Was it because Jin’s voice rang out particularly clear? A deep silence fell over the courtroom. It was so quiet that someone’s cough from the second floor could be distinctly heard.

Everyone in the hall looked at Jin. Among them was Mariv’s gaze, which held a rather peculiar expression.

“L-Lord Ian.”

Is this right? Even though Ian had signaled it was okay to cast the vote, why were there no follow-up remarks? Jin rolled his eyes to look at Ian, but he was just smiling faintly.

“It’s alright. You did well. Right now, we’re the only ones who can take the lead here.”

Ian whispered very softly and exchanged glances with Mariv. He had his chin raised high and was letting out an incredulous laugh.

‘This is the moment of regime change. By showing the most active will to punish the prince, one must gain an advantage in the next competition. And above all, wasn’t Jin under Dilaina’s protection until recently?’

Not only was he a young prince without political weaknesses, but even if attacks were directed at Jin, they would essentially be aimed at Dilaina. No one would dare to touch him easily.

“I agree as well!”

“Ahem. I am Ashbuster from the Foreign Affairs Department!”

“Wellinger Mave. I agree.”

“Wyvern will add his name too.”

After Quintana took the lead and Mariv remained silent, opinions agreeing poured out like a flood. Those who declared stood up, placed their hands on their chests, and pledged honor to Bariel.


A natural flow continued, like a stream rising. If individuals stood out, they would become Mariv’s targets, but there was no problem if everyone united. Now, rather, those still sitting would catch the eyes of Ian and Dilaina. If they retreated out of awkwardness towards Mariv, they might face truly awkward situations due to the upcoming power players.

Bang! Bang bang!

Even the nobles on the second floor without authority all stood up and agreed to punish Mariv. This was a political show of support for either Jin or Arsen. Mariv looked around at those who had stood up to kill him with an unreadable expression.

“Mariv Verocion, if you have any final defense, I’ll allow it.”

After the defense, the concluding statement of the verdict would be pronounced. This would be his last official words he could deliver under the gallows.

Mariv’s lips quivered, then he composed himself as if resigned. Now, truly, there was nothing more he could do.


Calmly, but with a hint of resentment. Mariv frowned slightly and muttered.

“I just loved Bariel. That’s why I had to become emperor. Because that was the right path for Bariel and for all of you. This day will remain a lifelong stain on Bariel. Watch how your mistake changes the future.”

“…I will now pronounce the verdict.”

As his words didn’t continue, the judge raised his gavel high. There was no need to count the pros and cons in this matter.

“First Prince Mariv Verocion, in the name of the Great Empire of Bariel, I order the stripping of your imperial family name and sentence you to hanging.”


Clap clap clap!

“The execution department, prepare for the execution ceremony.”

“The execution department, prepare for the execution ceremony!”

Along with the order, applause erupted from everyone. They all stood with noble posture, celebrating Mariv’s death. Jin felt this scene somehow strange and looked up at Ian.


Regardless of individual personalities, this is the habit of those who engage in politics. Yesterday’s enemy becomes today’s comrade, and today’s friend becomes tomorrow’s foe.

Where the strongest light shines, the darkest shadow falls. The imperial palace was a place where one could take someone’s death as a profit under the name of gain.

Of course, Ian, who was present here, was no different, but there was one thing he wanted to tell.

“Your Highness, observe. No matter how great Prince Mariv was, there’s no way to avoid when the powerful officials pounce on a misstep. From now on, you must be extremely vigilant and approach everything fiercely. There are people everywhere who will desperately cling to every breath and glance. Especially since what you hold in your hands is the future of Bariel.”

Glory will be given to the victor, and death to the loser. The path Jin had stepped onto to survive would be more arduous than expected, and Ian knew this well.

“Yes. I’ll make sure to do so.”

Jin hardened his expression and kept his eyes on Mariv’s back as he was escorted away. He would never end up like that. When the scar was carved across his face, the child had already died once, in a sense.

“I won’t die twice.”


Ian patted the child’s shoulder at his small resolution. Just then, Romandro approached and informed them of the next schedule. With all the nobles and officials gathered now, the hanging was set to proceed immediately.

“The execution will take place in about an hour, so how about we escort Jin to the Ministry of Magic? I think that would be better.”

“Let’s ask Jin. By the way, what about the Administrative Department?”

“They left the courtroom as soon as the order was given.”

Since Mariv had been expelled from the imperial family, it was natural that there would be no official history of him passed down to future generations. His biography would be downgraded and treated as a general record, and the numerous traces left by the prince would be quickly erased one by one.

“They’ll be the busiest for the next few days.”

“I know. That’s why I got all the approvals I needed in advance. And over there, Sereau.”

At Romandro’s gesture, Ian looked up at the second floor. A familiar young man took off his hat and greeted them. It was the eldest son of the Sereau family, to be used to keep the Hayman family in check. Ian nodded slightly in return.

“We agreed to meet at the Ministry of Magic after the execution.”

“Understood. Everyone’s moving, so shall we go too? His Highness Jin. Will you join us? It’s not a problem if you don’t watch.”

“No. I’ll go.”

Jin spoke firmly. Seeing Arsen smiling, surrounded by ministers, it seemed he would attend the execution. If so, Jin had no choice but to go as well.

Living up to his reputation as the first mana-using member of the imperial family, ministers and nobles were lingering around Arsen even after the trial had ended, showering him with all sorts of flattery.

Of course, there were people approaching Jin’s side as well.

“Your Highness.”


“Have you been well?”

“Of course. You must be Ashbuster, Wellinger, and Wyvern. You all seem to be acquainted with each other.”

“Yes, Your Highness. When the rebellion broke out, we were taking shelter in the Ministry of Magic. We briefly saw you then. And at the grand council too. Your Highness. The courage you showed earlier was truly admirable.”

Quintana and others who had formed ties after several crises. Although their numbers had drastically decreased with rumors of Arsen being a mana user, Jin rather thought it was fine.

‘Anyway, Ian doesn’t believe in Arsen’s mana, and I can appreciate the value of those who remain on my side.’

“Are you attending the execution?”

“Yes. Let’s move to the venue.”

“Let’s go. We have much to discuss. Lord Ian?”

To be precise, they had much to say to Ian rather than Jin. Ian smiled and excused himself in response to Quintana and his followers’ inquiry.

“Excuse me. I have some things to wrap up. Xiaoshi, please escort Jin. I’ll join you shortly. Your Highness.”

“Alright. Come quickly.”

Xiaoshi, who had been hiding her presence like a shadow, appeared and followed close to Jin. It was the execution of none other than a member of the imperial family, the First Prince at that. As it wouldn’t end with just hanging by a rope, there were many things to consider. Especially the dramatic effects that only the Ministry of Magic could produce.

Tap tap tap!

“Where did the execution department’s manager go? I told them to change the rope, but it’s still the same?”

“Mage, please call the execution department’s manager.”

“Make way! Coming through!”

“This is where the nobles will sit. Space them out more.”

“Wouldn’t it be troublesome if blood or filth splatters?”

“The Ministry of Magic will take care of that. Ah, Lord Ian!”

The execution was to be held at the central 1st garden of the imperial palace, in the outdoor opera theater. Spectator seats were prepared, a platform to read the verdict was ready, and the place for Mariv, the main character, was also perfect.

Ian helped finish setting up the scene and then entered the waiting room where Mariv was said to be.


He was gagged and bound. It was a natural measure to prevent him from committing suicide before the execution, which would tarnish the honor of the imperial palace. There was no need to consider the position of someone who was no longer even a member of the imperial family.

“No problems. Keep watching him well.”

“Yes, understood.”

It was just a visit to check the condition of the subject. As Ian turned to leave, Mariv let out a groan and grabbed him.

“…Mariv, your right to speak has ended.”

He’s a man with a serpent’s tongue. There’s no reason to remove the gag.

“Mmph mmph!”

“You said earlier, didn’t you? That this day would remain a lifelong stain on Bariel. That we should see how a mistake changes the future.”

Ian bent down to meet his eyes, then smiled.

“You should watch from heaven. What this day means for Bariel. It’s the first step towards finding its proper orbit, so I’m sorry, but-“


Mariv stopped resisting. He truly felt death approaching. Ian quietly whispered in his ear.

“There are too many people who love Bariel just as much as you do.”

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