n the dim dawn, the lights of the imperial palace came on early. Everyone prepared themselves in silence, put on their formal attire, and sat down for a solemn breakfast.

Ian was no exception. He slowly buttoned up his coat with the help of his attendants. He pinned every badge and patch awarded to the Minister of Magic to his chest without missing a single one.

Today was the day Mariv would disappear from history, and in another sense, a day that would go down in history.

Knock knock.

“Come in.”

“Oh, Ian. You’re almost ready, I see.”

“You’ve arrived. You didn’t wake me yesterday.”

Romandro, too, looked unusually neat. His hair, which was always disheveled from being rushed here and there, was now neatly pressed down. It must be Viviana’s handiwork. Romandro shook his leather folder and shook his head.

“There was nothing urgent, and people should rest when they can.”

“Did you get some rest, Lord Romandro?”

“Of course! With Viviana by my side, I felt at ease even without going home and slept soundly for the first time in a while. I’ve organized everything here that needs a final look, and all we need to do is attend the trial.”

Ian sat cross-legged in front of the mirror. He dismissed the attendants for a moment and checked the report. It’s fair to say that last night was truly a peaceful night where Ian could sleep for the first time in a long while. It was thanks to everyone holding their breath in anticipation of the big event.

“How is His Highness Mariv?”

“I visited the prison early this morning. He seemed fine, so there’s nothing to worry about. And the indictment to be sent to House Hayman will be approved by each department and delivered by tomorrow. I suppose everyone is busy, and they don’t want to create an awkward situation since House Hayman will also attend the trial.”

“Didn’t they say House Sereau would come to the trial too?”

“We’ve arranged to have a meal together after it’s over. I’ve been informed that Marlon Hope Sereau, the eldest son, will come instead because Count Sereau’s health is poor.”

“Ah. That’s fine.”

In many ways, isn’t it better to have someone familiar than a stranger? We’ve met Marlon Hope Sereau at the New Year’s party, and we’ve also seen him when Berik was sparring with Jeirutt. He’s young and gentlemanly, so there should be no problem with the talks.

As Ian flipped through the report again, the attendants approached to finish adjusting his clothes.

“Then please bring His Highness Jin.”

“I will. See you outside.”

Romandro sniffled and replied that he understood. Dressed up so neatly, he truly looked like a young nobleman. There are rumors about how handsome some marquis’s heir is, but he wouldn’t dare to compare himself to Ian.


After Romandro left, Ian made a final check of his appearance and stood up. Unlike usual, robed mages were gathered throughout the lobby. They too were among the important observers of the trial and would move with Ian.


“Lord Ian.”

“Is everyone here?”

“Yes. Everyone except the Mana Stone Management Department is present.”

“And Commander Akorella’s research results are prepared too?”

It was a question about the report on Idgal, the amber-colored raw stone that Mariv had used. The mages responded in turn, showing their documents. It was a petition to condemn Mariv as key witnesses to the scene and core personnel in handling the situation.

“No problem. Let’s go.”


It was Jin. The child walked briskly, guided by Romandro. He was wearing a small but dignified formal uniform. Xiaoshi also looked like she had taken care to style his hair.

“Your Highness. Good morning.”

“Yes. Good morning.”

“Are you all prepared?”

“Yes. I’m ready to go.”

Preparations to meet his mother and Arsen, whom he had never seen before, after the situation was resolved. Ian held out his hand in response to Jin’s answer, and the child grasped it without hesitation. The two led the way down the stairs of the Ministry of Magic building.

Tap tap tap!

Dozens of mages followed behind them. The cold morning wind ruffled their robes, but their expressions remained firm. Jin glanced back slightly, taking in each of those accompanying him.


The procession of nobles entering the palace to attend the trial seemed endless. This included nobles suspected of treason, including Hayman, but Ian had insisted that all central nobles participate in the trial without exception. Thus, he made them see clearly with their own eyes what the consequences of treason would be.

No matter how much of a prince one might be, this is what happens if they threaten Bariel. The nobles should forever remember Mariv’s case and refrain from any foolish actions. It was essentially a warning.

Tap tap tap!


“Ah, Lord Charlotte. Hello.”

“Come on, let’s go in. What’s the point of standing out here?”

“The trial will end in one day, right?”

“Well, what’s there to drag out? His Majesty was injured, and the ruins of the palace are evidence of that. I’m curious about what method of execution will be imposed on His Highness Mariv.”

“If he’s expelled from the imperial family, I think it might be hanging.”

The crowd was reminiscent of a New Year’s gathering. Carriages were densely packed in front of the courthouse, and the nobles entered solemnly, whispering among themselves. All were dressed in achromatic colors.

Viewed from above, the scene gave the illusion of a grand funeral rather than a trial.

“It’s Lady Dilaina and His Highness Arsen.”

“Oh, they’ve arrived. Have you heard that rumor?”

“You mean about His Highness Arsen being a mana user?”

“The world is truly interesting. How curious that His Highness Arsen showed his ability in a situation like this. By the way, I heard he was injured, but he seems to have recovered well.”

“It must be troublesome for His Highness Jin and Lord Ian now.”

“Shh. They’re coming this way.”

Dilaina and Arsen stood out prominently among them. The two climbed the stairs hand in hand, leading their supporters. Even those who had thrown their support to Jin just a few days ago were mixed in. The nobles parted to the sides and bowed their heads, and Dilaina, recognizing Hayman, approached him.

“Duke Hayman.”

“Lady Dilaina.”

The two exchanged greetings and whispered something secretly. Dilaina frowned and nodded, and seeing this, the nobles were convinced of what had only been a rumor. That Hayman, the financial backbone of Bariel, and Arsen, the mana user, had met. That the emperor of the next generation seemed to have already been decided.


Tap tap tap!

At that moment, carriages arrived one after another, making a harsh friction sound. They were carriages bearing the flag of the Ministry of Magic. The nobles hurriedly retreated into the courthouse, fearing they might be caught in the crossfire, and Dilaina stopped in her tracks to look down.

“Your Highness, please step down carefully.”

“Thank you.”

It was Jin. The child stepping down from the carriage, escorted by Ian. He seemed to have grown a bit taller in just the short time they hadn’t seen each other. Dilaina bit her lip hard, unable to take her eyes off Jin. Arsen merely looked up at Dilaina with a dry gaze.


Jin, who had been diligently climbing the stairs, spotted Dilaina. And then, Arsen beside her. Arsen greeted Jin on behalf of his mother.

“Jin. It’s been a while.”


“Your wounds seem to have healed a lot. I missed you.”

Jin felt very strange. These were people he had been with his entire life since birth. But after being apart for such a short time, how could it feel this awkward? He had thought they were indispensable people in his life, but now it didn’t seem that way.

Right now, Jin was standing firmly. He was looking straight ahead, and his heart didn’t waver at Arsen’s greeting.


‘Yes’? What kind of answer is that? Arsen raised an eyebrow slightly and met Jin’s gaze.

‘Well, well.’

His gaze is sharp. Arsen inwardly sneered as he carefully examined the child. His complexion didn’t look bad at all, suggesting that the Ministry of Magic was taking good care of him.

“Lord Ian. Are you serving ‘our’ Jin well?”

Ian also smiled slightly in response to Arsen’s glib greeting.

“Of course. ‘Our’ His Highness Jin is intelligent and thoughtful, so everyone in the Ministry of Magic praises and serves him. How is your physical condition, His Highness Arsen?”

“As you can see, I’ve recovered, but the wounds in my heart haven’t healed. As long as Brother Gale is alive, I don’t think they’ll heal easily.”

It was a criticism of Ian, who was protecting Gale. Even if he was a prince, keeping alive someone who was clearly a criminal. It was a warning that Arsen was quite irritated. But Ian pretended not to understand and shook his head glibly.

“I understand your concerns must be great, but I hope you can compose yourself.”

“How could that be easy? How can I forget someone who tried to kill me? I absolutely cannot do that.”

Arsen growled lowly. Those who had tried to kill him included not only Gale but also Ian. Even if he hadn’t given the order directly, hadn’t he urged for the matter to be dealt with?

As Arsen roughly grabbed Ian’s arm, Jin immediately pried his hand off.


“There are many eyes watching.”


“Ian, let’s go in now. Arsen, take good care of Mother. Including my share.”

Jin nodded slightly to his mother as a form of greeting. Ian did the same. He smoothed out his crumpled sleeve, tidying his appearance.

“Well then, we’ll be going. His Highness Arsen. We’ll see you again.”

The mages who had been waiting a couple of steps away filed past Arsen and Dilaina. If Arsen was a mana user, he would likely have a close relationship with the Ministry of Magic, but the overall atmosphere was cold, indicating hostility.


“The Ministry of Magic has arrived.”

“The time, it’s about to start soon.”

“Tsk tsk. His Highness Mariv is truly something. Just look at His Highness Jin’s face. To inflict such wounds on a young prince.”

The ceiling of the courthouse was a large dome that curved down. On the platform, there were fifty-five seats prepared for the judges. Given the gravity of the matter, all the authoritative figures from the Judicial Department had come out to sign the verdict.

“The authority for the verdict is divided as follows: half to the Judicial Department, a quarter to the imperial family, and the remaining quarter to the high-ranking officials of the imperial palace. His Highness Jin can also cast one vote. However, this will be made public, so you must make your position clear.”

It was a kind of participatory trial. The noble spectators observed from the second floor, while the imperial family and high-ranking officials were seated on the first floor. Behind the judges, a large imperial throne sat empty. If the Emperor hadn’t been incapacitated, he would probably have sat there, looking down on the courtroom.

“I understand.”

“Don’t be nervous. The one who should be nervous today is someone else.”

Is there anyone more fearful than someone facing death? Jin moistened his lips with his tongue and straightened his posture. Soon after, the doors opened and judges in velvet robes entered in a line.

“Please be quiet. We will now begin the trial regarding Prince Mariv’s charges of treason and the attempted assassination of His Majesty the Emperor.”

Bang bang!

The sound of the chief judge’s gavel immediately silenced the commotion in the hall. All the judges sat in their places, looking forward with dignity.

“Bring in the defendant.”


Everyone turned their heads towards the sound.

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes, surrounded by soldiers. His long hair was tied back, and he wore glasses as usual. With even the chains removed for the sake of dignity, he maintained the princely authority he had always possessed.

“It’s His Highness Prince Mariv.”

“How could he still…”

“Shh. Be quiet.”

The murmuring subsided quickly. Mariv calmly took his seat and lifted his head to look around. All the central nobles were looking down at him. Those who had been busy licking his boots now gazed at him with looks of disgust, pity, sympathy, or anger.


Mariv then spotted Ian. He raised the corner of his mouth in a sardonic smile and whispered something silently. Ian frowned, unable to make it out, and Mariv smiled and straightened his head.

“State the defendant’s name.”

“…I am Mariv Verocion, First Prince of Bariel.”

Mariv’s history began to come to an end.

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