"You're right." Xia Qing did not deny that, "I am self willed and self willed. No matter how, it is between us. I like a person and I dare to fight for it. You like him for so many years, but what have you done for him? What did you fight for? Now you can't blame anyone else for passing by. "

Enron was angry. "I don't hate anyone."

"So what are you doing with this?" Xia Qing said, "if you are not reconciled, how can you come and say these words to me? As a winner, maybe it's too much to say so with the loser. But, miss an, I sincerely advise you that if you meet the man you like again, put down your pride, put down your self-esteem, and pursue him bravely, you may get what you want. If you don't have the courage, how can love come to you? What is love at first sight It's all farting. Feelings need time to develop. If you don't have the courage to fight for love, love will abandon you

After saying that, Xia Qing ignored what she thought and turned away. She thought that she was a very kind person, not too mean to her rival in love. With her character, she even had no will to speak with Enron.

But I couldn't help saying something.

After all, it's an Xiaoyao person. She can hurt faster and he is comfortable.

There are not so many worrying relationships to consider.

Oh, in that case, she is really a worthy wife.

The first actual combat operation of Fuyun is Xia Qinglai. An Xiaoyao is her deputy. She is afraid that Xia Qing will miss something when she is unfamiliar. Therefore, she must be closely watched during the whole process. She has a good cooperation. Gu Qiqi has a record of the whole process of helicopter escort.

The whole day of the exercise was busy. Xia Qing did not make any mistakes and showed the characteristics and advantages of the cloud. The data was not much different from that of Lu Zhen's Fenghuang No.1.

Lu Zhen is the most familiar with the ship, and it is an honor to be able to operate as well as he does.

"I'm really a genius." Xia Qing summed up a sentence, full of pride, "I didn't disgrace our family, did I?"

"No shame, long enough." An Xiaoyao smiles, and the technical side of the video debugging data, by the way, puts forward some suggestions to see if they can continue to improve, Xia Qingqiao happily watches him busy with long legs.

"The exercise is over. When are we going to spy island?"

"Just these two days. You can ask Qiqi if you want to go back."

"Of course I will go back." Xia Qing said, "without Qiqi, I would have less fun. Besides, Qiqi hasn't been back for so many years, and I certainly miss it."

"Ah, the world of two..."

"I'm going to hold on Xia Qing wants her husband and her best friend.

Xia Qing asks Gu Qiqi whether to go with her. Gu Qiqi is hesitant. Long Si has urged her to go back. If she doesn't go back, long Si will go wild. Xia Qing says, "we don't stay on the island for ten and a half days. At most, we will leave in three days. Then we will continue our honeymoon. What a good decision you have made to return to the United States."

"Well, I see. I'll talk to him in the evening." Gu Qiqi has a premonition that dragon four will draw villains in his heart and curse Xia Qing. Xia Qing ranked first in his hate list.

"By the way, how long is it from here?"

Gu Qiqi calculated the time, "two hours."

"It's really close."

Pull our baby out to make soy sauce.

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