Sophia checked her special account and found that there was an extra $200 million. She called the bank to ask if someone had left a message for her and donated the money to her to help the victims of this natural disaster. Sophia wanted to know who it was. Ruishi bank is famous for protecting user information. Sophia asked nothing about it. It is said that it was a rich old man She donated it.

This money solved Sophia's urgent need. At last, she was able to start the reconstruction work. With this money, the king could not have agreed to the marriage of the eldest prince of R. the eldest prince left in despair.

After the disaster, Sophia handed over the financial power to the special officials. The financial power was in the hands of the Minister of finance, not the royal family. When sufiya let people focus on the post disaster work, she started the behind the scenes fund operation. The financial talents she recruited at that time also started large-scale fund operation. At first, private private placement was started from the private sector, and then, due to the poverty of country a, Sophia began to operate with funds Ya's eyes are on the European tycoons, collecting money from various consortia, and starting financial investment with huge risks

This is a very risky and marginal financial operation.

The risk is big, the reward is also big.

After half a year's investment, fund raisers found huge money reports, so they were more willing to continue to give them money. More coincidentally, Sophia received internal information, and international investors planned to attack the pound for the second time. She also began to plan this project. After three consecutive months of financial turmoil, the government of country y resisted the pressure of devaluation of the pound, but was also invested The plane operator took a lot of money. Sophia has also swept away 400 million pounds in this financial activity, and is one of the most profitable people in this financial speculation, becoming famous at one stroke.

After the success of this project, Sophia was not greedy. After all, financial speculation was very risky and no one could be sure of it. Later, when international speculators attacked the US dollar, Sophia pulled out and did not continue. As she made remarkable achievements in the financial activities attacking the pound sterling, it became easier and easier for the Sophia consortium to raise donations, and their investment planning also made adjustments. Sophia let kantra stare at her, and her eyes began to turn to domestic industry and political circles.

She began to set up factories and farms in China to solve the employment problem in country a. the unemployment rate has also decreased year by year.

Sophia began to make great efforts in the political arena, building roads, railways, schools, and introducing foreign enterprises.

In addition to the basic capital of financial operation, all the money gained from international financial operation was invested in the economic development of country A. it encouraged people to start various commercial activities and liberalized the economic conditions. In a short time, country a was completely new. Any law of country a is too strict, which is not conducive to economic development. Sophia has made some amendments to various economic laws of Ruishi, which has won the support of the Congress and the people.

Country a is like a sunny day after a rainstorm, and it is beginning to rejuvenate.

A year later, Sophia found that there was corruption in the Finance Bureau. She finally had a reason to clean up the moths of the Ministry of Finance and replaced her own people with the Financial Bureau in her own hands.

In just two years, the changes in country a can be seen with the naked eye. Every day, the capital, in particular, has changed the impression of being desolate and barren. All of them are large-scale construction.

By the time Sophia was eighteen, country a had changed completely.

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