Martial God Asura

Chapter 5556: Jie Tian Enters

Chapter 5556: Jie Tian Enters

“Why does that old man trust you so much?” Eggy was perplexed.

Chu Feng was surprised as well. He had expected the chief elder to stay here with him after evacuating the others.

The reason he drove the others away was not to prevent others from uncovering the secret behind Little Fishy’s bloodline. With his means, he was confident that he could achieve that even with others scrutinizing his every move.

His true motive was to conceal his skills.

He had gained a much deeper understanding of the formation in this realm over the past few days, such that he was worried that he might draw unwanted attention if he revealed what he was truly capable of. That being said, he was willing to reveal it to the chief elder as he trusted the latter. He could tell that the chief elder harbored high hopes and wouldn’t harm him.

What he had done earlier were just simple adjustments to better optimize the formation armor, but what he wanted to do from this point onward went beyond just simple adjustments. He was planning to transform the formation armor into something solely for Little Fishy’s use.

He spent ten whole days constructing the formation. He was utterly spent by the end of which, but a satisfied smile formed on his lips as he looked at a palm-sized sphere floating in an incomparably powerful formation.

The formation wasn’t complete yet; there was one remaining step, but he needed Little Fishy’s bloodline power for that.

“Lord Jie Tian!”

“Lord Chief Elder!”

Chu Feng hurriedly stowed away the formation he had spent ten days constructing before heading to the door. This room was constructed in a way where those inside the room could see what was happening outside, but not the other way around.

There were few people outside the room. Ten days of waiting had probably convinced them to leave for the time being, though the chief elder and the chief engineer and some of the engineers, the maintenance staff, and the elders were still around.

However, what caught Chu Feng’s attention were two foreign faces.

One of them was an emaciated old man who looked like his days were numbered, though he was clearly extremely powerful. He was dressed in the same robes as the other chief elders, which hinted that he was a chief elder as well.

Beside him was a dashing young man who gave off a cold impression. Chances were that he was Jie Tian.

“A rare guest! What brings you here, Elder 444?” Chief Elder 333 asked the emaciated old man. His sharp tone suggested that the two of them weren’t on good terms.

“Lord Jie Tian requires an engineer. My apologies, but we’ll have to ask you to make some leeway for us,” the emaciated elder said.

The engineers present widened their eyes in horror. None of them wanted to work for Jie Tian, having heard about how he mistreated formation entities.

“You have a new engineer on your team. I want him,” Jie Tian said.

The crowd was stunned. No one had expected Jie Tian to know about the new engineer. However, the engineers heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing those words.

The chief engineer stepped forward and said, “Yes, Lord Jie Tian. We did have a new engineer named 521.”

Chief Elder 333 furiously glared at the chief engineer, which prompted the latter to hurriedly shut his mouth.

“Are you reluctant to give him up to us?” the emaciated elder asked with a smile.

“I don’t know how you learned about 521, but you can’t have him,” Chief Elder 333 sharply turned him down, not beating around the bush at all.

There was no way he would give away a treasure like Chu Feng just like that.

Those words only caused the emaciated elder’s smile to widen. He took out a token and said, “I’m afraid it’s not up to you.”

The crowd was stunned upon the sight of the token, including the chief elder. The token was inscribed with the words ‘Dispatch Token’ in the center and ‘Primal Elder’ on the bottom right. Naturally, the primal elder had the right to assign anyone to any position, including the chief elders.

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“The primal elder gave you the dispatch token?” Chief Elder 333 was taken aback.

He knew the significance of the dispatch token. It was intended to help not the emaciated old man but Jie Tian, which meant that the primal elder had entrusted his hopes to Jie Tian. As long as he had this dispatch token in hand, Jie Tian would be able to utilize the best resources in the Star Sea Realm.

The primal elder was clearly favoring Jie Tian here.

“Where is 521?’ the emaciated elder asked.

The Star Sea Realm operated on a strict hierarchy. Chief Elder 333 had no choice but to obey even though he was reluctant to let the emaciated elder get his way.

“Wait a moment.”

That being said, Chief Elder 333 entered the room instead of opening the door. He was worried that Chu Feng was still in the midst of constructing his formation. To his surprise, Chu Feng was standing at the doorway.

“521, you saw… everything?” Chief Elder 333 exclaimed.

“Elder, may I refuse the dispatch?” Chu Feng asked.

Chief Elder 333 shook his head and replied, “I’m afraid not. That’s the primal elder’s dispatch token. Even I don’t have the right to refuse if I was the one being dispatched instead. I really don’t know how they learned about your existence.”

“It’s fine. I’ll head over then. I have already completed what I wanted anyway. Elder, I’ll be troubling you to entrust this to the hands of Lord Xianhai Yu’er,” Chu Feng said as he took out the formation he had painstakingly created and handed it over. “You have to place this item into the formation armor, then have Lord Xianhai Yu’er activate it with her bloodline power. It should significantly strengthen the formation armor.”

Chief Elder 333 was captivated by the sight of the formation. He could tell how formidable the formation was even without Chu Feng speaking it out loud. That made him even more reluctant to give up Chu Feng to the emaciated elder.

He first looked at the formation, followed by Chu Feng, then his face hardened in determination.

“521, do you know why I allowed you to construct a formation all by yourself in this extremely important location?” Chief Elder 333 asked.

“That’s because you trust me,” Chu Feng replied.

“Heh…” Chief Elder 333 shook his head with a smile. “I do trust you, but not to this extent. Let me tell you a secret.”

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