Chapter 280: 33 Days

Italy, Rome.

In order to avoid causing international disputes and public panic, S. H. I. E. L. D.'s carrier aircraft concealed itself and landed on the edge of the city.

With Captain Steve Rogers as the leader, level eight agent Phil Coulson, level seven agent Melinda May as the support, Brock Rumlow led an elite special operation team to form the main force of this mission.

Everyone took the anti-missile vehicle provided by S. H. I. E. L. D. and headed to the destination of the mission.

St. Christine's Cathedral, located on the main street of Marathon Opera, the famous marble carving of the world,' The Mouth of Truth ', had a strange collapse yesterday afternoon. According to speculation, it might have been caused by an earthquake. Fortunately, there were no casualties. At present, the area had been blocked by the local police.

S. H. I. E. L. D. was a global organization.

In addition to the Asian region, there were branches in Europe, America, and other countries. This time, after the European branch found the abnormality, it immediately blocked the scene to avoid causing panic among the ordinary people.

Coulson and May got out of the car, took out the documents they had prepared, and handed them to the police in charge of the blockade.

The policeman took the certificate and looked at them in surprise. "The United Nations Special Investigation Unit and the World Cultural Relic Protection Center?"

"That's right."

Coulson's expression did not change and his heart did not beat. He smiled and said, "We are responsible for evaluating the damage this time, as well as the work of 'repairing the cultural relics'."

"... Are you really here to repair the cultural relics?" The corners of the policeman's mouth twitched visibly.

These dozens of fierce men who were nearly two meters tall and exuded a fierce and murderous aura, no matter how you looked at it, it had nothing to do with repairing the cultural relics, right?

After May's gaze swept across the officer's chest, she looked straight into his eyes and said in a half-threatening and half-serious tone, "Officer Daniel, for the sake of your work and your life, there are some things that you better not ask too clearly. Do you understand?"

Daniel was silent for a moment. He looked at the group of people with fear and moved sideways to make a path. "Go over."

The group crossed the police blockade line and came to the entrance of truth.

The second alert line was responsible for receiving them. It was the branch members who had been contacted in advance. When they saw them coming over, they went up and gave Coulson a warm hug.

"Thank God, you are finally here!"

The man wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Without any hesitation, he went straight to the point and said, "The underground research lab has completely collapsed, but we have detected two vital signs. From the data, it should be humans."

"Have you cleared the entrance?" Coulson asked.

"We managed to clear out one, but only one person can pass through it, and even the situation inside is unknown, so we have been waiting for you to come." The person in charge described the situation inside in a few short sentences.

"Let me go."

Steve did not hesitate and volunteered to be the vanguard.

Coulson and May exchanged glances. They both thought that the captain was the best candidate.

Now, everything below was in an unknown state. Moreover, the collapsed passage could only accommodate one person. Therefore, it was the most suitable choice to hand it over to the strongest Captain America present!

"Captain Rogers, be careful." Coulson was still a little worried and reminded him.

"Yes, I will be careful."

Steve would not joke about his own life. After equipping the golden shield, he changed into the familiar Star Flag Battle Suit and said while moving his muscles, "If they are really down there, I will find a way to stall them. You should support them as soon as possible."


Rumlow pulled the gun bolt and grinned. "Don't worry, Captain."

This time, in order to eliminate the 'Pillar Man', S. H. I. E. L. D. specially equipped them with the energy of the Tesseract as the foundation. As for the new energy weapons that were developed, any carbon-based creature would be burnt to ashes on the spot by the high temperature of thousands of degrees as long as they were hit!

Pillar Man?

In front of modern technology, they were just a bunch of savages!

Steve had seen the power of this weapon in World War II, so he was more at ease with Rumlow and the others, so he bent down and went down the collapsed gap.

The cave below had collapsed quite seriously.

There was almost no place for people to step in, and they had to rely on the strength of their hands to grab the wall and slowly climb down.

This was all thanks to the fact that he was a super soldier. Otherwise, if someone else had come over, they might not have been able to safely go down.

This difficult climb lasted for more than ten minutes.

Steve squeezed out of the collapsed boulder and successfully arrived at the location of the research institute.

The outermost steel door of the research institute was about one meter thick. It should be the most defensive facility, but it was still violently knocked away from the inside. It flew for three to four meters and penetrated deep into the underground rock wall.

However, the most surprising thing was that when Steve looked at the inside of the iron gate, he found that there were many messy and violent fist marks on it, which were deeply embedded into the steel.

"What a terrifying power!"

Steve reached out and brushed past the fist marks. Feeling the lines of the steel cracks, his pupils could not help but tremble slightly, and a violent shock rose in his heart.

This was a steel gate with a thickness of one meter. It was smashed open by one punch after another. To be able to reach this level with pure physical strength, one could imagine how terrifying the ancient Men of Pillars was!

At least, he could not do that.


Steve took a deep breath and wiped the shield hanging on his right arm. He calmed down a little and continued to move deeper into the laboratory.

Along the way.

Apart from the collapsed research lab, the ground was covered in human skin that had been sucked dry.

There was no flesh or blood left in these people, only dry skin, which made Steve shudder.

As they went deeper, Steve suddenly saw a dim light under the collapsed boulder not far ahead.

The brightness of the light was very weak. If not for his good eyesight, he might not have been able to see it.

Could it be a survivor?

With this thought in mind, Steve carefully approached the boulder.

"Is it Rogers... Captain?"

The person who was pressed under the boulder was covered in dirt and could hardly see her face, but her long, maroon hair undoubtedly proved her identity.

"Agent Natasha Romanov?"

When Steve saw that it was one of his own, he immediately put down his guard and said with a little peace of mind, "I didn't expect you to still be alive. Is Agent Barton still alive?"

"Barton... in a lower place." Natasha was rather weak. She said with a pale face, "If you had come a little slower, I'm afraid we would have really died."

"What exactly happened?" Steve took out his adrenaline and gave Natasha a shot. He asked, "All the people in the research institute were killed. How did the two of you survive?"

With Adrenaline, Natasha's face turned a little ruddy as she said intermittently, "When the research institute collapsed, it was Stroheim who who activated the defensive facilities in time, allowing Barton and I to escape."

"And then?" Steve frowned.

Even if they could escape the initial collapse, how did they survive the hands of the Pillar Man?

All the people in the research room were sucked into human skin by the Pillar Man. Only Natasha and Barton survived. He wanted to know why.

"Because of a vow."

Natasha looked bitter and said, "I played some tricks with Barton and let one of the warriors named Wamuu think that we can surpass him in a month, so the other party let us go and agreed to duel in 33 days."

Steve looked a little strange. "Did they really believe this kind of lie?"

"Yes, but..." Natasha sighed. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "They left a ring with poison on the major artery of my heart and Barton. The antidote can only be obtained after defeating them."

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