"Why?" Long Si was a little lost in his mind, and his eyes showed a kind of endless sadness and desolation. It was like a person who called on the wind and rain to be deprived of everything in an instant, without any vitality.

After ten years of waiting, he paid everything he could give. He thought that he had hope to get her heart, but the result was desolate. He spoiled her like a life, and he would respond to every request and obey everything. Even the heart made of iron and stone should be covered.

Why, she always, so cold hearted.

Outside, the sound of the car sounded, and long Si suddenly came back to his senses and rushed out. Gu Qiqi didn't expect that he would come. As soon as he frowned and wanted to speak, he was pulled out of the driver's seat by long Si Yi. Before he could react, long Si chopped over Gu Qiqi, who was unprepared for him, was in his arms. Long Si held her soft body and lost his mind.

Hawk Eye and others looked at him with fear, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

What's the rhythm?

Love and kill each other rhythm?

How cruel!

Boss, we did teach you not to be like husky to women, but we didn't make you black all the way.

Long Siben could not have been involved in this matter. He raised his head and looked coldly at Gru and eagle eye. He put Gu Qiqi into another car and said in a deep voice, "you can solve this problem, and Keep your mouth shut. "

He took Gu Qiqi and drove away.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, eagle eye asked uneasily, "boss, this is stimulated Are you out of your mind? "

No one answered him.

It was seven days after Gu Qiqi woke up.

In the past few days, long Si kept giving her medicine, but she didn't wake up until they arrived at the small island in the south of Golmud, which was a five-star island with only one building. The terrain was very flat, the sea was blue, and there were several wooden bridges in the shoal. Gu Qiqi woke up, and his whole body was sour and soft, and the whole person was chaotic and confused.

Only the sound of the waves kept coming.

Her heart is cold, the first impression before coma is that long Si knocked her out.

Damn it!

Room decoration is very European style, white big bed, white combination furniture, white curtain, showing a sense of elegance and simplicity, where is this? Gu Qiqi got out of bed to see where she was. Her legs suddenly softened. Gu Qiqi was unprepared. She fell forward and bumped into the small sofa beside the bed. Her whole face changed.

There was no strength in her legs and feet, as soft as no bones. There was a pain in her knees, even in her hands and feet. Gu Qiqi's eyes widened and she realized a terrible possibility. Her face was extremely pale.

She stood up with her body propped up and grabbed the curtain. A terrible ache came from her knees. Gu took a breath. She could barely stand, but she had no strength.

She staggered to the shelf and tried to pick up a vase, but her hands were sore. She didn't have any strength. She couldn't even lift a vase less than three jin.

Gu Qiqi takes a deep breath.

"Dragon four..."

She didn't expect that this kind of reagent, which makes people lose the ability to move, would be hit on her one day. It was a nightmare.

Gu Qiqi couldn't stand for a long time, and fell on the carpet again. Fortunately, there was a thick wool carpet in the room. The fall didn't hurt. Sharp anger came from the bottom of his heart

At this moment, the door opened.

She had a pair of cold eyes.

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