William and Daifei had a good talk. They also took William upstairs to see the two scientists, until they confirmed that William and an Xiaoyao made a gesture and asked if he could transfer money. An Xiaoyao said lightly, "tell him, you can transfer money."

William and Daifei said, "Mr. Daifei, I will transfer money right away. Because the amount is relatively large, it may take a little longer. Please wait patiently."

"No problem." Daifei said, "as soon as the number is determined, I'll give you the man."

Gu Qiqi asked, "are you really going to give him such a large sum of money?"

Damn it, it's skyrocketing. It's too bad for Dai Fei.

Xia Qing kicked him, "it's a disgrace. Give me the money. What can I do for him?"

An Xiaoyao looked at the two women who shared the same hatred. "Did I become a class enemy?"

Xia Qing despised him, "rich people are my class enemies."

An Xiaoyao

The transfer is made through Ruishi bank. It is directly transferred to the account. Because the amount is large and the procedure is very troublesome, Dai Fei is also aware of it. So he is more patient. An Xiaoyao winks at Xia Qing, who pretends to be invisible.

Gu Qiqi waved his hand, "you go away. I can watch by myself. I'll be OK for a while and a half."

"I don't want it. I'll be here with you." As soon as she said this, she was pulled up by an Xiaoyao and quietly led her to the next room.

What does Xia Qing realize? Her face is rarely hot.

Just as soon as the door is closed, an Xiaoyao puts her against the wall and kisses her lip. Xia Qing originally wanted to protest, but at last she circled his neck and stood on tiptoe to cooperate with his kiss. Like each other, they both explore each other's sweetness and enthusiasm. Xia Qing finds out that, in fact, she also misses him very much The kiss. The room is covered with carpet, and she is barefoot. In order to cooperate with an Xiaoyao, she feels uncomfortable when she kisses. She complains that men are too tall to kiss. She simply stands on the instep of his feet.

An Xiaoyao smiles and drags her to pick her up. She kisses her more deeply. Xia Qing is not used to his rudeness. She bites the tip of his tongue to protest. When a man is in love, it is a dangerous move. Xia Qing's legs are around his waist, and he immediately feels that he is hard. The whole person exudes the predatory nature of male animals. His lips and tongues are numb by his kiss, and his vest is covered by He lifted up, Xia Qing simply raised his hand to pull the vest off with him.

His kiss moved along the chin to the fierce mouth. The faint fragrance of women seemed to be the most aphrodisiac medicine. An Xiaoyao bit out a tooth mark on her chest. He thought that he had not been so rude and wanted to swallow her.

Xia Qing raised his head and gasped violently, holding his head and enjoying the intimacy.

"Miss me?" He was leaning against her forehead, his eyes were dim, his eyes were always clear, and his voice was full of fire, and his voice also contained * *, like a burning fire.

"No time to think." Xia Qing is not coy at all, and changed the topic, "I will think about it when I am free, especially when I sleep alone."

She is used to sleeping with a heater.

Her frankness pleases Ann Xiaoyao.

He bowed his head and kissed her, and suddenly touched the gauze on her waist. An Xiaoyao cursed. Obviously, they didn't remember. Xia Qing's waist injury was very serious. Fortunately, he just held her and didn't pull her wound.

I see the company's people all Taobao, I also looked good heart, today want to Taobao a pinch? Girls and boys, let's spend money on singles day.

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