Marvel With Zanpakutou

Chapter 21: Blood for Blood, Violence Against Violence

Chapter 21: Blood for Blood, Violence Against Violence

The battle ended very quickly.

Although Frank's tactical accomplishment was extremely high, with the exception of the arc shooting with a hundred shots and the different abilities of the left and right blades, he caused a lot of trouble for Lod.

But facing the serious Lod, Frank could only lose in the end.

One sword!

After the Shikai, Lod used Shinso to step through instantly and breaking the sound barrier. Without any reaction from Frank, he accurately penetrated his abdomen, so that after a while, the pain nerves responded.

As for Lod, except for the slightly damaged clothes, the rest could be said to be unscathed!

Frank was obviously surprised by this result. He did not expect the gap between the two to be so big!

Lod felt very normal.

The battle between death god is the battle of Spiritual Power!

No matter how powerful your zanpakuto, Zanjutsu, Kido or skills are, what matters the most is still Spiritual Power!

Just like Soul Society's Captain-Commander, the first death god in a thousand years: Yamamoto Genryƫsai Shigekuni.

The real horror of this Captain-Commander is not his 'Ryuujin Jakka', but his own huge Spiritual Power, even if he didn't use his zanpakuto to fight, it's still enough to crush 90 of death god!

Therefore, Frank did not lose out.

After all, he had only just been promoted to death god. Although his zanpakuto could reach the Shikai, his Spiritual Power's essence was only eighth-class, just equivalent to an ordinary death god.

When he met Lod, who was a ranking official, and in the state of zanpakuto's Shikai, wasn't it natural for him to be crushed?

"I will remember this wound."

Frank said sullenly, "Next time, I will definitely open a hole in your stomach!"

Anyone who opened a hole in their stomach would probably be as unhappy as Frank.

"Okay, if you can do it." Lod shrugged, indicating that he did not care.

However, he felt that Frank should be impossible in this life.

With the golden finger, he would grow up at an extremely fast speed, and the distance between him and them would grow larger and larger!

Perhaps one day...

He can also be like Aizen, and can crush a Captain level death god!

"It won't be very far!"

Lod silently said in his heart. With Soul King Development System, surpassing Aizen was just a matter of time.

Back to the topic.

Lod admired Frank very much, not only because his combat accomplishments were extremely high, but also because of his adaptability to strange situations!

Death god had zanpakuto, but there were very few people who could perfectly adapt to their own abilities and maximize their potential.

Most of death god was zanpakuto, who had slowly adapted and familiarized himself over the long years through cultivation and battle.

But Frank was different!

Frank, as a Mandated Punisher, had an extremely high degree of sensitivity to battle. He possessed extremely strong combat discipline, will, and tactics, and he was able to convert them into reality!

The gun blade in his right hand could follow the user's will, consume an indefinite amount of spiritual energy, and create multi-purpose bullets.

Currently included but not limited to: blasting, acceleration, flames, poison gas, canister, and freezing six types. It was unknown if it would increase in the later stages.

As for the gun blade in his left hand, it could condense Reishi into a bullet, and then use the gun to inject it into the body of the soul, giving different effects to the victim and giving others!

'Until Death' is one of them, similar to the effect of adrenaline booster, but the extent of improvement is far greater than that, it is a desperate skill.

There is also a type of bullet effect, after entering the human body, there is a healing effect, and the most important thing is that the effect can be superimposed with other healing effect!

It can be said that 'Pale Justice',

Was very consistent with the style of the Mandated Punishers!

"Then... Frank."

Lod said lightly, "You have power now. What are you going to do next?"

Frank was slightly stunned, and then his eyes were quickly filled with flames of anger. "This question... is there a need to ask?"

He did not forget who was the culprit who had caused him to suffer so much and almost lose his life!

The bullseye!

This assassin, the sins that flowed on his body, even if he was thrown into hell, he would not be able to wash them clean!

"Of course it is revenge!"

Frank's eyes revealed a fierce light, revealing a slightly sinister smile, "Using blood to repay blood, using violence to deal with violence, this is the style of The Punisher!"

"I wish you good luck."

Lod took a step back and made a gesture of invitation.

"I will."

Frank nodded heavily and said with a serious face, "When I come back, my life will be yours!"

He never easily made promises to others, but to the man in front of him who gave him strength and a second life, Frank made the biggest promise!

"No need."

Lod smiled and shook his head, "Frank, I saved you because I wanted to save you."

Your life is yours and does not belong to anyone, so you do not need to be grateful to me.

Because of longing and gratitude, rashly offering your life and loyalty is the most stupid behavior for me.

To subdue a person and use kindness to coerce him was the worst method, and Lod disdained it.

Even if he agreed today, with Frank's character, if not for sincere, how long could this relationship last?

So ah...

Let out a long line to catch the big fish!

Lod was not in a hurry. Anyway, the favor that Frank owed would not disappear. Sooner or later, it would be his!

"Well, since you insist."

Frank looked at him deeply and sighed, "Your words are always very reasonable. I will use my own eyes to confirm whether you are worthy of me following you."


Fisk Tower!

The biggest underworld leader of the United States, Kingpin, who was known as the king of the underworld, lived on the top floor of this building!

"Kingpin... Bullseye..."

Under the moonlight, Frank was dressed in a black windbreaker. He was like death god who wanted to claim his victim's life. His eyes were filled with killing intent. "The time of your death... has arrived!"

Frank slowly walked towards the Fisk Tower.

In the past, he had to put in a lot of effort in order to sneak in, but now he didn't need it.

In the state of death god's spirit body, these people without spiritual power could not see Frank at all.

The inside of the building was brightly lit and decorated. Frank was in the middle, but the people who were patrolling did not notice it at all.

"Let's start from here..."

Frank muttered in his heart.

Zanpakuto's Shikai - Pale Justice!

Without any superfluous words or any signs, Frank began his 'Massacre'!

"Evil people, no need to be forgiven!"


The roaring bullet instantly shot out of the chamber, piercing through a fierce-looking man in a suit!

A person suddenly died from a headshot, and the rest of the people who were patrolling saw this scene and instantly burst into a commotion!

"What happened?"

"Peter is dead!"

"We're under attack! We're under attack!"


Another person was shot in the head. The thick white substance mixed with blood splattered on the person next to him!

"Help... Help!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

"Where is he? Where is the intruder?"

Frank was expressionless. The gun blade let out a wanton roar and pierced the bullets into their chests!

"It's... it's a demon!"

"He's a demon, we can't see him!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Don't kill me! It's not me!"

In the face of death, all lives were equal.

When they stood on the side of sin and bullied the weak, did they also think that they would be destroyed by a stronger force?

Obviously... they had never heard of it!

"Evil should be punished!"

Frank did not pay any attention to the pleading and crying of these people. He mercilessly pulled the trigger and reaped the lives of these people!


It was the sound of death!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cries and pleading gradually weakened. Frank walked past the blood and corpses and headed towards the top floor of the Fisk Tower.

Tonight, the moonlight was really beautiful!

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