He said, and told her not to run around to get food. A group of people rushed to feed her. Some people peeled shrimp for her, and others picked fish for her. Xiaomengwa was very tangled and wanted to eat, but her brother didn't like

"Doll, why don't you eat it? It's delicious. " A girl coaxed her and gave her a kiss on her face. Xiaomengwa said with a soft voice, "my brother has taken food."

"My brother won't be back until later." One boy said, "eat first, or you'll be hungry."

Xiaomengwa lowered her head and bit her fingers, struggling between her brother and the delicious food. "My brother doesn't like it."

"Nonsense, you just listen too much to the words of summer. Come and have some."


At least a dozen people were fed by xiaomengwa. The middle-aged woman laughed and shook her head. Every child on the island was excellent. Naturally, she had the mind to keep up with each other. There was a lot of struggle between them. As the saying goes, three women play a play, and many children are at the same age. If there is no comparison, it is impossible 。

These struggles can't all be benign. When they brought them here, they were innocent children. They couldn't make up their minds. As guides, as long as they didn't do something out of the ordinary, endanger the lives of their companions or affect their tasks, they could only turn a blind eye to them, and they could only take them to the right direction To guide, can make the correct guidance, the key depends on the child itself.

Some people have established life and death friendship here. Many people's family members, friends, or partners are found on the island. They treat each other with courage and sincerity. They are loyal to each other and are duty bound to their partners. They are righteous and dare to love and hate.

However, there are also some people who have reached a fork in the road and can only give up if they can not be guided.

Xiaomengwa is a special case. She was brought in by Xiabao unintentionally. She has no special skills. She is just a simple, weak and sick child. She has congenital heart disease and may not live to be 10 years old. For them, xiaomengwa has no threat to their status and interests. They all have a sense of superiority. Although they may not have a lot of sympathy, they can do their best to treat them well.

She is like a piece of white paper. She sees more blood, cruelty, betrayal and killing. She also likes such white children, not to mention the children in the training period.

"Sister, I want drumsticks..." Xiaomengwa points to the big drumsticks on the plate. The girl puts her drumsticks on another plate and laughs, "kiss one."

Little cute baby gave her a wet kiss.

"Baby, I'll give you lobster and a kiss." Said a teenager.

Xiaomengwa gave him a kiss on the cheek and got a lobster. After a while, two full plates were piled up.

"Doll, why don't you eat it?"

"Wait for brother." She laughed innocent.

"Hello, sister?"

"No, brother."

"I'm a brother, too. Shall I feed you?"

"No, I have to feed every day."

People, "..."

A six-year-old girl muttered in the outer ring, "I'm so tired of summer that I'm not without hands. I have to be fed by others when I eat. I'm delicate."


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