"If I want to eliminate a core institution of government, maybe this is the best way. Although it will hurt innocent people, as long as I am cold-blooded, ruthless and neglecting human life, it's OK."

"Can you imagine what a terrible consequence it would be if one day such people really infiltrated our headquarters?"

It's something you can't even think about.

If so, it would be the Holocaust.

Suddenly, Xia Qing looked awe inspiring, "there is an airplane approaching."

"I see it." An Xiaoyao said that the two planes are coming face-to-face. The armed helicopters of the domestic government and the armed helicopters of the US seals are simply two concepts.

They're not very lucky. They're still choosing transport planes. They don't have weapon systems.

An Xiaoyao drives a helicopter to the left to avoid the missile. At the same time, another missile comes. An Xiaoyao and Xia Qing untie their seat belts in a hurry. They jump off the plane one left and one right.

The helicopter was shot down, gunfire concussion, Xia Qing and an Xiaoyao were pushed out more than ten meters, two people fell into the sea at the same time, the helicopter hovered in the sea, the muzzle of the gun to the sea, intended to wait for them to float up, one shot was killed.

They swept more than a dozen guns in Xiaqing and an Xiaoyao.

A yacht was coming by electricity. Gu Qiqi saw the plane explode from a distance. She was angry and sent out instructions randomly. She fired three missiles to the helicopter in the air. She was not very familiar with the weapon system and did not aim at it.

The seals on the helicopter report to the headquarters in a hurry and apply for evacuation.

They have no chance of winning a ship like this.

The headquarters also issued an order to let them retreat. Gu Qiqi's three missiles failed to hit them, but they scared them away. An Xiaoyao and Xia Qing couldn't hold back in the water, so they came out.

"They are still alive..." The ship's agents cheered up, hurriedly dropped the rope, pulled them up, Xia Qing's face was frightening white, as soon as he came up, he was a burst of black.

She had such a big wound that it was not good to meet the sea water.

An Xiaoyao resets Xia Qing and changes his clothes. It turns out that it is Phoenix. He remembers that Xinlan port reported that Fenghuang was missing. He didn't know who had stolen it. At that time, he sent someone to investigate, but he couldn't find it.

Brother Lu is also a trump. He is familiar with the pursuit system of trump card. It is very simple for him to avoid it.

I didn't expect to meet Phoenix on the sea of Solomon.

"Just now he stopped at the port. We didn't find it was Phoenix. We didn't know it was Phoenix until we got into the cockpit." Gu Qiqi said.

An Xiaoyao simply can't believe that they should have such good luck to meet Phoenix. Now there is Phoenix in hand, and he is not afraid of how many people come. It's just that this thing is too weird.

Why is phoenix here?

One of the agents stopped talking and thought it was impossible.

"Any questions?"

"I just went back to get the gas. It seems that I met our boss, but I don't think it's possible, unless it's a ghost." They saw Lu Zhen cremated.

People, "..."

"Xiaoyao, when I observe the port, I seem to see him and Nolan, but I don't think it's possible." Gu Qiqi said, "I thought I had hallucinations. However, apart from Lu Zhen, who has the ability to evade our pursuit and even drive the Phoenix to the sea of Solomon?"

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