His face was black, especially at this time, his little brother was still wet and nodded to greet him. He wanted to look for his dream hostess's hungry and thirsty appearance. Long Si's heart was like being thrown into an oil pan. It was not so bad.

He slapped his little brother and said, "get down, is that what you should think? Is that the person you should think about? Get down, or you'll cut it. "

The two princes of his family still saluted the army with vigour. Long Si went to the bathroom to wash up. He had a dream of Chun in the middle of the night. It seemed that he had never done it. It seemed that there was once, but that time was not a dream.

What a shame.

As long Si is in the bathroom, he thinks about Gu Qiqi next door, the charming side of her family name, and the hearty dream on the beach. He feels that his body has been lighted.

It's very hot.

Why did he dream of Gu Qiqi?

Still such a dream.

That's unreasonable.

Is it not that today, he wants to go to seven seven, the result had a dream?

Damn it!!!

He must be out of his mind.

Don't think about her, don't think about her, if she knows, she will cut off your big * *.

There is such wishful thinking.

He had a dream of such color and shot three times in a row. Long Si was a little thirsty. He opened the door to get water. Half of the floor was his site, the other half was public facilities, swimming pool and gym.

After Gu Qiqi came back, long Si, in order to be selfish, divided the next room into Gu Qiqi, although their bedrooms were connected with a small living room. However, the two shared a large living room and kitchen. Because it was not crowded, Gu Qiqi had no problem with it. She didn't ask much about it. When long Si opened the door, she found that the light in the living room was on, which was a little unexpected.

It's two o'clock in the middle of the night. She's still up?

Just had a dream about Gu Qiqi, which was still such a colorful dream. Long Si didn't dare to see Gu Qiqi at this time. He furtively stretched out his head to see if there was anyone. After listening for a long time, with his special forces' ear power, there was absolutely no one. He came out. It may be that Gu Qiqi forgot to turn off the light, and there was a magazine that was not turned off in the living room.

Recently, Gu Qiqi likes to see midnight in the living room. He gets up to take water and sees it several times.

Long Si unscrewed a bottle of pure water, and he was a little hungry. He found something to eat and made a vegetable salad in a good mood. Just after eating a small tomato, he heard a slight footstep. It was too late to go. He saw Gu Qiqi come in, and Longsi almost spurted out the tomatoes from his throat.

Gu Qiqi is wearing a bikini and wiping his hair with a white towel. His slender and exquisite figure is full of the ultimate power of speech and charm. His slender legs, plump fierce parts and delicate waist are full of sexy words and doubts.

Long Si thought of the long legs in his dream and couldn't help but think of the feeling of the long legs on his waist.

Damn it, it must be really cool.

In this way, dragon four eyes can not be removed from the long legs, it is really beautiful, Yurun, slender, sexy, that piece of small cloth, in his eyes almost become transparent.

There's something hot and suspicious on the vegetable salad.

He heard Gu Qiqi's calm voice, "wipe your nosebleed."

Long Si touched his nose

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