Ch.170 Labor (1)

Two weeks later,

He had gone through all the necessary procedures.

The villa welcomed its very first owner.

The keys to the villa and the deed were all in Yan Cheng’s hands.

Yan Cheng stuffed them all in his briefcase and secretly brought them home.

He then locked them away in the drawer under his study desk, as if he was doing something really wrong.

He stood quietly against the wall as he looked out of the window with squinted eyes. As dusk approached, the thin layer of clouds in the sky were tainted orange, softening the view of the concrete jungle.

Duny, with its tail upright, rubbed its furry head on his feet, messing up his train of thoughts with its meows as it tried to beg for some canned fish.

He actually had it all planned out.

He’ll just hold onto the fact that he bought the villa, wait for the right opportunity, and then hand everything over to Chen Jinyao as a surprise.Even though he was always busy with work at this time of the day, Chen Jinyao would still remind him every Saturday night: “Tomorrow is Family Day.”

Life, mundane as it is, calls for a certain degree of formality, to add a dash of colour in their normal daily lives, so that their relationship won’t be worn down by work and their lack of communication and interactions.

Speaking of a certain degree of formality, Yan Cheng frowned with his eyelashes lowered.

There was a tea cup on the window sill. With his hands resting on it, his fingers gently rubbed against the wall of the cup.

In two minutes, a thought popped in Yan Cheng’s mind.

In May, two years ago, they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for a marriage certificate.

He remembered the date very clearly, it happened on May 20th.

Due to the special meaning that came along with that date, many couples were there to register that day.

The two of them queued for nearly the whole morning, in the end, they both were exhausted from all the waiting.

It’s almost mid-April now.

In just a month’s time, Yan Cheng’s peach blossom eyes narrowed as it brightened, as if he was suddenly enlightened.

The villa could be a gift for their second wedding anniversary, Yan Cheng thought to himself.

As he thought of this, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking to himself that this was a rather good gift, a very unique and never before seen gift.

He took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Chai Yue.

His fingers tapped away on the screen as he typed out a paragraph of words eloquently.

He was looking for someone to praise him for his brilliant plan.

Chai Yue: “……”

Chai Yue: [Isn’t it just a villa?

Your wife is also the daughter of the Chen family. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and you’re expecting to win her heart with a villa?

Besides, in her eyes, sincerity is far more valuable than spending huge amounts of money. 】

Yan Cheng raised his eyebrows and sneered: [Your thinking is so superficial. This is obviously a home for us. 】Yan Cheng: [There is a big difference between a home and a house. 】

Yan Cheng: [One comes with emotions and feelings, the other doesn’t. 】

Yan Cheng: [Forget it, you don’t even have a girlfriend, you won’t understand. 】

Chai Yue: 【……………………】

Chen Jinyao’s due date was in early May.

Upon noticing that there was only more than half a month left, Chen Jinlin did not try to persuade her any further. Until now, she still just stayed at home and was not at all anxious. After dinner, she walked downstairs with her hands on her hips, pulled Yan Cheng along and told him that exercise would be good for a smooth labour.

She had her own opinion on this, which was understandable.

However, Yan Cheng was indeed anxious.

“I really don’t want to be in the hospital this early.” Chen Jinyao lay on the recliner, closed her eyes, rested her right hand on her belly and stroked it clockwise, as she smiled and comforted him: “Don’t worry, I can feel that he’s very well behaved.”

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