Wipe, as expected, is the constitution of attracting bees and butterflies.

"Isn't that what you want me to account for?" An Xiaoyao said with a smile. She turned and hugged her, and the kiss fell on her hair. "You, don't care so much. You are the baby in your heart."

"I don't think you're good at attracting people." Xia Qing embraces his waist, the body slightly back, says with a smile, "how can I let my wife have a sense of security, this is not my husband's lifelong efforts?"

"Well, if you say that, you're also attracting butterflies and bees?"

"Wipe, in addition to Dai Fei, a rotten peach blossom, who did you see I provoked?" Xia Qing decisively low back quickly, "I have been clean all the time, OK? All the handsome guys I'm flirting with come from all over the world, inexplicable, OK? Even if I'm lucky, I won't have a second chance, OK? Who is so unruly to you? Rabbits eat grass at the edge of their nests. They break the ground, dear. "

An Xiaoyao silently, who in the end is not Jie Cao.

What do you mean to tease a handsome man from all over the world? How many handsome men have you been flirting with?

"Well, I give up. What do you want?" An Xiaoyao asks for advice with an open mind. He feels that he is very secure. He can definitely let a woman trust him with a sense of security for life.

"If you want to look ugly, you can see that a billionaire is either short or fat or Mediterranean. If you are so handsome, do you deserve your assets? I'm going to make you a 200 kilogram fat man, so that no woman will rob you with me. "

Xia Qing clenched his fist and said, "well, this is a brilliant and happy decision."

An Xiaoyao

Ann carefree fondly touched her head and said with a smile, "let's go on our honeymoon. Where do you want to go? Do you like Europe?"

"It's no use changing the subject." Summer is flat.

"It's not a change of topic. We have a lot of things to do since we got married. We can finally have a free time. I want to take you to travel. It happens that Yunsheng's business has been settled. As long as you don't feel happy, Yunsheng will definitely manage the trump card properly. I just have a long holiday and go on a honeymoon." An Xiaoyao said with a smile. This is what he thought while fishing today.

He and Xia Qing met and knew each other. Today, there were very few safe days. He suddenly thought why Lu Zhen and Nolan like to travel around in ships. It was a very good experience. In the vast sea, there were only two of them. Time seemed to slow down and become very slow. If Xia Qing wanted to, Fuyun could take a long journey with his masters 。

"The fat man who said yes was put off by you with his honeymoon? Men pay so much attention to appearance because of Mao, do they still want to hook up small three small four and small five baa? " Xia Qing looked at him bitterly, and suddenly opened his eyes with a smile, "well, if you can take me to spy island to see our family's Xia Baobao, I will reluctantly forgive your physique of attracting bees and attracting butterflies. By the way, I will seriously consider not making you fat."

An Xiaoyao suddenly realizes that Xia Qing's ability to beat around the Bush is too profound. Is this her ultimate goal?

Want to go to agent island?

Well, speaking of it, he hasn't seen her lovely bald head for some time.

"Well, go ahead, go ahead. Don't you want me to choose the place for my honeymoon?" Xia Qing asked him with a smile, "maybe honey month is happy, there will be a baby you are looking forward to."

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