Marvel With Zanpakutou

Chapter 607: The Consequence

Chapter 607: The Consequence

3rd Division Captain, Ichimaru Gin.

The plain white feathered garment, in contrast with the black dead clothes inside, the silver-haired man with a sly smile, two loose long sleeves hiding his hands, the white belt around his waist, with a short ribs as long as a forearm, sword.

This man was obviously smiling, but gave people a feeling of extreme danger, like a cold and slippery snake, hiding in the grass and secretly peeping at prey.

"The Quincy of the Wandenreich.."

Ichimaru Gin's eyes narrowed into a line, and his dangerous eyes seemed to sweep past, smiling: "Are you going with me, or do you want me to break your limbs and take you away?"

The same question, but the questioner was different.

The two sides cleverly exchanged positions, but now the strong side of the position became Ichimaru Gin, the captain of the 3rd Division.

Tony leaned against the ruins of the wall and looked at the dignified Quincy. Recalling the familiar scene before, he suddenly had a funny feeling in his heart.

I don't know if the current Hildr is like him at that time, his heart is obviously aggrieved to death, but he still has to rack his brains to think of a way?

"death god.."

Hildr's eyes under the mask showed a dignified meaning. Spiritual Power climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, surrounding her to form a storm.

"Oh. It seems that you are not going to follow me obediently." Ichimaru Gin raised his eyelids slightly, and his eyes were cold, revealing an extremely dangerous aura.

The surroundings suddenly became heavy. The air was as thick as the water in the deep sea, rippling with ripples visible to the naked eye. The heavy pressure filled the entire plant. Tony suddenly felt difficult to breathe. Every breath he took needed to exert all his strength and use the power in his lungs.

Is this captain?

Although he had witnessed the strength of the captain when the aliens invaded, he was very far away from the real battlefield at that time. Therefore, from his feeling alone, it was not very direct and clear. He just felt that the destructive power was very strong.

But now.

The distance between the two was less than five meters. In a situation where they were almost face-to-face, they were enveloped by the bottomless Spiritual Power. The terrifying momentum made his bones and muscles scream wildly, and he felt that he could be crushed at any time.

At this moment, even moving his fingers and breathing air became an unattainable dream. His heart was firmly grasped in the hands of others. Every beat was like the last time. Life and death were completely out of his control.

And the 3rd Division Captain, from beginning to end, did not look at him, did not put him in his eyes at all, the reason was that he was too weak.

Tony felt a little bitter in his heart.

However, it was understandable. death god, who was as weak as him, must be a big catch in Soul Society. One was a weak person who could be seen everywhere, the other was a high and mighty captain. Why would he care about his feelings?

Finally, the momentum came to the peak.

The two completely different Spiritual Power rushed at each other like a flood, setting off a huge wave of air that was visible to the naked eye. With a whistling sound, it was like an army of thousands of men and horses, trampling on the surrounding hundred meters of space.

Without any movement from Hildr, a huge spirit bow was formed above it. The bowstring was pulled to the full moon, and there was a huge blue arrow on it.

A large Divine Saint Destroyer Arrow!


As the bowstring that was pulled to the full moon loosened, the air bomb shook and caused a burst of waves, as if hundreds of tons of explosives were detonated in the ear, causing Tony's eardrums to hurt, and his chest seemed to have been hit by a hammer.

The blue arrow instantly cut through hollow's air, like a meteor falling from the sky, accompanied by the sound of tearing the sky, it directly shot towards death god's face!

Ichimaru Gin seemed to know that this move was powerful, but he did not choose to meet it head-on, but stepped on Hoho and quickly retreated.

The arrow missed, although it did not hit the enemy, it also forced Ichimaru Gin back, and Hildr did not want to continue to pester, so he suddenly turned around and reached out to grab Tony's shoulder.

Her goal was to take Tony Stark, not to waste time with a captain.

"Ikorose, Shinso!"

A voice came from the smoke, followed by a bright sword light, the speed was so fast that it was difficult to respond, rushing with a fierce momentum, the goal was to destroy the heart of the Quincy!

If she wanted to take Tony away, she was bound to be seriously injured by this sword. Without any hesitation, Hildr directly pulled back her right hand, and at the same time, his right foot stepped to the side.

The sharp sword light almost grazed her cheek, and dangerously swept past from the side. If her reaction had been slower by a fraction of a second, her heart would have been directly penetrated.

"Is the reaction of Quincy so fast?"

Ichimaru Gin walked out of the smoke with a smile, holding the short sword blade in his hand and said, "I thought I could save some strength, but I didn't expect you to avoid it. This makes me a little headache."

Hildr's white mask was cut open by sword's light. She raised her hand and touched it. Her eyes stared at him coldly and said, "I hate insidious guys like you. You always like to hide in the dark and sneak attack."

"You can't blame me for this."

Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes and shrugged as if he was hurt. "After all, my zanpakuto isn't as gorgeous as the others, and he doesn't have the ability to win with a single strike, so I can only use this kind of sinister method."

While the two of them were confronting each other, Tony's gaze locked onto the short sword.

His expression suddenly became a bit strange. He stared straight at the short sword as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Ikorose. Shinso?

He had clearly heard what this Ichimaru Gin captain said.

If the memory was right, Lod seemed to have used the same ability in the beginning, and even the sword was the same.

But how was this possible

Every zanpakuto who had his own name was a unique and unique existence, just like it was impossible to exist in the world. Two identical fingerprints, death god could not have the same zanpakuto.

And this scene, without a doubt, subverted all previous views.

The same zanpakuto, the same ability and attributes, were used by two different people.

Was it Lod's problem, or this Ichimaru Gin problem?

Tony was confused for a moment, and his mind was in a mess, but his intuition told him that the problem was with Lod.

Clang ---

A crisp sound of sword's cry pulled Tony back to reality from his thoughts.

The two boiling Spiritual Power rushed to the peak like a volcanic eruption.

The two figures disappeared at the same time, followed by a burst of brilliant light!

Sword and the azure arrow crossed over a hundred times in an instant. At a speed that the naked eye could not capture, they fiercely collided in this factory room that was less than a hundred square meters. Violent gales surged out like raging waves, and the sharp and sharp sword light even cut open the surrounding hollow, leaving behind countless fine and tiny cracks.

This level of battle made Tony, who was watching from the side, feel bitter.

The sharp and fierce wind that overflowed from the battlefield was so sharp that it could cut through gold and jade, not to mention a mortal like him. His flesh was cut open on the spot, and blood could not stop flowing out.

If he stayed here any longer, he would probably be cut into pieces before he could make a move!

Tony used the last of his strength to roll and crawl to a hole in the ground. He trembled as he looked at Spiritual Power who was rushing out. He thought to himself, "Lod, oh Lod, if you don't come, I will really die!"

At this time, Lod was still on the way to where he was.

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