1341 Let’s Go First
After entering the Endless Abyss for a long time and personally killing many mutated beasts, Chu Nan had actually long discovered that although these mutated beasts in the Endless Abyss were called mutated beasts, it was only to distinguish them from ordinary beasts and ferocious beasts.

The greatest difference between them and ordinary beasts and ferocious beasts was that these mutated beasts were more suitable to the special environment here. Most of them could casually mobilize spatial energy to attack with powerful might.

In fact, many of them were simply ordinary wild beasts or even ferocious beasts mutated outside. In most cases, using the classification criteria in the “Pan Milky Way Ferocious Beast Encyclopedia” to classify them was not much different.

If this mutated beast that let out a shocking roar was on a ferocious beast, it would undoubtedly be evaluated as the highest S-rank!

After confirming this fact, everyone could not help but look at each other.

They were basically certain now that the teleportation door that led to the next floor was in that direction, but there was a terrifying S-rank beast in that direction now… Oh, no, an even more powerful S-rank mutated beast was blocking the way. If they wanted to head to the next floor, they probably had to pass through the seal of this mutated beast.

“Let’s go. Since we’re already here, there’s no reason to retreat.” Prince Montique took a deep breath and led the way to fly in that direction.

However, Chu Nan pulled him back.


“Hmm?” Prince Montique looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

In his impression, Chu Nan was not a guy who would cower at this moment.

“Didn’t you discover that the change in spatial energy in the space ahead is a little strange?” Chu Nan focused and sensed again, “Yes, I can basically confirm that someone should be fighting those strange hands ahead.”

“No way?”

Hearing Chu Nan’s words, the others were a little surprised.

That was an S-rank mutated beast. Ordinary martial artists would only choose to run when they saw it immediately. Moreover, they were still in the Endless Abyss with an abnormal energy environment in this space. Most martial artists’ strength would decrease greatly because of the environment. How could anyone not be afraid of death and run to fight an S-rank strange beast?

“Yes, I sensed it too.” The only person who was not surprised was Princess Romanti. She nodded in agreement with Chu Nan’s judgment, “There should be more than one person. Or more accurately, it’s a group of people.”

Everyone looked at each other again.

After being stunned for a moment, Hasol was the first to rush out.

“We’ll know when we see it.”

Princess Kasyapa immediately followed. The others did not hesitate and followed one after another.

Soon, everyone flew over a protruding hill and felt an extremely powerful spatial energy fluctuation assault them, bringing about a very huge sound wave.


Everyone’s bodies shook because of this. When they finally calmed down and looked in the direction of the voice, they instantly gasped.

“Oh my god! Can this thing still be considered a monster?”

In the distance that could be seen, an extremely huge creature that was like a mountain stood there. With a casual wave of its limbs, it could cause thick and obvious spatial energy shock waves, stirring the surrounding space.

As soon as it opened its mouth, an extremely huge and bright silver ball of light shot out. After drawing a bright arc in the air and landing on the ground further away, it would cause an extremely terrifying bang and explosion.

Even from a few kilometers away, he could clearly sense the ground trembling violently brought about by the explosion. It could be seen how terrifying the power was.

“Could this guy… be an upgraded version of those huge mutated beasts?” Chu Nan could not help but mutter in his mind.

Although this super huge beast immediately attracted everyone’s attention, everyone then focused their attention on something else.

Beside the mountain-like super huge mutated beast, dozens of black shadows could be seen circling around. Compared to the extremely huge body of the super huge mutated beast, it was as if dozens of mosquitoes were flying beside it.

However, from the strange light fluctuations emitted by those dozens of black shadows from time to time, they should be martial artists with extraordinary strength.

Of course, they might be quite strong, but when their attacks landed on the super huge mutated beast, they were like mosquitoes biting people. Clearly, they did not cause much substantial damage to the mutated beast. Instead, with a casual wave of its limbs, they were forced to scatter and escape by the intense spatial fluctuation.

“Go up and help. While they attract the attention of that mutated beast, we have to cause enough damage to it.” Prince Montique looked around and raised his hand to call out names, “Romanti, Chu Nan, Angie Prairie… and Hasol, the five of us will take a detour and attack the mutated beast. Kasyapa, Kandel, and Miss Carola, the three of you will go over from the front and try to attract that guy’s attention.”

“Alright.” Princess Kasyapa agreed bluntly, but Prince Kandel said with a frown, “We can only barely fly. It can’t be considered safe to master the use of spatial energy. Aren’t we courting death by rushing over and fighting?”

“If you’re afraid of death, don’t follow.” Princess Romanti glared at Prince Kandel and waved at Prince Montique, Chu Nan, and the others, “Ignore him. Let’s go.”

Chu Nan did not follow immediately. Instead, he thought for a moment and flew to Carola’s side. He pulled her hand and their palms intersected, revealing a trace of Internal Breath.

Carola looked at Chu Nan in surprise and blinked, but she did not ask. Moreover, she cooperated and took the initiative to let go of herself, allowing Chu Nan’s trace of Internal Breath to instantly circle in her body for a few cycles.

“This is a technique I just thought of. You can try it later.” After doing this, Chu Nan patted Carola’s shoulder and flew over to catch up to Prince Montique and the others.

“What did you do to her just now?” Princess Romanti asked curiously.

“It’s nothing. I’m just trying,” Chu Nan casually replied. His gaze landed on the super huge mutated beast that was like a mountain in the distance and he thought for a moment before continuing, “Angie Prairie and I have a special cultivation method to protect ourselves and can quickly recover from our injuries. The two of us will go first in a while.”

Prince Montique, Princess Romanti, and Hasol quickly exchanged glances. They did not raise any objections and nodded in agreement.

The three of them were relatively familiar with Chu Nan. Through her communication with Angie Prairie those few days, Princess Romanti was also very familiar with her. Naturally, she knew very well that Chu Nan was not bragging just now. With their special cultivation method, it was suitable for them to take the lead.

Seeing that the three of them had no objections, Chu Nan and Angie Prairie raised their hands and clapped.


“Let’s go.”
Seeing the two of them speed up and quickly fly close to the super huge mutated beast without any hesitation, Princess Romanti suddenly sighed and shook her head lightly.

“It seems that Viennelle’s first love has ended…”


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