Chapter 170

Ian and the chiefs of each department gathered around a giant round table. Outside, roars and screams continued to be heard. As the situation was extremely urgent, Ian only checked with a glance to see if everyone had gathered.

Without even time to sit, they leaned their upper bodies on the round table and looked at Akorella. She brought a glass box containing gray powder and poured it onto the table.


It was mana stone powder as soft as fine sand particles. It reacted to mana like magnetism and had the ability to remember shapes.

“Someone pour mana into it. We’re in a hurry.”

As Akorella spoke while tapping the powder, someone blew mana into it. The mana stone powder began to clump together on its own, soon forming the entire Imperial Palace. A three-dimensional blueprint, as if looking down at the palace from a god’s perspective.


Akorella didn’t stop there and sprinkled yellow and black powder. As if given life, they tangled and clumped together, roaming the blueprint. It showed Mariv and Gale’s forces in real-time by sensing them with mana.

“Why yellow and black?”

“Hmm, yellow head, black head.”

Akorella answered a colleague’s question without hesitation. It was an attitude that there was no respect for those who had messed up the palace like this, whether they were princes or whatever. The colleague bit his lip, about to refute.

“Currently, battles are continuously taking place centered around the First Imperial Palace. It seems it won’t end until one of the princes of each force dies.”

Among the countless powder particles, Mariv and Gale were also certainly alive. Ian muttered while scanning the overall situation.

“No. The princes won’t kill each other.”

“What? Aren’t they making this fuss trying to kill each other right now?”

“It’s a process to drive out the other’s forces. If they gain victory through the death of either Mariv or Gale, they won’t be able to persuade Bariel.”

“When you say Bariel…”

“Me. You all. And the citizens of the Empire.”

It meant Ian, the core of the third force that did not participate in the battle. You all, referring to the talented individuals of the palace, excluding the core members. The citizens, meaning the faith and support of the people.

“After officially referring it to the palace court and receiving ‘everyone’s acknowledgment’ that the other party committed treason. Only then, executing them will become the indulgence for the current situation.”

It didn’t matter what the truth was. The victor would be justice and righteousness, so whatever the defeated said would be a protest.

“For the legitimacy that will be recorded.”

“Then, then what do we do? What should we do?”

The chiefs all turned to Ian. Ian muttered while continuously looking down at the terribly wriggling mana stone particles. Each of those represented a person and a life, but soon they would turn into corpses.

“…Does everyone remember the ‘Mage’s Oath’?”

The Mage’s Oath. It referred to the words of the sage written in the Great Grimoire that had been passed down for a thousand years. Those who studied and coveted magic had no choice but to memorize it. Akorella was the first to recite, pushing up her glasses.

“To a mage, mana is another sense that transcends the five senses. See the truth, listen to what the soul speaks, and speak of the divine.”

Hale, who had been chewing tobacco, took up the oath.

“Smell the burning of greed and be cautious, taste the longing. Remember that what burns within you is a flame, and don’t let it be extinguished by the external wind.”

The chiefs exchanged glances and slowly synchronized their breaths. The sage’s words were still alive through the mages, transcending immeasurable time.

“Thus, let the inner flame burn eternally. It is the light that illuminates the world—”

‘And it will keep you warm.’

Naum was the same. As if he continued to live in Ian’s memories, his voice seemed to echo in his ears. Isn’t it truly strange? The mages of this era, according to history, should have been those who participated in Gale’s treason and were purged.

However, right now, they didn’t seem different from Naum. They were no different from the mages who had supported Ian.

‘The difference in leadership.’

The importance was newly felt. Ian drew a line in front of the blueprint of the Ministry of Magic on the round table.

“The Ministry of Magic will maintain neutrality without getting involved in the current situation.”

“I agree. What’s the point of a person intervening in a dog fight?”

“Akorella, shall we show some restraint?”

“Ah. I don’t know! The mana stones were supposed to come in today, but they went across the water due to the lockdown.”

The chiefs ignored Akorella’s words and turned their heads. They had thought she seemed more resentful than usual, and indeed, she was.

“Construct the defensive formation as large as possible and provide space for all those seeking safety.”

“Even for the forces of Mariv or Gale?”

“Instead, if they cause a disturbance inside, expel them without mercy. There will be those who are unaware of the Ministry of Magic’s existence in the chaos. Leave this to Nakina and Tommy. I know they are skilled in handling disaster victims due to their field experience.”

Hale nodded in agreement.

“The Department of Magical Support will be in charge of the defensive formation. Hale, confirm the location of His Majesty the Emperor. It would also be good to find out where the Imperial Guard is. If nothing is amiss, they should be with His Majesty. Ah, the Imperial Guard Captain Riama has betrayed us and gone over to Mariv.”

“In that case, we just need to find Jeirutt or Beors. They are exceptional swordmages, so there won’t be any problems.”


Ian tapped the table with his hand. The forces of Mariv and Gale were already raiding the palaces of Arsen and Jin.

‘Mariv will try to kill Arsen and Jin as well. Dilaina has joined hands with Gale, and they won’t recognize the Emperor’s authority. Above all, when a commotion occurs, it’s right to cut them off completely. From Mariv’s standpoint.’

Would Gale have the capacity to protect Dilaina and the twin princes? He wouldn’t. He would be too busy just trying to preserve his own life. Looking at the frighteningly entangled mana stone powder, Ian swallowed a sigh.


There was no other way.

“Here! Beric, here!!”

Ian pressed his temples and called for Beric. As if he had been waiting, he poked his head through the door crack. His eyes were not only twinkling but also flashing with light. He clearly wanted to jump into the commotion outside. The cool pool of blood as large as a puddle was waiting for him.

“…Prepare an escort. We’re going to get Arsen and Jin.”

“Oh yeah! That’s it! Wow!”

“I told you to show restraint.”

“How can I fight if I show restraint? Hmm? Let’s go quickly! I’m also incredibly good at clearing a path. Mmhmm! As expected, the minister’s judgment is amazing.”

He frolicked around, swinging his sword by himself. Indeed, could the escort be entrusted to him? No. The mages shook their heads and stood up before that. It was to stop Ian, who was about to leave.

“Minister, are you going personally?”

“Isn’t it dangerous? We’ll go instead.”

“That’s right. If something happens to you, it will be truly problematic. Not only for the Ministry of Magic but for the entire palace.”

Ian looked at them while putting on his outer garment. A faint smile flashed across his face.

“Is there anyone here who can go to the palace more safely than me?”

It had a double meaning. It was asking if there was anyone with stronger mana than Ian and if they had political standing. No matter how bloody the battle was, they couldn’t harm the Minister of Magic who had declared neutrality.

“Killing those who have declared neutrality is equivalent to shattering the justification that they rose up to prevent treason. If it’s a mage, they can just pass it off as being unluckily involved. But I am a minister, so the problem will escalate.”

“A moving Hayman Bank?”

“Oh. Beric. The metaphor was good.”

“Hehe. I also smell the scent of books next to you all the time!”

Ian laughed while patting Beric’s shoulder. While straightening his clothes, he looked at each chief and urged them not to forget their duties.

“All departments except the one constructing the defensive barrier, create and maintain portals. High enough for everyone in the palace to see.”


“We shall obey your orders.”

“Come on! Let’s hurry, it’s hectic from the morning!”

“Akorella. You seem excited.”

They couldn’t understand why the portals were being created. If it was to inform that this place was a safe zone in the palace, they could have shot up flames with less mana. However, the mages followed him, thinking that the minister had his intentions.

As the conference room door opened, everyone gathered in the lobby looked at them.

“Minister Ian, what should we do now? The princes have surely gone mad. His Majesty the Emperor is also missing, and even the seal is rolling around in that mess!”

“This is a disgrace to Bariel. How could His Excellency Mariv and His Highness Gale do such a thing?”

“They, they say each other committed treason, who, who is the real one?”

“Does that matter? Right now? In this situation?!”

“Don’t say that, and please allow us to leave. If we stay here like this, I think something terrible will happen.”

Everyone loudly expressed their anxiety. They instinctively knew. Here in the palace, moments of the world turning upside down were unfolding. Ian lightly raised his hand to stop the commotion.

“Since even the Department of Imperial Defense has joined the battle, there is no way to stop the danger inside the palace from leaking outside. Therefore, the palace entrances will be strongly sealed. Calm down and stay here. The mages will guarantee your safety, so trust and wait. Romandro!”

Romandro was talking with colleagues he had worked with in the administrative department. About the current situation and the whereabouts of His Majesty the Emperor.

“We will bring Prince Arsen and Jin.”

“Ah, that, I just heard that Jeirutt is not in the palace because he’s on duty. Last night, Captain Beors would have guarded His Majesty the Emperor’s quarters.”

Ian nodded at Hale. Things had become easier. They only needed to detect the mana of one person, Beors. Ian reassured him and made a request.

“I entrust this place to you. We’ll be back soon.”

“Ah, yes, yes. Well, be safe.”

Romandro glared at Beric. It meant to get his act together and escort Ian well. Beric smiled brightly and raised his sword.

“Of course! I support Ian!”

At Beric’s resounding voice, the officials’ eyes widened. The mages as well. Hale laughed and flicked his cigarette.

“Ah, yes. Our minister, we support him.”

“Minister Ian. We also support you. The more the situation is like this, the more we need to gather strength and will together. If you need my name, use it. I am Ashbuster of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!”

“I am Wyvern!”

“Mabe! Wellington Mabe!”

The officials shouted their names and declared that they would unite their will with Ian. Beric excitedly waved his sword, and the mages placed their hands on their chests.

Ian passed through the defensive barrier without answering, and Beric immediately followed.

“Bye! We’ll be back!”

“Nakina, Tommy! Guide the nearby people to the safe zone.”

“Okay. Let’s go!”

Zing! Zing!

Nakina and Tommy soared into the sky once again. The two freely roamed the sky, guiding fleeing people toward the Ministry of Magic, and the mages created portals according to Ian’s orders.


It would be appropriate to say that the sky was being split. A wound appeared in the blue sky. As if the night hidden in the bright daylight had been drawn out. A black space where only darkness existed.

“Wow, Ian. Look at that! A black crescent moon has risen!”

“That is the skeleton of the portal.”

Beric exclaimed in admiration and beheaded a soldier rushing at them. Blood spurted, and a scream rang out. Ian and Beric ran toward the palaces of Arsen and Jin.

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