Xia Qing is a little sleepy, thinking in one side, is this telepathy?

Not long after, the doctor came out, took off the mask, and regretfully told them that the patient had stopped his heartbeat and that they had declared his death.

Gu Qiqi was struck by lightning, and Xia Qing was stunned.


How can he learn Lu Zhen's feign death?

That's not creative, too?

What if he's dead?

Sleeping trough!

Xia Qing stood up and hurriedly supported Gu Qiqi, who was shaking and plummeting. "Qiqi!"

GU Qiqi began to faint in front of her eyes, her mind was blank, and cold sweat poured out from her back. Suddenly, she did not have the courage to go to see the operating room where the lights were turned off. She didn't believe it. She didn't believe it. She didn't believe it.

Long Si was pushed out and was about to be pushed to the morgue. Gu Qiqi went crazy. He lifted the white cloth and saw the man on the hospital bed. Long Si was not a bit bloody. His face was pale. Gu Qiqi was in severe pain. The nurse tried to tear her away. She was held by Xia Qing and whispered, "get out of here!"

How dare the nurse and Xia Qing confront each other.

Gu Qiqi trembled and started to explore the breath of Longsi. There was no breath left. Her mind was numb. How could it be? How could he possibly die? She doesn't accept the result. She doesn't accept it.

"How can you die, wake up, dragon four, wake up, please wake up..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She clung to the white cloth tightly, and her brain was dizzy all the time. She could not accept the fact that long Si died like this. Eagle eye wiped her tears. The bullet hit too close to the heart, and it was very difficult to survive until the operation.

"Don't die, don't leave me alone, how can you bear to leave me alone."

"You son of a bitch!" Gu Qiqi threw himself on him and hit him crazily. He threw his head over his face, beat and slapped him. "You bastard, you lied to me. You lied to me. You said you would stay with me for the rest of my life and love me all my life. Why did you die?"

"Don't you let me love you? How can I love you when you're dead? Our feelings for so many years? Why do you want to contradict me for some trivial things? Why do you want to die? Are you going to punish me

"Wake me up, wake me up. You can't die without my permission. You can't die, you son of a bitch."

Gu Qiqi's tears ran down, and he was lying on his body, beating him constantly. Xia Qing saw Gu Qiqi's behavior for the first time, "don't die, you can't cheat me, love you, you leave me, I haven't had time to tell you."

"I love you. Do you hear me? Are you happy? You jump up and hug me. Why are you still lying down? Are you deaf? Gavin, I love you. "

She punched harder than ever, as if all her anger, sadness, grievances were vented on the beating, unable to stop.

What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? "

"I beg you, will you wake up and look at me? Don't leave me. I can't stand it. I can't bear it. As long as you wake up, I'm willing to do anything you want me to do. You've been waiting for me for ten years. Why don't you want to wait for me another day, can you give me another day? "

Gu Qiqi kisses long Si's lips and wails.

"Asshole, get up quickly!" Gu Qiqi looked at him and suddenly yelled, "doctor, doctor, he can still shed tears, he can hear me..."

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