luo chenxi shook her head. " no, i'm going back to B city today. this kind of thing can't be delayed for too long. i can only be at ease if i get the things in the safe as soon as possible."

luo chenxin might have been alarmed by the huge commotion that happened the night before.

although luo chenxin was under mu yichen's surveillance at the moment and could not do anything, mu yichen's eyes were still on her.

however, in order to avoid any more trouble, she wanted to hurry.

mu yichen could not persuade her. he wanted to send her home, but he was also rejected.

"your work is more important, go back quickly! B city is in the middle of A city and T city. it's very close. i'll make a turn there. i'll be able to go home in the afternoon after i'm done with my business. besides, luo chenxin's killers have been arrested, so she won't be in any danger."

"my dear, why are you so worried about me? don't you think that i'm smart and capable?"

mu yichen stared at her dainty little face. he lifted his thin lips slightly. " ... i don't think so. "

"get lost! kneel on the durian!"

however, it did not take long for mu yunfeng to call and urge mu yichen to return.

he could only agree to let his woman go to B city by herself.

at the same time, he left liang bro and a few of his best bodyguards to her.

luo chenxi kissed the little dumpling's face as she was sound asleep. she then left secretly and took a bus to B city.


B city was a small city, completely different from the bustling international city T city.

the streets were very quiet, and there were only a few cars coming and going.

liang bro looked around and asked curiously,"young madam, you grew up here?"

this question was actually not very polite.

however, luo chenxi was aware that brother liang was a little dim-witted, so she did not take it to heart.

"yeah, don't you think so?"

"judging from young madam's temperament, i've always thought that you must be the second generation of a rich and beautiful official!"

luo chenxi laughed and said,"speaking of which, i'm barely considered one!" my grandfather used to be the mayor of B city! on the day i was adopted by mommy, everyone said that i hit the jackpot! the biggest villa in the city center is his. it's right there. just stop in front of this house."

liang bro parked the car in front of a luxurious villa.

luo chenxi opened the door and got out of the car. " i'll leave after i get the safe. you can just wait for me here. "

she walked to the door and was stopped by the security guard.

" private villa, tourists, please stop! "

luo chenxi quickly said,'uncle zhang, don't you remember me? i'm chenxi!"

"miss chenxi? it's really you!"

uncle zhang stared at her for a long time before he recognized her. " why did you come back alone? where's the young miss?"

"well ... my mommy's not in good health and has been hospitalized recently. she remembered that she had left something in her hometown and asked me to come and get it. "

luo chenxi lowered her voice and said, " uncle zhang, you know that my mother and ... they don't get along. just let me in secretly and don't make a sound. i'll leave after i've taken my things. "

uncle zhang nodded and was about to open the door for her.

"old zhang! what are you doing? the lu family hired you to guard the main door. how could you let any tom, dick, or harry in?"

all of a sudden, a sharp female voice was heard and stopped him.

luo chenxi frowned immediately when she heard the voice. she turned around.

a young woman in an SL suit with exquisite makeup walked over.

a contemptuous smile immediately appeared on his face when he saw luo chenxi.

"it's really you, luo chenxi! you still have the face to come back to the lu family? don't tell me you've already forgotten that four years ago ..."

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