His face suddenly sank. There was such a big exchange of fire in the port. There were bloodstains on the agents. Were they fighting with the local government? Lu Zhen took out his mobile phone and was about to check the information. Suddenly, he heard the secret agent shout, "who is there!"

The black muzzle has pointed to Lu Zhen and Nolan's hiding place.

Nolan pulled out the pistol, Lu Zhen pulled it and pressed aside, "don't shoot, it's my man."

"Who's there, come out, or I'll shoot!"

Lu Zhen knew she couldn't hide it. She stood up and said, "where is your father? Dare you shoot?"

The spy's eyes almost fell off. Lu Zhen suddenly pulled up Nolan and ran away. The agent was a fool. When he reacted, everyone left. Did I wipe it? Did you see the ghost? Or did someone wear the boss's face?

After several steps, he didn't find anyone. His heart was very strange.

"Hello, is the Phoenix in your hands?" Suddenly he heard a question behind him. He was about to turn his head. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice asking, "don't turn around, or you'll be killed!"


"Everyone left?"

"No, the carefree boss and his wife are still in the city."

"Who are you?" the agent asked

There was no sound behind him. The agent turned around again and there was no one. He was sure that he was going to hell.

There was no time for him to grind. He carried the four big oil barrels onto the small steamer. Lu Zhen thought to himself, how stupid! Let Xiaoyao invade the other party's tanker directly, and let the tanker come to refuel. Would it be over?

How stupid of you to come back by yourself.

He took out his mobile phone to check the news this evening, and saw the wanted photos of an Xiaoyao, Xia Qing and Gu Qiqi. Nolan was surrounded by chest and said, "sure enough, it's you again. You can make trouble wherever you go."

"Hey, no wonder we're OK." Lu Zhen said that he had promised Nolan that he would not go to the front line in the future and would consider his work, but he was here, no matter how hard it was.

At the same time, Nolan also watched the news, and then contacted his subordinates to investigate the matter, and basically knew the cause and effect.

"Do you want to inform the seals to go back, or there will be no return. It's a pity that the talents you spent so much money on died." Lu Zhen sincerely suggests that this is a battle without suspense.

"You're so sure our people will die."

Lu Zhen coughed, "I forgot to tell you that Xiaosheng's yacht is actually a ship. They must get the oil and I'll wipe it. They don't know how to operate it!"

Lu Zhen was elated to show off some of her yachts, and suddenly remembered that they should not be able to operate them.

I'm sorry.

Suddenly, there was gunfire in the port. Lu Zhen couldn't manage that much, "help them."

Xiaoyao and Xia Qing are still in the city. There are so many policemen in the city, and Dai Fei leads people to chase them. They are in a very bad situation. Nolan actually wants to let the people of the seal team go back, but he does not have the ability.

This is not an operation under his command, he has no right to speak.

He can only send Sophia a a message, let her think of a way, do not make unnecessary sacrifice.

In the city at the moment, Xia Qing and an Xiaoyao are running for their lives. Dai Fei is chasing after them. There are a lot of policemen in front of them. They are shuttling through the streets of Freetown, hiding bullets running everywhere.

"There they are!" There was a policeman shouting behind him.

An Xiaoyao pulls Xia Qing to the roof to escape. Their roof is rolling and easy to escape.

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