Gu Qiqi lies down beside the bed and falls asleep. She has already felt a lot of pressure, because long Si has been in a coma for ten days and is still awake. The doctor always gives her an uncertain answer. Gu Qiqi is very worried, but she knows that she can't help but wait.

An Xiaoyao contacts Xiaoxue. Because Gu Qiqi's condition is stable, Xiaoxue goes to the United States from country F. they directly send long four back to the United States for treatment. The conditions on the side of Somalia are too simple. They are afraid of an accident, and they can't remedy it. Besides, the trump medical team in n city is also very strong, which helps Longsi the most in n city, They returned to n city.

Xiaoxue has done a precise examination for him. There is no big problem. All kinds of indexes are normal. It is only because the brain has been suffering from hypoxia for a long time, causing damage. He is still in coma. It is difficult for Xiaoxue to determine what is wrong with him. He can only wait for them to wake up and check again to see if it will affect his daily life.

After listening to this, Gu Qiqi was very uncomfortable. She was always worried. At the same time, she made up her mind to take good care of long si no matter how he became.

Another day passed.

She felt his fingers move slightly. She was confused. She woke up in a hurry and went to see long Si. She saw that his eyelashes moved, as if to wake up. Gu Qiqi was very happy. He threw himself in front of him and looked at him without moving his eyes. He was afraid of missing something. Long Si's eyes moved several times and finally opened. I don't know if he has been sleeping too long. His eyes are very moist and his eyes are very clear. He looks very gentle. Gu Qiqi's whole heart is soft. How can he be associated with the explosive fire dragon four? It is very cute and pitiful.

If he knew that she was such an idea, she would go wild again.

"Dragon four, are you awake?" Gu Qiqi asked in a soft voice, almost crying with joy. He finally woke up.

Long Si didn't react at all. He just looked at her. His eyes were very confused and straightforward. He didn't know what he was thinking. The wounds on his body were basically healed safely, but now he just woke up.

Gu Qiqi was afraid that he called her to go as soon as he opened his mouth. He said in a hurry, "dragon four, what's wrong with you? I'll call the doctor. I won't leave you again."

Long si still did not speak, Gu Qiqi said, "I know I hurt your heart, once let you very disappointed, give me another chance, I will not let you lose hope, OK?"

"Hungry..." Long Si whispered, Gu Qiqi hurriedly went to get a bowl of hot porridge to feed him. After eating the porridge, long Si felt much more comfortable. He looked around at Gu Qiqi in a daze, and then looked at Gu Qiqi

"Well, do you recognize me?" Gu Qiqi was very happy. Xiao Xue said that long Si had stopped breathing for 10 minutes, which was very dangerous. It might cause certain damage to his brain and may have some sequelae. Gu Qiqi has been worried that long Si will become a vegetable or a fool. No matter what he becomes, she will take care of him and will never turn back.

However, he felt very uncomfortable at the thought that the energetic dragon four would have some untouchable sequelae.

It's really hard.

Fortunately, he knew himself.

Long Si frowned bewildered and turned to scold, "lying trough! Why are you so big? How can I grow so big? "

Gu Qiqi, "..."

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