying it so it would spread up to one hundred meters.


There was commotion in the crowd. The C-tiers gingerly looked at the B-tiers and the B-tiers were obviously conflicted.

The four B-tiers who went down suddenly felt like they looked like clowns in front of everyone else.

Qin Feng agreed to let them compete but there was no way he would have let them participate in entering the dimension.

The others had their own worries.

“Why is Qin Feng’s power so scary?”

“The first one, we can say he wasn’t strong enough. The second one, he was going easy on him. Then he immediately crushed the third group of people. What’s going on in his mind?”

“He must be looking for partners for cooperation, but what are the conditions?”

“Defeat him in 100 moves? This could only be ‘not getting defeated in 100 moves’!”

All the B-tiers had lost their beaming faces.

They were confident before, but now they were filled with doubt.

The scene was silent for a whole minute, a stark contrast to the five people who had leapt into the ring to face Qin Feng.

He was not in a hurry, but the B-tiers that have had enough of the atmosphere finally stepped out.


Finally someone dropped into the field, it was a kind-looking middle-aged man.

“Governor Qin, your reputation is well-deserved. However, I am interested in this rift, so I hope I can cooperate with you!”

He did not immediately strike down the smiling man and nodded.



When the B-tier attacked, his moves were very fluid. It was extravagant in style and obviously the man was showing off.

It was a shame that Qin Feng did not look like he was going to try testing the other man.

It seemed like the second match had created an illusion about this whole event for these people!

Qin Feng made his move.


Pap! He struck out with a palm

Boom boom!


With just three moves he sent the man flying, and utterly defeated.

Qin Feng was not holding back.

In that moment, the entire scene became quiet once again.

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