Chapter 415: Broken War

Tower of Babel, also known as Tower of Trials.

This ancient word that originated from the Bible had two completely different meanings. One was 'to the door of the Kingdom of God', and the other was 'The Chaos initiated by the people of to the sky'.

According to the only documents left in modern times, this tower was the king of the Babylon Kingdom, who presided over and repaired it.

The main purpose was to show off his strength and greatness, and prove to the gods living in the Kingdom of Heaven that the great power of humans could already touch the domain of gods.

There was one thing to pay attention to here, and that was that Nebuchadnezzar II was not the creator of the Tower of Babel. He was only responsible for continuing to repair the Tower of Babel on the original basis.

Moreover, it was not only Nebuchadnezzar II, there were several kings who had participated and repaired the Tower of Babel before him.

In other words.

The exact time when the Tower of Babel appeared, and the builders have long been unknown, and those who came later were only responsible for repairs.

According to the historical records of the modern era, this magnificent human wonder had long been destroyed by the flames of war of the Persians. Even the remains of the tower could not be found, so it could only be identified as a religious legend.

However, it was obvious.

The real Tower of Babel was not destroyed by the flames of war of the Persians. Instead, it was inside the bronze door from beginning to end.

Such a huge tower was not built by human hands. Even if modern society used all its strength, it was impossible to build this magnificent spectacle that pierced the clouds!

The Tower of Babel was almost ten thousand meters high just by observing it with the naked eye, and it was made of bricks and tiles, completely ignoring modern architecture theory and other theories.

As Lod gradually approached, he saw the original appearance of the Tower of Babel, and he even had an idea of admiration for the creator.

The structure of the entire Tower of Babel was circular from bottom to top. Every ten meters in the middle, there was a huge platform. As the height increased, it became smaller and smaller. At the same time, there was a spiral staircase outside the tower, which could be climbed around the tower.

At the bottom of the Tower of Babel, there was a temple that occupied an area of several thousand square meters. It was square like a pyramid in Egypt, and it was divided into six levels from the outside. It was like a boulder that was stacked up, and the level was magnificent and magnificent.

A huge stone staircase extended up. After crossing three stone doors, one could enter this ancient temple and then climb the tall tower that could reach the heavens.

Even though Lod crushed his spirit energy into threads,

It was impossible to see the full appearance of the tower even if it extended up to the limit, so it was obvious how high it was.

I'm afraid that as the legends say, the end of the Babel Tower is heaven!

It was hard to imagine what the creator had done to build such a tall tower that led to the sky in such an ancient era.

"It's getting more and more interesting..."

Lod narrowed his eyes and walked to the temple at the bottom of the Tower of Babel. He wanted to see what secrets were hidden in this ancient ruin!

Walking up the stairs of the temple and observing this magnificent building at a close distance, Lod couldn't help but sigh again.

The overall structure and style of the temple was the same as the bronze door that stood under the ground for millions of years. There were no traces of artificial carving carved by sword, as if it was creation of nature.

After passing through three memorial archways, Lod finally arrived at the last door of the temple.

It was two large stone doors that were about ten meters high and five or six meters wide. They could accommodate many people walking together. The surface of the stone door was engraved with many characters of Akkadian.

If one could understand the meaning of it, there should be clues, but unfortunately, no one could understand the characters of Akkadian, so Lod only glanced at them and strode into the temple.

The temple used a special construction method. The lighting inside was good, so it was not as dark as he had imagined. Instead, it was very bright, as if it was daytime. The internal situation was very clear.

In the center of the temple, there was a spiral staircase that went up. It was obviously leading to the top of the Tower of Babel, but there was no need to go up at the moment, so he temporarily put it aside and did not need to pay too much attention to it.

The main point was inside the temple, eight huge stone tablets that were several meters tall.

These stone tablets were lined up in a row. There were giant snakes below the tablets that opened their mouths and swallowed. The stone tablets were painted with ancient paint, and there were eight colorful murals.

"Finally, there is something I am good at." Lod smiled. He was best at imagining things in his previous life!

Although he could not understand the words of Akkadian, he could still understand the inscriptions on the stone tablet.

"This... this is!"

However, it was fine if he didn't look at it. When he looked at it, Lod's heart shook violently, and he couldn't stop for a long time.

What was depicted on the eight stone steles was not what he had guessed before, but a tragic war!

However, the two sides depicted on the stone steles were what truly made Lod feel shocked and even unbelievable.

There were countless angels wielding their swords, ferocious demons crawling out of the abyss, and a large number of humans in armor and helmets. They all looked at the enemies above the murals with a charging and roaring expression.

There were also countless dead people who had fallen from the sky. They were broken angels, demons, and human corpses. The blood almost dyed the entire earth into an endless sea of blood!

As his eyes gradually moved upward, in the middle of the mural, Lod even saw several 'acquaintances'!


Although their relationship was not very good, they could still be considered acquaintances. At least that was what Lod thought.

For example... four six-winged angels.

The angel who was surrounded by waves and was playing the flute should be Gabriel, whom he had once met.

And that beautiful, long golden hair, with two hands holding a sword, six sacred wings spread out, and the angel that emitted endless brilliance, must be Michael.

There was also the angel who held the sword of flames in one hand and held a single-snake coiled around a wooden staff in the other. As expected, it was Raphael, the Seraph known for healing and flames.

The last angel was different from the other three. He had the appearance of a male. He was handsome, mighty, and charming. Just by standing there, he was enough to attract everyone's attention. He was as bright and dazzling as the morning star. Needless to say, it was Lucifer!

This was already shocking enough, but what was even more shocking was what followed.

A huge body that was as red as lava, flowing with flames, a curved goat horn on its head, and a demon with a red cape on its back was fighting side by side with the four great Seraph.

Two forks, a red cape...

These two symbolic objects almost hammered the red demon. It was Mephisto who he had tricked not long ago!

Not only that, there were two mysterious demons on the side of the demons. However, the murals were too blurry, so Lod did not know who they were.

However, to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mephistopheles and the four great Seraph, his background should not be small.

However, the enemy that could make the three forces of the Angel, Demon, and Human forces unite together was very strange. There was no substance on the entire mural, only a large amount of black fog.

The painting of the monument was vivid and lifelike, making the observer feel as if they were in the real world, and also using a large amount of bright red dye to embellishthe tragic degree of this war.

Even though it was a million years old, Lod seemed to be able to smell the thick scent of blood that had already seeped into the monument, and the deep despair.

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