Mu Yunsheng and Li Huanqing's children were named Li Mucheng and followed Li Huanqing's surname. This was what Mu Yunsheng promised the old lady of the Li family. The Li family was an important political family. The old aristocrat of city a had strong branches, but Li Huanqing was the only direct descendant. The old lady was very upset. She always wanted to continue the family name of Li Huanqing. Mu Yunsheng promised her that their first son would take the surname of Li Huanqing, It is because of this that she has always been stubborn and does not like Mu Yunsheng that she is willing to marry her granddaughter to him. Now Li Huanqing has given birth to a son, and the old lady has her own name. The generation of Li family is mu generation, and the city is the word of Li Huanqing's grandfather, which is a wish of the old people.

Mu Yunsheng is very generous. He doesn't mind whose family name the children follow. They don't just plan to have one child. At the beginning, he did a lot of things to apologize to the Li family, so he didn't mind this at all.

Lu Zhen has been taking care of the little baby these days. Nolan has been on a mission abroad and can't come back. Lu Zhen doesn't tell him that he won't be distracted. It's better not to worry about something on the battlefield. Otherwise, if he is distracted, a bullet can kill him.

An Xiaoyao looks at the two brothers have children, and is envious to death in the heart, but this kind of thing all goes with the fate. At the beginning, they really didn't expect that there would be a second generation so soon.

Xia Qing knows that he is envious and secretly asks Xiaoxue whether she has been living as an agent for many years and her body is broken. They have no contraception and have sex frequently. Why is she not pregnant.

Xiaoxue said with a smile, "children's affairs, with fate, you have no problem with your body, how can you not be pregnant, you are not me, take your time, no problem."

"Sister, why don't you have a child with Dongfang's brother-in-law?"

Xiaoxue smiles, "it's not urgent. Dongfang feels that I'm very tired from running at both ends now. If I have a child, I'll be more tired. I want to have children after a few years of stabilization. If this technology is successful, children are not a problem. It's just a pity that I can't give birth to children in person."

"Many women would like to have their own children when they are pregnant. Their bodies don't get out of shape and they won't have pregnancy marks. The benefits are not too much. I also want to discuss with Xiaoyao whether we should have a test tube, but if I want to say so, he must beat me."

"Snow smile," you really do not know the blessing in the body

"I'll tell you. You think I'm going to do this. Of course I do." Xia Qing was embarrassed to lie. "It's said that seven seven and four dragons haven't called each other for half a year without saying a word. I'm worried. I didn't think about the children's affairs. If it hadn't been for the sudden stimulation of the two children, tut tut..."

"In a few days, the trump card leaders will be reunited. Dragon four should be here." Snow said, "they are really stubborn."

As everyone expected, Lu Zhen became a fresh father for a few days. It was really a technical job to take care of the children. She had to get up in the middle of the night to nurse and change diapers. Lu Zhen didn't sleep well for several consecutive days.

Xiaoxue says that if you don't ask someone to take care of her, Lu Zhen feels that she only contributes a little bit of bone marrow when her baby is born. She also needs other people to take care of her. She insists on not letting others take care of her.

At that time, Xiaoyao predicted that Lu Zhen could hold on for seven days at most.

Who knows that five days have not been able to hold on to it. After the freshness, Lu Zhen looks at her son and stares at her. Why are you so upset? What urine do you make at night? Don't cry. I'm bored.

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